Excuse #1: I don't have time to exercise.
Actually, you don't have time not to. Not only does exercise ward off countless diseases and illnesses, it also decreases stress, increases happiness, helps you sleep better, and improves your sex life. Plus, you're more likely to get a job and to earn more if you're thin. On top of all that, exercise will give you the stamina, energy, and joy that you need to parent your children now and in the future, not to mention the great example you'll be setting.
Excuse #2: I can only work out in the wee early morning hours or after bedtime (when its dark).
Understandable. You can either workout inside to a fitness DVD, run on your treadmill, or lift weights in the comfort of your own home. Or you can hit the pavement in the dark with a friend. Just be sure to take safety precautions and you might want to consider buying some reflective gear for added protection (see next post).
Excuse #3: I don't have enough energy.
This could be because you're not getting enough sleep (true, you might have a baby or toddler who wakes up a lot, but I bet you also stay up and watch TV or surf the Net long into the night...don't try to deny it) or that you're not getting quality sleep (exercise will help with that). Your diet might also be zapping your energy. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and good carbs. Forgo candy, soda, and sugary treats - which may give you a "buzz," but won't help you to feel your best. You might also want to consider eating an energy/sports bar or snack prior to working out (watch for a post on this tomorrow).
RECAP: There are no good excuses. Exercise has too many benefits for us to ignore it.
Ask yourself: what is your excuse and how can you "rearrange your life" to make sure exercise becomes a priority?
Let's support and encourage each other as moms! Let's commit to getting in shape in 2008!
I'm working really hard on this.
Working out at 5 am the last six weeks. Last week the kids starting taking naps at the same time so I am going to try working out at 12:30pm.....
Please sleep little babies!!!
Oh, Stephanie! I'm flattered you wrote a post just for ME! LOL!!
Okay, enough with the excuses. :-)
I am totally guilty of the surfing the net until the wee hours of the morning! I need to set a cutoff time and stick to it! I also need to sleep train my baby---I'm not sure which one will be harder!
I love how much more energy I seem to have after I am done exercising whether it is from Jazzercise, walking, or after my palates video. It is getting into the routine that is hard.
Re: excuse #3: Exercising itself will actually give you more energy, too!