We were eating dinner at a friend's house.
Their 2-year-old boy and our 3-year-old girl were being silly at the table as they ate pizza and fruit salad.
He giggled, "What does NO mean?"
She answered, "No means No."
They laughed out loud at their brilliance.
"What does YES mean?" he queried.
"Yes means you smile," she quipped.
I always think I'll remember the funny things, the sober questions, and the creative lines that my girls say. But if I don't write them down, they float on right by me...the wind carries them away from my memory. Poof!
Lately, I've been trying to jot down their sayings in my Words to Remember book - "A Journal for Your Child's Sweet and Amusing Sayings." The square-shaped gift book features lined colorful pages that are cheerful and bright.
I'll admit that I have had to discard my perfectionist tendencies to do this. I force myself to just capture those words in the moment. I can't write down a graceful and well-crafted story because I am usually writing with a baby in my arms. Often, my handwriting is a little slanted or the ink is a little smeared. But the words are there...for me to cherish and smile at forever.
YOUR TURN: How do record your children's witty and wonderful sayings?
WIN IT! One winner will receive a copy of "Words to Remember: a journal for your child's sweet and amusing sayings" ($15.95), published by Potter Style. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, March 9th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).
* I received a product for review purposes.
*UPDATE* The winner is #27 marge mckoen. Congratulations!
in a scrapbook
So far baby girl's vocabulary is pretty limited: One real word and two of her own invention. But pretty soon she'll figure this word thing out and I want to be sure I remember her pearls of wisdom!
Wow! Just today I was thinking that I needed something good to record all the cute things my nephew says. He is 21 months and this was his gem from today: We were making cookies and it was time to mix the dry ingredients. I had the flour in the bowl already and as I measured each of the other ingredients into a spoon, I let him add them to the bowl. The first two - baking soda and salt, were both white and not to exciting looking once they went in. But, the third one was cinnamon and the color contrast must have really hit him because he said "Wow! That's freaky!". I have no idea where he got that from. I told my sister about it and she almost died laughing and also doesn't know where he picked that up. One of us must have said it recently for him to know it and use it so accurately!
I think baby books are great for recording all the little moments you don't want to forget.. I even have the one that my mom filled out for me and I treasure it.
This is such a sweet idea! My son doesn't talk yet besides 'mama' and 'dada' but I'll be sure to get this book to write all his funny sayings down.
I think this would be great to have I do well with pictures but not great with keeping little memories like this [email protected]
What a great idea for a product!! There are so many times my child says something and I think "I should totally write this down!". She's at a really great age and is starting to say lots of great stuff, so I'd put this prize to good use :) Thanks for the giveaway!
[email protected]
I know that when the time comes, Ill be posting on my blog with every new learned word, or phrase!
I've tried recording my daughter's comments in notebooks but never keep it up. This would really be helpful. I've wanted something like this for a long time.
Aw, that is such a cute idea!
I usually write them down in baby journals.
We live far away from family so I have a blog I try to keep updated with pictures and stories, but it's so time-consuming and I find that once I'm a little behind, I'm that much less likely to update. I get too overwhelmed by all there is to catch up on! I've done a decent job of keeping up with his baby book, but we're nearly done filling in blanks in that. Honestly, the thing that works best for me is taking videos of him on my phone. I always have it with me and I can do it in real-time. Now, doing something WITH the videos someday... we'll see how well I do with that. :-)
This is such a cute idea, and a great design. I have a little journal I keep in my nightstand to record things my son does and says. I wish I were better about writing in it daily, but I'm sometimes so tired at night!
I have a journal to write cute things my kids say in it. The hard part is taking the time to grab the book to write in it. I would love to share this idea with my pregnant sister.
I think blogs are a great way to record the cute things kids say.
I have 5 Grandkids now.However; when my 3Children were little, I didn't have a computer. I use to write down all the cute stuff down in a notebook.
When my children were teenagers, we had a house fire. We lost everything. What I miss most is my children pictures and my notebooks.
For Rachel and Dan, who just had little Will!
This is such a wonderful idea! I think this is a must have for ANY mom! I would love to win this for my brother who is about to have the first baby out of all of us siblings
Ooh, I'd love this one! I just use a little notebook I keep in my nightstand for some of the cute, funny, and memorable things they say. That same notebook also carries lots of other stuff, so I'd love something specifically for the purpose of recording their words.
Oh, I love the cute things that kids say! Kidspeak is one of the things that bring a smile to my face almost everyday!!
I'm really bad at capturing the cute things that are said so this would be great for me. The best I do is occasionally sharing in email or facebook.
I do try to write down some of the things my kids say (those I have missed so many!) and lately they have bene having fun pulling them out and reading them aloud. They love that.
I write some in their baby books -- but it's quicker to Twitter them! I set up a Twitter account for each of them just so I could type up or text a tweet whenever they say something sweet or funny. :)
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
We try to catch great things on camera, and of course it isn't quite the same... it seems rehearsed. I love this idea of a book to put it all down in!
We try to get it on video and always carry our camera with us however I see the value in writing down things. Now that our little one is 1 I feel like I missed out on a lot by not recording it right away!
Ahh that is exactly the way I roll all the time...smeared ink and slanted writing! Seriously I did that a few years back and then quit writing things down. Recently I came across it and was sooo happy that I had done it, we all talked about those cute little things we had forgotten. Those words are little treasures! I need to store up more of those while I can:)
i used to blog but i just don't have time for that anymore. right now i just call my mom or my aunt and tell them those funny things and they are so good to remember them or make jokes about it.
I'd love to have this for my sister. I do a decent job of scrapbooking and journaling, but this has never been her thing. With her first baby on its way, this would be an easier way for her to record all of these great memories.
I record milestones and funny sayings on a personal blog I have. I just type in the story and that way I have an ongoing record of what is going on just for my use really.
My little cousin had the funniest thing he used to say. He had a little red truck that he loved, and he always wanted to bring it everywhere. So if we his family was going somewhere, and he didn't have his truck, he'd say "where's my truck?" But he couldn't pronounce the tr- sound, he said it like f-, so . . .
I admit that I am not very good at keeping the baby book. I tend to try to capture moments by pictures and I like to write letter to my kids for different periods of their life and have them in their memory boxes with their works of art under my bed. I do like the idea of a journal to keep some of my thoughts all in one place.
I HAD gotten a little flip video camera and we use it alot and i upload them into the computer so i can save it.
Oh, my memory is the worst these days. I always have the best intentions to write things down....but I never remember. I NEED this book!!
I try to remember them and that doesn't work. We are currently trying to remember how 1 used to say yogurt. Can't remember! 2 say's it "yogrit" and if I don't write that down soon, I'll forget. I think I should video them saying it. It's always fun to hear how they talked when they were so little.
I have been keeping a record for a few months now in a journal but this book sounds perfect. I would transfer all that I have now and record daily.
Unfortunately, I don't! I always think that I'm going to remember the cute things that my daughter says and then, like you said, they're gone from my mind... I could definitely use something like this!
I always kept a black and white notebook to record my children's words to remember
I don't physical record what my daughter says, but I do share her comments/sayings with my friends and family. She is so funny that I do wish I would have thought of a journal like this before. My daughter can make up laugh until our stomachs hurt. I think she is going to be a comedian. Thanks for this giveaway. Would be great to jot all those memories down.
Our two year old says funny things *all the time* and I've been thinkign I should be recording them somehow.
I record them via my blog. :) I have to, otherwise I would forget.
wow! a very clever book its wonderful
What a great idea I am already forgetting some of the sweet things my oldest child used to say.
I'd love to say that I have a lovingly crafted scrapbook in which I record these moments...but I don't.
It all ends up scribbled on scraps of paper which wind up stuffed into the bag that holds all the materials to make the dreamed-of scrapbook I hope to get to...someday.
This book sounds like such a wonderfully simple solution to this problem!
Having two grown daughters, I often regret not jotting down all of the cute things that they have said. This is an excellent idea that I would love to offer to my daughters for their children. Thanks for the offer!
What a wonderful idea!!!
I was just talking to some Moms about this type of thing at a get together a couple of days ago.
would love this for my grandson , hes says the sweetest things
My daughter is still learning to talk, mainly just saying one word at a time, so we don't record too much. Hopefully I'll come up with some way to record them soon!
Our little guy isn't saying many words yet as he is just a few weeks younger than your littlest one, but I hope I get this journal to record his sweet and funny sayings. For now, I use a calendar to write down all his firsts... and if the calendar isn't available, I make a note in my phone... because if I don't I know I would surely forget one of the precious moments I want captured forever - it's hard when there are so many new things every day!
That is something that I have not done. I would love to start (it is not too late). They do say the funniest things!
My mom has scraps of paper in boxes with all the cute and funny things we said as kids. We LOVE to pull those out and laugh at them now. This is a great idea for record keeping (and in a cute way, too!).
That is SO cool! I'm looking for that book for sure! I mostly try to recording things on my blog, but I can immediately think of a few that I know haven't made it to the blog, yet I still want to remember them!
I wish I could video tape their whole entire lives, so I don't forget a second of it...
I would (almost) kill for this little book. The daily sayings of our 2ish girlie are absolutely priceless. I try to write them down but I feel like they are scattered in so many different places. My favorite recent ones include pulling into the doctor's office parking lot for baby sister's shot visit and big sister happily announced "Here we are at the poke-store!" :(
The other day I went in to get her from her nap and she requested softly "Want mommy to hold the big girl?" As long as I can my sweet...
great idea- do it too
I have a paper on the fridge and I try to get things down before I forget. This is a great idea, it would help me keep track of it all better.
I've been writing them down on my microsoft word but I like this idea so it is easy to grab and look over!
This is awesome. I've always said they need to come out with something like this where you can record your kids funny sayings in a book. Very cute
This is a wonderful idea. With 6 kids saying funny and touching things everyday, it's hard to keep who said what straight. This would be a great tool and keepsake to help with that.
I hadn't thought about anything like this, but then again my 15 month old hasn't started talking yet! What a great idea to start thinking about though :)
I record stuff on random pieces of paper and throw them in a bag for the year... not a very good method. This book would be awesome!!!!
Oh my! This is one thing I regret! Not writing all the cute sayings from my now 9 year old.
I have to share my favorite;
"mommy, remember the day I was born?"
"Remember, you opened the door, ran out side, put your arms up, and you caught me"
"Yes, it happended just like that"
Facebook has been my only saving grace with my firstborn. It would be nice to have something tangible for my second, though!
I love this idea. I have been meaning to start writing down the silly things my daughter does because blink and you forget it! It is the only way to create a sort of time capsule for the future.
I don't have a kid, but my best friend makes her little guy's quotes her facebook updates. It cracks me up!!
I sometimes open notebook on the computer if I am sitting there and start typing what they are saying. Which might not make sense but I usually do that when I am already at the computer and my 4 year old tends to break out in song. These songs are usually of her own creation and they are very amusing.
Awh! I love it when they come up with their little sayings... And I think it only gets better when they're with other kids!
When my first son was born instead of a baby book I took a normal album with space to write at the side and every time I developed pictures I set a few aside for his life book and continued a story with what he was up to and funny things he said. I continued for 2 years and now that he's 6 he loved reading his life book. Now that I'm up to my 5th kid and no time for much of anything, if I do write them down it's on a quick email to their grandparents
I try to write them down... they are scattered on bits of paper around the house. I also blog them sometimes - that helps. And just today... I finally bought a digital recorder, that should help the most!
I love the idea behind this book - and it's something I think even I could keep up with!
I have been thinking about it for a while.. what is the best way to capture their funny and sweet phrases?..
So, just a couple of days ago I decided to publish them on my blog. I wrote my second post yesterday :)
If only I thought to write down all of the cute little things my daughter said over the past 4 years, I would probably have a set of encylopedias! hahaha. I have a set of scrapbooks with her first words and some phrases that are adorable though. I love the dinner conversation you shared in your post!
I remember coming across this book at Pottery Barn Kids and was kicking myself for not picking it up that day. I've been documenting the things my little guy says in a notebook. It's always fun to look back.
Pictures, Videos, Blog, Journal, etc.... I do it all. I even have a time capsule for my daughter, and i'll have her open it on her 18th birthday. I am so excited about that!!!
I have a blog that I try to keep up on, but my 4 yr old comes out with stuff, that is just too much!! Most of what they say comes with a story not just a line, so it is difficult. I write them a B-day letter every year on their birthday and I put it in a binder. Dont know when they will get them, but I put alot of things in there for them to read, when they get older and can appreciate it. Good luck to You