This photo was taken at approximately 2:15pm today - after a 6-MILE hike with the girls. Note my flushed cheeks from the warm weather (the high was 86 degrees today).
We hiked up Seven Falls in Bear Canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains. And this is "real" hiking - with stream crossings, rock-hopping, and trekking uphill. At the end of the trail, there are waterfalls (hence the name) and pools for swimming (but fair warning - the water is c-c-cold).
The hike was totally fun - and it was good to know that we COULD do it. Up-and-around, over-and-through...carrying the girls deep into the heart of nature.
When we pulled out of the parking lot, our 3-year-old suddenly said, "Can we come here EVERY Saturday?" Needless to say, I think the adventure was a huge hit with our whole family.
How did you spend your Saturday? If you live in or near Tucson, have you ever hiked 7 falls?
Wonderful pictures! Hiking is such a great activity to do as a family -- you're inspiring a love of nature and enjoyment of exercise in your girls! We try to take our son on a hike each weekend, weather permitting. Sometimes we go out for hours, sometimes it's just a short walk in a local conservation area. It's just so rejuvenating to get outdoors together!
Looks like you had a great time! I love getting outside with Mike and the kids. There's something about being in nature that makes the kids just come alive. It's so fun to watch them run and climb and collect things along the way. :)
I'm so impressed with you all doing a 6 mile hike! Awesome. I can't wait until I'm physically able to hike that long.
What a perfect way to spend the day. We were going to take Levi to one of our favorite spots for wandering, but then he and I got a cold. Ugh. So, no hikes for us. Next time Stephan is off work though, we're definitely going. Spring has left us itching for some outdoor fun.
That sounds like a great way to spend a day.
In the morning Hubby went turkey hunting with a buddy, Sugar went to play at Auntie's with her 7 year old cousin and I took my 12 year old niece garage saleing (Goose went with us...)
Then we went fishing and Sugar caught her first fish :) It was a fun day!
Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
How fun! I spent the day out with my mom, sisters and Audrey. We went to breakfast then shopped second hand stores for goodies. We had so much fun!
That sounds like such a fantastic day! We haven't been out for a hike yet this season (still snow on the mountains) but I'm so looking forward to it.
My Saturday was spent working on projects around the house. Which I really did enjoy. It's nice to putter around the house while the kids ride bikes and play outside. Makes me feel all suburban (which I am usually faking most days).
Love Seven Falls!!! It reminds me of our senior SALT trip... :)
You are building such great habits! That is awesome!
I have been to seven falls, but it was years ago. Still beautiful, huh?
My Saturday was spent largely in bed sick :( But I'm determined to shake it off today!
Happy Mother's Day Stephanie!
I've never hiked Seven Falls....although I've hiked in Sabino Canyon many times. I love it there!
How fun! And GREAT job hiking while wearing your little ones! That makes the 6 miles more like 12 if you are carrying another person right :)
We spent the morning at the farmer's market, then here at home playing in the water. After naps we walked down to the beach to play in the sand. It was a glorious day! Happy Mother's Day to you!
How fun Stephanie!!
What a beautiful family picture! Sounds like a wonderful afternoon. I am impressed that you hiked 6 miles.
I spent a chunk of my day (while my little ones napped) by working on several assignments that I have due on Tuesday for school . Then I spent the the rest of the afternoon playing inside and out with my kiddos, and making mocha muffins (yum!) with my oldest daughter in the kitchen.
We had a wonderful day as well. :)
I love the picture! Ya'll are too cute. 6 miles?? Wow!
We picked up our first subscription to our new fruit/veggie co-op this morning, and then my running buddy, my husband, and I ran in a 5K race this afternoon. The girls had a fab day playing outside with my sister and brother-in-law.
A great Saturday here too!
Such a cute picture and I love hiking too! What carrier is your hubby wearing your older girl with?
Such healthy habits you're teaching those wee ones! Glad your hike was a success! {Seriously cute pic btw}...