Book Review: mom-a-licious

Book Review: mom-a-licious 1If your New Years resolutions involved eating healthier, losing weight, or purchasing more organic products, then you're sure to be interested in Mom-a-licious, a new cookbook out by Chef Domenica Catelli.

This colorful, "magazine style" spiral bound book has glossy pages with bold, beautiful images of nutritious meals (and of Catelli's family and friends enjoying them).

The book begins by helping you "reclaim your pantry" and "face you refrigerator." For example, Catelli tells you to toss canned vegetables, fake fruit snacks, and fake butter spreads, but she tells you to add dark chocolate, organic milk, and fresh herbs. She then goes on to provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, and side dish recipes (many with stunning photos to make your mouth water). Don't let the "weird" ingredients scare you - a little flaxseed, quinoa, and tofu never hurt anyone!

Throughout the book are inspirational phrases from the Mom-a-licious manifesto, a list of 16 virtues for moms to aspire toward, created by Catelli. After you read the manifesto, you might want to nominate a special mom (maybe your mom, sister, cousin, neighbor, best friend) that embodies one or more of the elements of the Mom-a-licious manifesto to be the Mom-a-licious Mom of the Month. Selected moms will be celebrated on the Mom-a-licious site and may receive a prize. It really doesn't take much effort. Just one small paragraph to share your admiration for a mom in your life!

In sum, this cookbook is perfect for people who prefer "more photos, less text" cookbooks and who are on a mission to cook and eat more nutritiously and more organically in 2008. True, the title is a teensy bit corny and some of the ingredients aren't ones that most families have lying around (chickpeas, tahini, chard, and scallions), but it's a spunky little book that encourages good habits and promises a little bit of adventure. And...really...what moms doesn't want to add a little "flavor" into her life?
Book Review: mom-a-licious 2
WIN IT! One lucky mama will win Mom-a-licious: Fresh, Fast Family Food for the Hot Mama in You by Domenica Catelli. To enter, simply leave a comment and your e-mail address on this post prior to Wednesday, Jan. 30, at midnight. The winner will be contacted and announced on Thursday, Jan. 31. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #37 SJ. Congratulations!

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174 comments on “Book Review: mom-a-licious”

  1. I always love cookbooks with pictures so you can see if it even looks tastey and also you can go by the pictures of how to place them on the plate. I love the fast recipes for those I am so busy but I need to make a great dinner but I dont have the time.

  2. I wanna be a Hot Mama! I need this cookbook if it will make me one!

    Waving at Suanne(Bandara Lady) above me Hey G/F!

  3. I love cookbooks with pictures and this one sounds fantastic to me! I'm more inclined to try a new recipe if I see a picture showing how it is suppose to look when it is done. Thanks for such a useful giveaway.

  4. I could really use this cookbook! I cook the old-fashioned way, and the family's waistlines show it! I need help to learn the "healthy" way to cook!

  5. I've started using a lot of the foods you mention are in the cookbook because my daughter turned vegetarian and I've learned about lots of new healthier options. This would come in really handy for me!

  6. Actually, the resolutions you listed are exactly what I have resolved for myself this year. You hit the nail on the head (so to speak). This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the entry.

  7. I don't even know what quinoa is but if you tell me how to cook it I will happily try it! I promise. :-)


  8. After 6 yrs of marriage and 2 kids, its time for me to FINALLY learn how to cook! This looks like a great start!
    dansan826 at

  9. Looks like a great and fun to read book. Thank you for the giveaway.Love what sh said about getting rid of all the unhealthy stuff in your cabinets and fridge...and starting out right with organics and good for you foods!
    cathy b
    projecthope7 AT gmail DOT com

  10. Oooh, I just started Weight Watchers in a quest to lose 160 (yes, you read that right) pounds, and this would help a great deal in my overall Health Improvement Initiative!

    fieryirishangel AT gmail DOT com

  11. It sounds fantastic to me! My family is afraid of tofu, but I'd be willing to give it another shot without them knowing it.

  12. This cookbook sounds marvelous. I am so trying to "go organic" and be a bit more adventurous with my cooking. Thanks.

  13. We have 2 sets of twinsunder 4yrs,&a 14yr old.I just signed up for a CSA @ a local farm,which I'll work a few hours a week to work off.SO since I'm home now $ is tight,& this cook book will help make our meals exciting & use our new veggies.Helping us stay on the green path.Love your blog,thanks for the info.
    [email protected]
    Donna E

  14. This sounds perfect for me. I've never been a good cook, but I can follow a recipe. I want to learn to feed my family well. I've given enough money to the Golden Arches.

  15. I love cookbooks with pictures. I only buy (or checkout from the library) cookbooks that have a good ratio of pictures to recipes. I'd love to win this cookbook. Thanks!

  16. What a great cookbook, I find I will try a new recipe faster if I see a picture of how it is suppose to look when it is done. This cookbook would do that for me!

  17. Oh this sounds perfect; this is definitely going on my "wish" list.

    And may I just say, ALL cookbooks should be spiral bound! :)


  18. This sounds like what I need - exactly. I've been doing everything to stay focused and on track with my goals for 2008 to lose weight and eat more organic! I'd love to win this!

  19. This sounds so hubby and I are very overweight, due to pregnancy and just poor eating habits (very poor) our new years resolution was to begin eating healthy...and we don't know how!! To much time eating all the southern fried foods has made us fat and spoiled!!!

  20. This might actually get me excited about cooking! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I'm new to this, so it's always nice to get encouragement. I love the topics that you cover on yours!

  21. Hi, Thanks so much for another wonderful giveaway contest. It sure is fun to try and win~ Please enter me in your contest. My husband is the cook in our family and he is trying very hard to loose weight. Thanks,Cindi

  22. Sounds like my kind of cookbook! I love photos in cookbooks & the only one of your "odd" ingredients that I don't have on hand is chard, but I'm planning on adding that to my garden this year.

  23. I can't wait to see the book. I'm especially glad that it has photos- always helpful as you're trying to decide what to make. Thanks for the mom-friendly recipes.

  24. This sounds like just the thing! I'm all for great, appetizing pictures...that's totally how I decide to try a new recipe or not.

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