Question: Where's the best place for a new mom to shop?
Answer: Anywhere with clean, spacious bathrooms with the following amenities: a changing table and a private place with a comfortable chair or sofa for nursing moms.
Kudos to Babies-R-Us for developing the "mother's room" concept to better meet the needs of customers! Hopefully more companies will follow their lead. After all, it's a great marketing strategy. If businesses build it [clean, private lounges], they [new moms] will come.
Can I add, if you have a Nordstrom's in your mall - it's pricey to shop in but FREE to use their amazing bathroom/sitting room areas! :)
Good point!
I also recommend nursing covers to new mamas. I didn't have one with my first and I often felt uncomfortable in public places (personal preference). With baby #2, I had a Bebe au Lait cover...and I nursed her everywhere w/ confidence.