Tag: give every day

the fall of 11

It is the fall of 2011. I am 29 and our family has just spent the last year in an RV, traveling the country to give to others. Every morning, I wake up and blink, half-uncertain where we are. Sometimes in a Walmart parking lot; sometimes at a campground. Squished in between two tiny girls […]

How We Travel :: MOO cards

Over a month ago, we waved good-bye to our family, our friends, and our home...heading out into unchartered territory. We sold almost everything we owned, packed the rest into a 5th wheel, and are now traveling the country to give to others. It's been scary, exhausting, wonderful, terrifying...good. At this very minute, I'm sitting at […]

It's hard too

"I want to play with Ava," my 4-year-old said this afternoon, with tears streaming down behind her adorable pink glasses. "We can call her," I said, gently. "I don't want to call her. I want to PLAY with her." (I didn't quite know what to say..."Maybe in a year?"). This part is a little harder […]

5 Best Things About Living On-The-Road

Has it only been 14 days since we launched the Give Every Day project? It feels like it's been MONTHS (in a good way). Obviously, we're not experienced RVer's just yet, but I thought I'd share our 5 favorite things about living on-the-road so far. Close Quarters. Everyone warned us that we'd drive each other […]

I couldn't do it without him

"I could never do this trip without you." Tim and I have said that to each other about a hundred times since we started. I happen to think it's more one-sided. As in, I couldn't do it without HIM. Without having any experience, he's already a Master RV Driver and Setter-Upper. He pretty much does […]

(remember me?)

I'm a blogger. But...I'm also an RVer (which means I'm sort of losing track of time as I spend days with my family) (which is kind of nice). I just realized that today is Wednesday and I accidentally skipped Tuesday Tours last night. Actually, we were at a campground last night without WiFi. The wind […]

tomorrow is the reason I haven't blogged since Tuesday

Have you packed to go somewhere for an entire year? Me neither. Until now. Tomorrow is the day we launch Give Every Day. We're having breakfast with extended family in the morning. Then, we'll probably take a group shot in front of the RV. Then...the open road. We decided at the beginning of the week […]


The past 5 months. Whoa. We said good-bye to our house, our jobs, our jeep  - our everyTHING. We bought an RV. And - it's really happening now. We hit the open road in January to GIVE EVERY DAY. I'd be lying if I told you that I wasn't terrified and tired down to my bones. […]

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