How to Treat (and avoid) Diaper Rash

How to Treat (and avoid) Diaper Rash 1Tonight I was just trying to think back and remember if our daughter has ever had diaper rash. Every once in a great while, she has the smallest amount of redness, but even that is rare. So I guess you could say she has experienced *very* mild diaper rash on limited occasions. 

While I feel extremely fortunate in this regard, I realize that our situation is the exception. Dr. Greene, pediatrician and author of Raising Baby Green, explains that, "Almost all children in diapers will get some diaper rashes, no matter how careful the parents are."

Dr. Greene has some great tips for avoiding/minimizing diaper rash on his website. I've summarized the main points here:

  • Breastfeed.
  • Change diapers frequently.
  • Give that bottom some fresh air.
  • Apply a protective lotion or cream while baby is in diapers.

Lansinoh, a trusted brand for breastfeeding products, recently came out with a Diaper Rash Ointment that is "fragrance-free," "hypoallergenic," and "non-greasy." The ointment is available at Babies R Us, Target, and several other retailers across the U.S. and retails for approximately $6.99.

WIN IT! One winner will receive a tube of Lansinoh Diaper Rash Ointment. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post prior to Saturday, May 10 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). The winner will be announced and contacted on Sunday, May 11. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

*UPDATE* The winner is #4 Charline S. Congratulations!

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101 comments on “How to Treat (and avoid) Diaper Rash”

  1. My little one was affected with diaper rash and i was clueless about his pain. It was my first experience as a father. Reading your article remind me those days. Thanks for sharing this article, will definitely help someone.

  2. I think its a good idea to have baby finish going potty and then let him run around free for a bit...fresh air!

  3. Never heard of it but my poor grandbabies always seem to get a case of diaper rash and we're always looking for a good ointment that works.

  4. I think it would work. It comes from a trusted name and their other products have worked very well. I am would be interested in trying it out.

  5. We've actually never tried this diaper rash cream... which is surprising as I think Ive tried almost all of them at some point (connor is the rash king)

    I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron.

  6. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Dr. Greene has tips for avoiding / minimizing diaper rash. I’ve summarized the main points here:

    Change diapers frequently.
    Give that bottom some fresh air.
    Apply a protective lotion or cream while baby is in diapers.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  7. simply put Johnsons; for skin brakdown with corn starch powder base for any talics. Thanks best of luck to all who enter. SW

  8. My son gets the occasional rash but when he does they are horrible..I feel so sad for my lil man.

  9. Lansinoh porducts are great. I haven't tried the one for diaper rash but would love to give it a try..

  10. This looks like a great product, I've heard good things but never had a chance to try it. Thanks for the chance!

  11. My daughter is out of diapers but due to a disease in her colon she still passes extremely acidic bowel movements and we still deal with a version of diaper rash. This would be a great product to try. Thanks for the opportunity to win : )

  12. I haven't used this diaper rash cream before. I hope I win so I can try it out. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  13. With 4 friends and relatives expecting this year, thought I might make gift baskets. Would love to win. Please enter me, thank you

  14. This stuff is the bomb, and I'd love a new tube to give to my bestie who's pregnant right now :)

  15. We are constantly battling diaper rash with our sensitive skin little man! Id love to try this one out!

  16. I saw this advertised in one of my magazines and cannot find it here yet! My daughter never got diaper rash when she was little but she's 2 1/2 now and seems to get it fairly often. She got a really nasty one a few months ago after being really sick. I used my Lansinoh Breastfeeding Cream on it and it cleared up pretty quickly. Until I can find it here, I'll continue using the boob cream on the bum.


  18. I would love to test Lansinoh Diaper Rash Ointment out because we have tested many diaper rash creams and have been unimpressed by the results. My son rarely gets them but when he does it is quite painful for him and there is no quick fix.

  19. I've used other Lansinoh products for breastfeeding and liked them - would like to have this on hand to use for potential diaper rashes on my 19 month old or soon to be newborn. I have been lucky too with the few and far between redness episodes - I find that it usually happens when they are teething. Thanks for introducing another product.

  20. I didn't know they made diaper cream but yes, very trusted brand for their "boobie cream!" My best advice for diaper rash would echo yours. I tried to use cloth when possible, and let them run around nekkid!

  21. don't enter me :)

    I wanted to say that my daughter also rarely got diaper rash and the times were when she was sick and had a bowel movement and slept a long time afterwards. I took to checking her in the middle of the night for any tell smells life of a mom lol

  22. My son has had the occasional mild redness but never a full-blown rash because I always catch it before-hand. I would add that chlorine-free diapers and wipes (we use the ones from Whole Foods) definitely help to prevent diaper rash.

    Please don't enter me! : )

    Just saying hi again!

  23. My experience has been similar to yours so far in feeling lucky in that we've avoided it thus far. I love finding healthy and pure choices to protect her little bottom though, so that she never have to feel the irritation to begin with!

  24. Thanks for another good giveaway!!!!
    I have been checking out the site and i think it is pretty neat, keep up the good work.

  25. “fragrance-free,” “hypoallergenic,” and “non-greasy.”

    All three are very important, so I am very glad you are offering this.

  26. My baby girl poops a lot! She frequently gets diaper rashes. I love all of lansinoh's products. Thanks!

  27. Another product that if I won would donate to a baby whose family is in need, since I do not have a baby. I will most likely donate the prize to the Community Survival Center.



  28. my daughter gets red sometimes but I dont she has ever really had a rash I would love to try this thought thanks :)

  29. I love the zinc oxide cream we've been using except for the fragrance they add to it. Maybe it's time to go fragrance-free.

  30. i would love to give this a try so well if i win then i can try it every bit help out thanks

  31. Sabrina fortunately only gets diaper rash on rare occasion but when it happens it comes on fast and get ugly quickly. The best remedy when it gets really bad is mixing Aquafor and Maalox into a paste and using it. A NICU nurse recommended it and it always clears up in 24 hours with that. Don't know how green it is...but a suggestion for those who struggle with diaper rash.

  32. My son never really had diaper rash either, but my daughter is another story. She gets horrible diaper rash, to the point where she screams bloody murder every time we change her. I have found that desitn seems to work best for us, but it still takes like three or four days to get the rash to go away. I wonder if this would work faster and possibly prevent them from coming at all.

  33. My kids seldom had diaper rash, but I used to apply a thin layer of the Lansinoh breast cream to their bottoms. I never needed an entire tube just for myself, and I hated to see it go to waste.

  34. My kids never had much diaper rash. But when they did get a little red I always grabbed the diaper rash cream. This sounds like a great product.

  35. I always wonder about these sorts of products... most reviews I read, they all seem to work well. Would be interested to have a mom test drive 4-5 different diaper rash creams over a 2-3 month period, and then give an overall analysis and comparison. But otherwise, as the reviews say, I bet they all work pretty well and it may also be trial and error, based on the type of diaper rash your child has, or their skin, etc. Isn't most of life trial and error?? :)

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