Join the HarperCollins First Look program to preview books in literary fiction, general fiction, suspense, biography, cookbooks, and other genres!
Here's the description from the website: "Each month, Advance Reading Editions (AREs) of great books by fabulous authors are offered that you will have the opportunity to review. Reviewers are selected at random, but you must register to be eligible. In joining the program you may select your favorite genres and we will let you know when a book in your preferred category is offered."
This offer isn't only for moms so tell your spouses, your friends, and any voracious readers in your life. This is a great way to get free books and to influence the publishing world.
P.S. I first found out about this program on "5 Minutes Around the Blogosphere," a feature of 5 Minutes for Mom. 5 Minutes for Mom is one of my favorite blogs because they offer fresh, new, fun content every day...and lots of giveaways! They also are big supporters of mom-owned businesses, which I love.
P.P.S. The winner of "The Vaccine Book" is #23 Bree. Congratulations! I'll be in touch!
this is sweet.thank you for the info
What a great idea. Thanks for posting.
I absolutely LOVE your new look!