Clothed without Chemicals

Clothed without Chemicals 1I have to admit that the whole "organic" niche market kind of irks me. Not because I don't believe in the products, but because I believe in them so much.

This is what I don't understand: if organic foods, clothing items, skin care products, etc. are really healthier for our bodies, our children, and our communities, then those products should be the norm, not the exception. For example, I shouldn't have to go to a little designated "organic" corner of the grocery store or to a specialty food market to buy an organic apple. All apples should just be that way. An "organic" label shouldn't be necessary. 

That said, I know there is much work and research still to be done in this area so we must begin with small steps. And one small step is to purchase "organic" products because - as we know - consumer demand is extremely powerful in determining future supply.

Clothed without Chemicals 2Today, I am pleased to feature Go Natural Baby™, a new company that designs and manufactures the Zah Collection™, a certified organic baby and children's clothing line. The Zah Collection™ "uses only 100% certified organic cotton, low impact dyes, heavy metal free zippers and snaps, and fair trade practices." 

Since organic clothing is still a relatively new term, you might be wondering: "What exactly do they mean by organic cotton?"

Here's the answer (directly from the Go Natural Baby™ website): "We mean that we grow our cotton from seed without using toxic pesticides or insecticides. From the beginning to the end the way the cotton is grown and handled is governed by SKAL International. In addition, our factory only produces organic cotton, thus there are no harsh chemicals used around the clothing or in the factory."

Go Natural Baby™ offers organic cotton clothes for newborns to size four and is available online only. 

I'm curious: did you/do you/will you buy organic clothing for your baby? Why or why not?

Clothed without Chemicals 3WIN IT! One winner will receive the Little Rosie's Dress and Mushroom Pants in the size of his/her choice. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Saturday, May 10 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Sunday, May 11. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #171 Cindy Beckman. Congratulations!

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178 comments on “Clothed without Chemicals”

  1. Nice giveaway! I wish we could afford to do more organic stuff for the kids, especially since my son has such sensitive skin. Most of the kids' clothes come as gift or hand-me-downs, anyway.

  2. I buy organic clothing for the same reason I buy organic produce and meat. Every step we take toward less chemicals and interference in the plants we grow and the animals we raise means the less residue and environmental waste left behind. How perfect is the idea of buying organic baby clothes, since so much of what we do as mothers is with the idea of the future we're giving to our children!

  3. I haven't yet purchased organic clothing for my kids, I'm just now beginning to see it sold at a few locations such as Target and Babies R Us. I had also never even thought of the metal in zippers/snaps being a problem! We do as much organic food as we can, now I'm on the lookout for organic clothing as well. Thanks!

  4. I have never tried organic clothing but hope I win this cute outfit for the chance to do so. Well, at least to give my granddaughter the chance.

  5. We do...even though its not as cheap...but then we have to weigh the benefits over the long term.

  6. I have a couple organic pieces but buying organic clothes was not a priority, Would love to win and try these clothes.

  7. I am just now hearing about organic clothing. I think the concept is a good idea if it can be mass done. I am worried that enough cant be made and so the prices will always be way too expensive.

  8. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Go Natural Baby™, a new company that designs and manufactures the Zah Collection™, a certified organic baby and children’s clothing line.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  9. There seems to be such a large variety of darling baby clothes that are organic, that YES, I would definitely buy organic baby clothes for my little one!

  10. I try to buy organic when I can but it's hard since money is so tight with us! I have been using hand me downs from the older kids and other clothes that I swap with othr mothers, and there are the gifts that are given to us! Yes, if we had the money then I could buy organic everything but I am trying my best!

  11. I will buy organic for my child as I can afford is just too expensive to totally buy organic, but I love this site and will try their clothes!

  12. I didn't buy organic cotton for my babies, as it's a relatively new trend, and my youngest is 4, but I'd love to win this and give it to my sister, who is expecting.

  13. Most of my daughter's clothes are hand-me-downs. I'm being earth-conscious by re-using them! I do buy organic clothes for her when I can. Not because I think it will effect her health. I think a quick toss in the wash will handle the chemicals, but because of the effect pesticides have on people who live near the farms and factories who have to eat, drink and breathe these chemicals.

  14. If it's affordable, I'd love to do that. I can't pay significantly more than regular clothing prices for it so I hope it's reasonable!

  15. What an adorable outfit- thank you for the reminder that we can make a difference with our consumer power- great company!

  16. Our family was 'green' before it was popular to be so. I knit with natural and organic fibers, we recycle, paperless bill, you name it. If I won, I would choose an outfit for my granddaughter, who is adorable and deserves an outfit as adorable as she is!

  17. Hopefully this will catch on more mainstream and be the way every parent clothes their little ones.

  18. I'd love this for my infant daughter! We've been committed to organic food & 100% cotton for years, but I hadn't considered organic cotton until now. Given how pricey it is, a prize would be a great start.

  19. I'm just amazed that I survived to adulthood -- chemicals, no seatbelts, no helmets, etc. I am so glad my neices can live a healthier, safer life.

  20. I buy organic food and try to make my own house cleaners, but I haven't delved into the world of organic clothing yet. I love this little outfit, though, the pink and tan dress is adorable.

  21. I love this outfit! I would buy more organic if it wasn't so expensive. I always look around for sales and then get them. Thanks for the giveaway, I hope I win this adorable outfit for my little girl.

  22. I absolutely agree with you, I think all companies should revamp their products to be organic, its the obvious answer than trying to hunt down stores that have organic products.

  23. Hi, Thanks for the super giveaway contest! I like that their company is a fair trade one! The organic clothing looks so comfy and it is nice to know that chemicals aren't next to a child's skin. Most definitely, I have bought organic cotton clothing.
    Cotton has always been my favorite choice of fabric and now the 100% organic cotton is! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

  24. I really love this outfit. As for the organic clothing - I would buy it more often but it's a lot more money and I usually look for bargains when shopping for my kiddos.

  25. I don't seek out organic clothing to buy for my kids, but I love it when I receive some for a gift. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. I DO buy organic cotton for my little guy, but not always. I am just excited because it is getting more and more commom to find.

  27. I love all things organic, and I wish they weren't so much more expensive than everything else! :)

  28. I care about going green but I realize I still have a long way to go. We currently don't have anything for organic clothing in our household. Part due to economics and availability.Thanks for the contest!

  29. My niece would look so cute in this outfit! Although she looks so cute in EVERYTHING! LOL!

  30. We kind of do both. When offered a choice we choose organic for the most part but sometimes economics gets in the way. Sometimes we end up buying an outfit that is priced to what we can afford. But we have a great mixture of both.

  31. super cute clothes. I honestly never thought about organic clothing before. thanks for the wake up. I have tried to go green where ever possible, and this is one more way I can do my part.

  32. I am from a very small town where there really isn't a shop for organic clothing. I have only recently learned about it on the web and would love to try some. I am trying to get my family to start living a more green life, but it is hard. I am starting them right now on saving energy and recycling and hope to expand their horizons slowly.

  33. I haven't purchased any organic clothing, mainly due to the cost. Also, organic clothing falls low on my list of "going green". I would love to buy organic clothes, but money doesn't grow on trees, so I would rather buy organic food, use green cleaner, etc than buy clothes that my son will grow out of very quickly.
    I just finished reading "Healthy Child, Healthy World" by Christopher Gavigan and he suggests splurgering on organic pj's since your child will spend so much time in them. Also, he suggests gently worn clothing since the chemicals used in the manufactuing will be eliminated due to repeated washings.
    By the way, the above book might be a good place to start if you're just starting to go green.

  34. We haven't yet gone organic. I think it's partially because we haven't researched the benefits, and partially because it's more expensive. If they'd lower the prices it'd be a no-brainer, but this uneducated-about-organic mama doesn't yet know if paying THAT much more for food and clothes is worth it. Does that make me terrible? These clothes look cute, though! :)

  35. I did order an organic nightgown type outfit for our upcoming arrival to try out. I've never tried organic clothing before so I'm interested to see if I can tell the difference.

  36. I did not buy any organic clothing, but I did use a lot of second hand clothes. Recycling can be better!

  37. We have purchased some organic clothing for the little ones. I would love to buy more, they love their organic bamboo tess...soooo soft! But we have refrained from purchasing more due to the higher cost & lack of design choices.

  38. I will buy organic clothing for my grandkids, because I do believe it is the thing to do, it does irk me however, that all organic things are so much more expensive than just the regular things, like an apple, why it is so much more than the other apples.

  39. I have bought some organic clothing (or rather other people gave me some as gifts, I haven't really bought much of anything for the baby yet), but I have a hard time justifying the huge difference in price. I would love to have all organic clothing for the baby, but I don't think that will be happening.

  40. The clothes she offers are so beautiful, and organic cotton is probably the softest I have ever felt, not to mention all of the benefits it offers, like keeping pesticides out of the earth, as well as away from baby's delicate skin; usually employing more of a local set of individuals. With all of the things going on in the world today, I believe it's really important to really consider thinking globally, and acting locally.

    I am trying to make the switch to local/organic... well everything, or at least fairly traded items. So far, the transition has been a fun process and I have learned a LOT!

    Definitely a process though, and I've been at it for a while now, but every time I make the choice to buy something made by someone local, and with natural components, I feel so good about that choice, even if it does cost a little more. And... well? The times when I don't necessarily have the money for such things? I'm learning that choosing to live with less can also feel good. :)

    People like the mama featured here have the power to change the world! It is amazing and wonderful to see!


  41. I buy organic food and clothes whenever possible. With triplets, I haven't had the opportunity to buy too many organic clothes due to the price. I do know that the more demand there is the lower prices will get, I'm looking forward to that day. These are beautiful clothes!

  42. My friend gave me an organic outfit when my daughter was born and I was surprised at how soft and comfortable-looking it was - and cute! I have since not found many places to buy organic baby clothing, but she forwarded me your website so now I know! I have not ever bought organic clothing for my kids, I would definitely in the future. The price is a hard thing to swallow, but I guess if you know the reason you are spending more money for it, it helps to justify it. Thanks for the info!

  43. The Little Rosies dress is great to wear in Oklahoma
    But I also like the dress called Paloma!

    ok...that was pushing it

  44. I love the idea of organic clothes but the price is a little bit of an inhibitor to actually purchasing it. I do have a few pieces for my nieces just not a lot. These look lovely.

  45. I do buy organic for my granddaughters whenever possible. Please count me in. Thanks!

  46. Thanks for making a positive difference in the world. I would love to win this for my grandchild. After all, they are our future

  47. I didn't really buy much in the way of organic clothing. With our meager military salary, I focused more on what went in their bodies, than on their bodies.

  48. If the clothing isn't too expensive I would consider buying more organic clothing. The dress is really cute so I hope we get a chance to wear it.

  49. I'm a "newbie" at going green and am still exploring everything that's out there. I would definitely buy organic as long as I can make it work in the budget. It seems as if organic clothing for infants/kids aren't that much more than regular wear (for us, buying this cute little outfit you're featuring would probably mean giving up specialty coffee for a week or so!)

  50. This is a great giveaway. Our family is all doing their best to minimize our carbon footprint and to go green and organic as possible. I would love to win this.

  51. Thanks for another great giveaway and making these facts known!!! So many people (and more importantly, mothers!) don't even realize how much better these items are!!

  52. I have bought a few but they seem to run a little wide (most clothing does on my girls). I tend to buy brands than run narrow and none are organic. We do have a few tshirts that are organic but they are kind of big

  53. This is perfect. somehow Audrey #44 have the same nickname for our little one! My LaLa would like this, but I'd get it for my Issa-boo. Since she's the oldest, and LaLa and grow into it!

    I don't buy alot of clothes for my little ones. People keep doing it for me. I haven't bought clothes since... well... October. Sad huh? I do have alot of organic clothes, towels, baby legs, bouncy seat, etc.

    It makes me happy to know I'm putting my little one in those types of clothing!

  54. Would love to win this for my neice. I have to admit I don't buy as much organic clothing as I should, but I try.

  55. That is a really good question...I'd like to say that I would next time around since I haven't with my son. Babies grow so quickly and it is hard to justify spending the money. Ideally if I had the money I would.

    My BF has 3 little girls and if I win I will give it to her. Adorable!

  56. I have and will continue to buy organic clothing for my baby. I admit that I don't buy all of her clothes that way -- as it is somewhat new and the options are limited. It is pleasing, though, to see even mainstream, chain type stores (like Baby Gap, etc) offering organic options, albeit limited. I do support buying these types of products simply because I want to do everything possible to provide my daughter with a clean, green, healthful life. The organic food market has grown prior to this -- but it quickly became understandable why you'd want to put in your body the most pure and healthful options, free of the many things that can be harmful. In my mind, why would I not want to choose organic to cover and be against my baby's skin all day? I love the site and that the offer a great line of products!

  57. This is an organic family. The chemicals put in children's clothes can contain neurotoxins and if accumulated in the system can affect children's learning and attention when they enter school. This family hunts mushrooms every fall and baby has gone along since he was 5 months old. Mushroom pants! Just the ticket. He already has 'mushroom shoes', mushroom magazines around the house -- what a cool thing it would be to have mushroom pants.

  58. Very cute clothes! It makes you feel so much better knowing there are no harsh chemicals in the clothes you put on your kids.

  59. I would love to go all organic Unfortunately that too often also means paying more. There are some things (like milk) that have made it onto the just pay the extra price list. But not everything has and clothing is one of those. So I buy it when the price is comparable, but not always. I would love to give you the opportunity to change my mind though.

  60. I like organic cloths. They are usually made very well too. If I could afford to go all organic, I would.

  61. I like organic cloths. They are usually made very well too. If I could afford to go all organi, I would.

  62. I couldn't agree with you more. And the more we buy organic the more companies will jump on this "trend" right now. I'm thankful there are organic choices for us to pick from, but we shouldn't have to pay more for something that is better for ones body. I read a blog where they said it's a catch 22 of sorts.

    If we stood up and said we aren't excepting anything less than organic being the norm (heck, it wouldnt even have the name organic because it would just simply be the norm) then we wouldn't have to go to the special stores and pay more then maybe things would change ... the more we buy organic the more we feed this "machine"...but, if that is the only choice then what is someone to do?

    I can see that argument but I'll do just about anything to raise healthy and safe kids right now and that seems to be with organic foods, clothing, bedding...etc. I can only do it to an extent, but I do my best.

    I'd love to chance to win this. I've been learning more about how clothing, bedding, toys (etc) are made and why organic is important. It's easier to understand foods...I think many people look at clothes and think "that has to be a scam" but now that I'm learning so much about chemicals and how they affect our health I'm sold!

  63. i have never purchased any organic clothing but i would love to try them!! this is a great site!! i would love to win this for my expecting bf!! thanks!!

  64. i would love to try and win this for my little one i have one little tee thats organic and well i just love it and well if it was up to me my little ones l-fits would be all organic thay have some of the nice l-fits i have ever seen any how well i realy like to try to win this thanks

  65. Thanks, I really love all these great organic kid stores I have been introduced to through your blog. I was just reading a Green Chic book that talked about all the chemicals and pesticides that are used on cotton, leech in, and contaminate our clothes. Yikes. Thanks.

  66. I couldn't agree more with your statements about how organic products should be the norm, instead of the exception. I think one day we'll get there.
    As for the giveaway, the dress & pants are so cute! After checking out the site, I also really liked the Paloma dress.

  67. Organic clothing for kids is certainly more important than organic clothing for adults; yet, I haven't seen many (any) items at the large kid's clothing stores. Pick me, please; my granddaughter will probably need the 12 months size.

  68. I can't believe that the idea of organic clothing for kids is only beginning to catch on. It's a very smart idea.

  69. I feel the same way about the whole "Go Green" thing. If it is really so much better then why werent we doing it all along. One thing that I really dont understand though is why are organic products usually more expensive then the non-organic items. Also, what is the name of the organization that regulates organic food products, there is one isnt there?

  70. I have to admit I didn't know about organic clothing. And I agree with you it should be the normal thing, not the exception. I never bought it for my kids. I have one grandchild now with one on the way. If the prices aren't a big difference I will probably buy these clothes for the grandbabies.

  71. You know I always look for organic when shopping, but never really thought about organic clothing until I saaw it on your site. This is great and am looking forward shopping this site more thoroughly.

  72. Go Natura Baby has come up with beautiful colors. So often, when you see organic clothing, you are kinda limited to earth tones. Thesee clothes are beautiful. The Zah? Adorable. The Spring Dream Sheet and Blanket is my fave. Thank you for the visit!

  73. I will purchase organic clothing for my grandchildren because it's better for them and much better for the earth.

  74. I will buy organic clothing for my grandchildren. It was very interesting learning about organic cotton but what interested me most was the heavy duty METAL FREE snaps and zippers! I have been allerigc to metal all my life and the whelps, blisters and itching, metal snaps and zippers produced was a constant irritant! This will make life for my grandchildren so much sweeter! Thank You!

  75. I'm so happy to see companies being involved in the production of the raw materials, in addition to their own product manufacturing. The organic and eco-responsibilities a company accepts will gain them lifetime customers. Like me! Thanks for featuring this company and introducing us to a new green product option.

  76. I knew that "organic cotton" means (or should mean) that the cotton is grown in an organic manner, just like organic produce in the supermarket. I appreciate the explanation though, because I hadn't ever stopped to consider then production part of the process. Duh. It seems every bit as important to me that the cotton isn't processed on machines that have been exposed to the same chemicals we're trying to avoid.

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