16weeks pregnant (including birth plans + belly shots)

16weeks pregnant (including birth plans + belly shots) 1
I just got a new haircut too!

4 months down. 5 months to go.

The 1st trimester was KILLER. To be completely honest, it kicked my $$$ (I would say that, but it's not the kind of thing people said where I come from).

I was terribly nauseous for months on end, lying horizontal for most of the day. I could barely even take a shower (and you should have seen my hair!).

It's getting better. I'm actually cooking again and staying up past 8:30pm...sometimes.

BUT I haven't had that famous 2nd trimester burst of energy yet. Did you?

Still, I am exceedingly grateful for this new life who I feel moving inside of me. (I always feel my babies earlier than the books say I "should" be able to).

16weeks pregnant (including birth plans + belly shots) 2The plan is to have the baby at the local birth center w/ a midwife. I keep thinking about how lovely it would be to have a home birth, but the nearest hospital is 45min away and I have yet to receive a glowing midwife referral.

Regardless of where I end up delivering, I can't wait to meet this little one in early April (third babies are somethin' special so I hear...I was a third baby too). ;)

We'll find out the gender in mid-November. Care to venture a guess?


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38 comments on “16weeks pregnant (including birth plans + belly shots)”

  1. Cute bump! Glad you're feeling a little better!! With Levi I did get the 2nd trimester energy, but with Sophia not at all. I was tired through my entire pregnancy with her.

  2. So glad you're starting to feel better! Not sure I ever got the "burst of energy" with my third, but the total exhaustion did subside for a few months. I'm going to guess another girl. And just so you know, having 3 girls is awesome! :)

  3. Great to hear an update. I had a feeling that the first trimester was a bear for you. I'm also expecting (13 weeks along!) and the first trimester kicked my rear in a major way. I'm actually still on a pretty high dose of anti-nausea medicine. I was sick with Darah, too, but not to the point where I needed medication, so this really took me by surprise. And I sleep about 12 hours a day, so I feel like I'm hibernating. I pray for the energy to return and the nausea to subside soon. It has made it difficult for me to just feel happy and celebratory about this pregnancy, which I know is an enormous blessing....I wish I could feel better so that I could enjoy this time!

  4. Yay for the second trimester!!! With my second pregnancy, I definitely felt much better during my second trimester (first = exhaustion all day long, and by the time I hit my third trimester, I was just done!) You look awesome, though! My guess is another girl... I grew up with three sisters :) Can't wait to hear!
    Also, a quick question. After you deliver at the birth center will you be able to go home the same day?

    1. Yes. The birth center policy is that mom + baby can leave within 4 hours of delivery. It's one of our favorite things about the facility!

  5. You look great! Glad you are starting to feel a bit better - I didn't have much energy until... well - um, I can't remember - I don't think I ever had any energy while I was pregnant!

    I'll guess a girl :)

  6. Love the haircut!

    I'll vote for a 3rd girl.

    Mostly because I think having three daughters is just the best thing ever and I think everyone should be as lucky as I! :D

    congrats again.

  7. I am so glad to hear that you are past the first trimester. I remember from last time how hard it was on you. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and moving around finally. I bet the girls are getting very excited. I think you are going to have a third girl!

  8. You look awesome! I love that belly! I'm happy your first trimester is over. Would you say you had a rougher time this pregnancy than in previous pregnancie?. I am going to guess that you are having a boy. Do you have any guesses? When I was pregnant with Nicholas, both my husband and I just "knew" we were having a boy even though we never found out in the ultrasound. With this pregnancy, I am leaning more towards a girl, but we will find out for sure in December.

    I haven't felt any kicks (I'm 11 weeks) but my tummy sure popped sooner than the first time. Did that happen to you? I'm excited for when my belly actually looks pregnant. Right now, I look like I've eaten too many cheeseburgers!

    Are those jeans maternity jeans? What are your favorite brand of maternity jeans?

    1. All three of my pregnancies were rough (with a capital "R") during the first 1-2 trimesters, but I ended up with wonderful deliveries & healthy babies...so I don't really have anything to complain about it. ;)

      RE: the belly. Mine definitely popped out faster this time around.

      The jeans in the picture are by Habitual. Non-maternity. With a BellaBand. I'm dreading the quickly-approaching-day when I'll have to start wearing maternity jeans. That said, I've been hunting eBay for a pair of Chip & Pepper maternity jeans. I had a pair with my last pregnancy and absolutely loved them!

  9. Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! I am still so sad that I didn't get to see you in person while you were so close. But thank you for the pictures. So thankful you are feeling better and back to blogging. We've all missed you.

    1. I'm sad about that too. We were so close...and yet...I was so sick.

      That said, I have high hopes for future visits. We'll meet one of these years. :)

  10. So glad to hear that you are feeling better! I think that you are having another beautiful baby girl...and I am voting for the name Evelyn (that was the name we had planned for our baby before finding out that we were having a boy).
    We are very excited for you guys!

    1. "Evelyn" was actually on our list for baby #1, but Tim ended up vetoing it. I still think it is a beautiful name though. ;)

  11. I always feel my babies sooner, too... I felt my first at 12 weeks and my second around 13 weeks. I love that feeling. Makes me want a third.... but not yet! :) You inspire me, because as my first two are so close, I often catch myself thinking that we are past the time to start trying for a third. But then I remember that they don't HAVE to be 16 months apart!!! In fact, life might be a little less crazy if they aren't! :) Your girls are going to be such wonderful helpers!

  12. So glad to see a post from you. And you are radiant! Whenever I was pregnant I never *felt* beautiful, perhaps from the nausea and exhaustion with the second two, but whenever I see pregnant mama's now I see the glow I've heard about.
    I'm so glad you are up and moving around again. Nausea sucks so bad. It's quite the mind trip to stay on top of the feeling in a good space for yourself and your family, isn't it?
    Cheers to you and to your pregnancy and may you have a beautiful birth in April. Hopefully we'll hear from you a few more times before then just for all of our curiosities sake. And regarding birth place, listen to your heart and your birth will be exactly what it's meant to be. If you're not connecting with any homebirth midwives in a positive way that's a great reason to have your birth at a birth center. And it sounds like a good one you chose too.
    Anyhow, just wanted to pop in and give a mama hug your way.

  13. Yay! So nice to see you upright & looking so beautiful! :) It definitely took a lot longer for me to feel like I had my energy back with my 3rd pregnancy. Hopefully you'll get it soon! With you being so horribly sick again, I'm guessing #3 is another girl. Excited to hear, either way!

  14. You definitely look GREAT and have that glowing pregnancy look. I didn't get the burst of energy in the 2nd trimester until about month 7... but then I felt great until about month 9 when I was just BIG all over! :)
    I think... maybe you'll have a boy! :)

  15. I got some extra energy... for about a week. Today I was back to taking a nap when my boys did. And according to my calculations we have the exact same due date! :) Although my blog counter is off because the midwives moved it up as early as they could just in case this one decides to come early like the last one. We don't want to go to the hospital if we don't have to! :)
    I'm hoping for a girl, are you hoping for a boy? :)
    Oh, and no home birthing for me even though we're only 10 minutes from the hospital. I prefer their birthing center with the huge jacuzzi tub and where I don't have to clean or clean up anything! ;)

    1. How fun that we have the exact same due date! We can "compare notes" in the coming months. For starters, did your belly "pop out" quicker this time than with the other two? I feel pretty gigantic already...and I'm only 18 weeks!

      Are you going to find out the gender? We have a sonogram scheduled for the 14th.

  16. You look great and I love the hair cut. I had a pretty uneventful and non-sick pregnancy, well until my water broke at 36 weeks 1 day. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope the rest goes very uneventful for you.

  17. I always felt horrible til about 24 weeks. Third and fourth babies are amazing! Well, so were number one and two! I'm glad you are feeling better. You look awesome. I bet you are having a baby boy!

  18. You look so cute! Love your haircut...I think my curly hair is getting cut shorter sometime soon as well! I'm going to say girl only because I have 3 girls and they are so much fun! Do you have a guess yet? Oh and I'm glad that you are over that first part of pregnancy! No fun!

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