I sit down to work and then...I look out my window.
I see the green grass. I hear the lovely pitter-patter of spring showers.
Every spare moment, I seek new adventures with my family. Hiking. Running. Picking Wildflowers. Playing at the Park. Dilly-dallying in the backyard.
Anything but my e-mail inbox (forgive me if you're waiting for a response). Anything but my little white laptop screen (so uninspiring compared to the potential for April Adventures).
I'm not normally like this, but I'm telling you: spring fever is real.
Want to know the cool thing about blogging and working from home? I can drop everything and take a last-minute road trip. I can put off money and make memories. I can linger outdoors and bask in the sun. Entrepreneurship is exactly my cup of tea.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Do you have spring fever? (Tell me I'm not the only one).
Huge case of spring fever here! We've been spending as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying the sunshine, the warmer weather, and the awakening of nature!
Oh yes and we just got some snow in our local mts! Crazy for So Cal in April!! The poppies are my favorite, I look for them everywhere and love going for hikes and seeing bunches growing out of the rocks. :)
OOh, yes! I definitely have Spring fever, and it is working to my benefit because it gets me out running!
Unfortunately my Spring fever is accompanied by allergies, which are especially miserable this year. Here in Ohio, we're having one of the worst (if not THE worst) Spring allergy seasons on record. I want to be outside, but alas I must stay indoors until we get a good rain to wash the pollens out of the air. Then I can take a soggy, but much needed walk!
Be glad you're in AZ! My spring fever is similar to yours but compounded with wretched allergies that make me not want to commune with nature. Argh. It's a curse. So much fun to play outside again, though. It's been too long.
I did have spring fever.. really, I did!
Until the temperature dropped. And the wind came. And I had to dig out my sweaters again.
But ask me next week. I'll definitely have it again next week. :)
That would be a big yes...made worse by the bad weather that has blown in. Sigh. No outdoor time for us when hail is threatening. Hopefully soon!
Spring Fever is definitely here, especially since we are having such great weather. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family!!
Absolutely! Spring Fever is so true. It is nice to be able to just drop it all and bask in the sun with your kids and family.
Seems like you guys are really having a nice time up there. I wish I could work from home, I am actually thinking of starting a small business, that way I have some flexibility but of course, I would need a loan. But I like that that you are able to spend time with your daughters and family, wish I could do thesame.
Yap your not the only one! i have a hard time sitting in front of the computer and reading ans replying email when the sun and the flowers blooming are calling me by name!
Nothing smell sweeter then the grass after a spring shower, nothing fell better then the soft spring breeze when the sun is shining and nothing is cuter then our little girls playing outside and having a blast!!!
Ps I love all your pictures!!!
I am so ready for 100 degree days! I need to be a snowbird from southern AZ to somewhere warmer in winter. Now that's pretty crazy!
Oh yes, I have spring fever for sure! I was getting so excited for warmth and sun, and now this weather is confusing me... Still, I am looking forward to parks and picnics and fun in the sun!
Spring fever here too!! I love being home with my kids to enjoy it too!
Me too!!! Although it's been really cold and rainy her in LA the last couple of days .
Love the pictures, specially the last one of you wearing baby girl!
Yes! Actually, I kind of have it all the time :)
You are not the only one! A couple of weekends ago we were in Kansas City and it was so great so see such green grass everywhere. Back in Colorado the snow is slowly melting and now we have a backyard of brown grass. Until late last night when it snowed!
You are not alone!! Love these pictures of you guys... such adorable girls! We are soaking in all the outside time we can these days too. Before long it will be hot, hot, hot and we'll have to head for water and shade just to be able to be outside, but for now we're soaking up the sunshine.
Heck yes I have spring fever! We live in Wisconsin and so far we've had an awesome spring - much warmer than normal. I work a flex schedule too and it's definitely worth it! Enjoy your weekend Stephanie!
Got it too! The ponytail picture is breathtaking.
You are NOT the only one! I have been itching (I am not talking about the HORRIBLE allergies I have this season) to get outside as much as possible! Spring and fall are my favorite times of the year. Living in such a fabulous place makes it easy to get out and enjoy the day too! I hope you are able to keep getting out and relishing spring!