Your baby/toddler is asleep and you're wondering what to do to pass the time. Or maybe there are too many things to do (laundry, prepping for dinner, vacuuming, organizing the pantry...) and you need a little break.
Here's an idea: enter a few contests...but before you get started, I have to say that this past-time is a bit addicting (don't say I didn't warn you!). But it can also be fun and actually somewhat lucrative. Don't believe me? Maybe you'll be interested in meeting Laura Williams, a Tennessee resident and mom of seven, who enters 10+ contests a day and sometimes averages a win a day! If you want, you can click over to read my interview with Laura back in November 2007, entitled Contests for Moms (and how to win them).
For starters, you can hop on over and enter Hanes' Vacation in Comfort Sweepstakes, where you could win one of seven Walt Disney World vacations for four. To enter, purchase any specially marked package of Hanes underwear, socks or casualwear product (who doesn't need new socks and underwear?)...and register online with the corresponding code. You can also enter using a free code that you can obtain on the Vacation in Comfort website. The contest ends August 30, 2008.
Or you can enter a contest right here to win a $25 gift certificate to and, as I mentioned in a previous post, $25 goes a long way at Hanes.
YOUR TURN: Do you enter contests? Why or why not? If you do, do you have much success? Share your best contesting tips!
WIN IT! One winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to To enter, leave a comment on this post prior to Saturday, June 21 at midnight (don’t forget to follow the rules). * Winners must provide U.S. mailing addresses.
*UPDATE* The winner is #179 Judy Y. Congratulations!
I love entering contests. And I win fairly regularly. My tip is to read through the rules. Sometimes they limit them to certain age groups, states, or one entry per person/household. You don't want to waste your time on entries that will just be disqualified!
I enter sweepstakes and contests. I think they are part of a good marketing strategy. Entering sweepstakes has given me once in a lifetime experiences for my family and myself. If I were to give you one important suggestion about sweeping, it would be to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate sweepstakes. Legitimate sweeps do not make you pay for shipping or ask for your credit card numbers.
I enter because it's exciting to win! I also end up trying new things that I never would have bought on my own and end up loving.
Yes, I do enter contests. And I win a few! Not one per day, but I have one some bigger things and some small things and most have added to our or someone else's lives.
My very best tip is to read the rules. Otherwise you may be disqualified and lose your chance to win. My secondary tip is if you have limited time, be selective and enter for what you want most, but keep in mind if it is a biggie like cash or a car there may be lots of other people who want the same thing!
I have started to enter contests and I have won a few small prizes and a trip. I am going to read the other comments to see if I can get some tips. I will also check out the article about the mon who wins a lot of contests so I can see how she does it.
Yeah I enter contests all the time. I havn't been doing it for very long, but I've won a few small prizes so far.
Yep :)
I try to enter for things I would like. I have won occasionally. My advice has been said before..."You can't win if you don't enter."
I do enter quite a few contests, and have moderate success with them. Actually, the laptop I'm typing on now was won from a contest ;) I enter as a way to win things that my family normally would not be able to afford as I'm a SAHM and we live on just my hubby's income. We usually just win little things, but every little bit helps. Thanks for the giveaway!
I enter contests every day and I've won some pretty nice things. It is very addicting (I even take my laptop with me on vacation). I've been entering sweepstakes online since 1999 and before that I used to enter via snail mail. I've yet to win a trip but I've won enough to make Christmas very nice for my family and friends.
My biggest tip - enter, enter, enter. And keep track of what you have entered so you don't disqualify yourself by entering twice when the rules say one time only. Read the rules and make sure you are eligible.
Like to enter contests and sweepstakes to try to win but not alot of luck in getting anything other than a tshirt or cd but hey I try!
Yes, I enter a lot of contests. My motto is if you don't enter you can't win so you should enter and enter often if you want to win. I have a decent amount of success. I tend to win a lot of small things like t-shirts, food prizes, and movie tickets. Occasionally I will win a bigger prize. I definitely think it is worth it to enter contests. You can end up winning things you couldn't otherwise afford or end up winning something that could be the experience of a lifetime. For example, I always wanted a digital camera but never could really afford one. I entered many contests awarding digital cameras as prizes and ended up winning one. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
I have won several sweepstakes - I started seriously sweeping about 7 years ago. 2 years ago was my best ever - I won 2 trips, carpet, luggage, cell phones, a video ipod, etc. I have slowed down on entering contests and sweeptakes because my kids are getting older and are more time consuming; when they were babies I could sweep during down time but down time is less and less frequent now that they are older. I also like to do other things in my free time and there is only so much time in the day....
I have won quite a few sweepstakes throughout the years winning a car, trip, grills, TV, bicycle, cash and numerous small prizes. Its a great hobby. Remember to follow the rules. It only takes one to win but you have to enter.
I love Hanes!!!!
i luv contests
i've won a large screen tv once
Yes, I love sweeping. I enter over 200 sweeps a day online. With postage going up, snail mail has been cut back. However, I have won some very nice prizes, $5,000 gas card was my biggest win, won sheets and pillows, zune, movie tickets, gift cards,printer, NASCAR tickets and more. I enter anything I can use or my grandchildren can use. Also like to give them as gifts.
My tip....don't give will experience a dry period but when you get that email, or register cannot believe the excitement.
My family loves Hanes products -- socks, t-shirts, underware, etc. We hope we win! Thanks!
Like knitting or sewing, belonging to a Sweepstakes club is another fun, inexpensive and relaxing way to enjoy my evening.
I enter contests because I love to win prizes! I get lucky here and there. I recommend reading the rules before entering a contest.
Passionate about my sweepstakes hobby!
Yes, I love entering contests. Were else can you get wonderful items for free? I won a beautiful Sony stereo for Mother's Day about 3-4 years ago. I also wonder a Fender guitar for my oldest son who loves music. I started entering contests in 2001 after being injured by drunk driver and finding myself confined to a wheel chair for almost 4 years. It started out to be an activity to keep my mind busy and take it off the pain, then it became a hobby and eventually I realized that it was a wonderful way to make my way through the internet, finding new and interesting people, products and places.
my daughter got me into entering, and now i can't stop, you come across a lot of interesting websites that you probably would never have, plus you win some pretty neat things! my tip is to just keep entering, remember you have to be in it to win it! and don't just enter for the big things, if u want to see wins coming in enter for small stuff as well. Good Luck!
I enter contests because it is a way for me to contribute to our family and treat friends and family with items we would most likely not be able to buy. It's also fun!
I enter contests as a hobby. I don't take it too seriously, but it is fun. So far I have just won little prizes. My rip is just simple - just have fun.
I only enter christian like contests.
Here and there I enter some contests. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I enter a lot of contests. Upwards of 400 a day. I have a special sweepstaking site I go to and that helps me make sure I enter everything that appeals to me. Some people enter just to win, I try to just stick to the ones with prizes I know I'll enjoy. My best advice is to be patient. Your first win might not happen right away so just give it some time and you'll win eventually!
I do enter contest. I enter contests to try and get stuff for my girls that I can't afford to buy or just didn't know existed. I do okay with winning. My only advice is to enter regularly and don't give up. Thank you!
every day i make sure i enter the contests ending that day..that way you pretty much enter them all :)
Entering contests is a family hobby. I have been very successful in winning grocery gift cards and radio contests. The best win is a closer relationship with my sister in sharing our entries and wins.
Metropolitan Mama offers so many great giveaways; its so fun to enter and wonder if you get the email if your are the winner!!many Thanks SW
I started entering contests this past Fall to help out our financial situation. While I don't make a ton of money it helps to win an occasional gift certificate or baby product for my daughter. Keeping favorite contest sites bookmarked helps out a lot.
Yes, I've been entering sweepstakes for over 25 years now. Have won many trips, Hawaii, golf trip to So.Carolina, Caribbean Cruise, much cash, TVs,Radios, Microwaves, and many many Tshirts, caps, books, GCs and lots more. Am retired now, and this is a wonderful hobby to keep my interest up. If you enter a lot, you will start to win a lot!
I love entering sweeps and contests. My best tip is to enter, enter, enter!!!
Yes, I enter contests! I have some good months and some bad months.
I don't enter contest's as much as I used too, but I have won a few things. The more you enter the better your chances are.
* *I'm passionate about my sweepstake hobby!* *
I enter contests every day. I have only won a few things including Playstation 2. Like they say you can't win if you don't enter.
I use to enter all the time and won frequently and some nice prizes. Just starting back to enter again. Key is to enter, enter, enter, enter and enter and don't give up! You will eventually win!
I've been entering contests for years, and I do sometimes win. I haven't been winning nearly as much in recent years, though, as the hobby has gained so much publicity and popularity and the odds of winning have diminished. I also have noticed that many large sponsors have scaled back on their prizes for each contest, perhaps because their promotions generate so much traffic now that they don't need to offer lots of "biggies" to get our attention. My tip is to enter consistently with no expectations of winning, and eventually your number will come up!
I enter contests all of the time. It's my new hobby, and I wish I had time to enter them all. Won some nice shoes last week and a dvd. My tip is: IF you don't enter, you can't win!
I enter contests every day. I have only won a few things, but it's all definitely worth it.
My son ONLY wears hanes!
I love entering contest. I am usually trying to win my kids or husband something I could not afford to get them otherwise.
yes and yes
All the time...
I enter contests. Do it faithfully and you will win
I enter contests just about daily, but I'm still waiting for a big win. My daughter and my mother are usually the recipients of things I win. It's not that I don't want the prizes... I just get great joy from making others happy. You can't win a prize if you don't enter - and don't give up if you don't win something right away. Good Luck to all! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I have entered a few, maybe this one is my lucky ome.
At the end of the day, entering contests is a great way to escape.
I enter contests and I've won some nice prizes nothing worth thousands of dollars but a win is a win and I enjoy all of them. My advice is don't give up and local contests often have better odds.
I enter a few sweepstakes but I don't win often small items. I wonder if its worthwhile. Tips I need some. The only one I can think of is follow the rules.
I love to enter contests but I haven't won yet... Would love to start with Hanes!
I have just started to enter contests and enjoy it a lot. Just enter and keep at it.
I enter contests which feature items I'd like to win. I've won free tickets to Disneyland and also gift certificates to a few websites. No special tips, just a can't win if you don't enter!
I love entering contests because it gives me a chance to win something that I could not normally afford!
I love entering contests because every time you do, you get to dream a little dream.
I do enter contests. I have won many prizes including $10,000 cash. My tip is to not give up and enter every day.
I actually enter a lot of sweeps and contests. I average a minimum of 100 a day and sometimes if I am not too tired from work I will hit 2-300. On weekends I can hit as many as five hundred.
Best Tip Use avant browswer to mark faves dailys and instant wins andthen organize them by date of exp. As you hit each exp date you can just delete that folder and avant allows you to open all the links in a folder or all the links on a page
Yes I have had luck. just started this past feb and have already won 11 times. From something as small as a loaf of bread up to a nascar jacket
I love the novelty of entering contests, and never knowing when a cool prize will come my way. It has happened many times.
I enter LOTS of contests and loved to do it. I have won lots of small things and a couple of big things. My biggest win is a trip to CHINA - We'll be going in September. My best advice is to enter and enter and enter. The more you enter the more you will win.
Yes I enter contests - they are fun. I have won several smaller prizes. My biggest was a $100 gift certificate to Foot Locker. Best advice is to enter and keep your contests organized.
I enter lots of contests, sweepstakes and yes I do win. My biggest win was a trip to the Bahamas all inclusive. My worst prize was from NWA I got 4 round trip tickets but they were sooooo restrictive that I was never able to use them. Even with that I still enter just look at the prizes more carefully.
I enter contests whenever I have free time. My lastest win was a navigation system!
I enter contests. My hint is to look for local contests or contests that require some level of work to enter. These contests have more limited numbers of people entering, increasing your odds.
I do enjoy entering contests and I win once in awhile too!
I am addicted and enter everyday and have had some wonderful wins,I average about $20,000 a year between gift cards and gifts. It works for me because I cannot work anymore,have kids so I always have their birthday or xmas gifts for them and everyone. I enter through sweepstakes Advantage, there are so many great contests out and I even found this site through SA
Yes I enter contests and with persistance win a few times a year.
Yes, I enter contests--it is definitely addicting--I have limited success--the only tip I have is to not expect to win and definitely don't quit your day job.
Every once in a while; I won a trip to Universal Studios and a Wii recently!
I try to enter whatever I can find, I've won 3 pairs of hanes in their contest this month! If you don't enter, you can't win! Good Luck!
I enter contests on occassion. Depends on my mood
when I got injured 5 years ago I was unable to do anything so a friend turned me on to sweeping I have won money trips and lots of books my best tip is enter only what you want and enter as often as possible and never give up even with dry spells somedays it starts to rain
I enter contests, usually in the morning when I'm drinking my coffee -- instead of reading the paper. I've won some small items. Still waiting for "the big one." My only tip is: You can't win unless you enter.
I enter contests as a hobby and have a won some things here and there.
Yes I enter contests, as many as I can as time allows. If you enter, enter, enter, eventually the odds will pull your name. I have won many nice things for our family and friends through this hobby.
Keeps me from dealing with stress. Yes I win things and hope to win here. ;-) Thanks.
Focus on the big prizes because even the little prizes are hard to win so they are not worth the effort.
nah, waste of time LOL
I used to do online sweepstakes back in the late 90's. I've recently just started getting back into it.
Organization is the key. There is so much out there now. It can be a bit overwhelming.
I enter and have won mostly small prizes. Like I'd enter a contest to win the car, house or money but I end up winning 7th place and get a frisbee or poster! Not to sound ungrateful but sometimes its disappointing to get the poster of the Ferrari when I wanted the real thing! But the best advice is to keep trying and never give up! Sometimes it's like lotto, the odds are against it but you win, and other times the odds seem good but you don't! Go figure!
Yes.. I enter contests while my baby naps. i'm a poor sahm so if i want extras in life, i must win them! i do have some success. little stuff! i had to win all the gifts for my sis's baby shower and my daughter's b-day!i love to give, too so i'll be doing a giveaway soon!
Everyone could use new underwear!
I learn about what's out on the market without having to buy everything. I do like to enter but seem to win food prizes most frequently.
I enter as much as I can, which hasn't been a whole lot. I think I've only won a couple of things.
I do enter contests regularly because it is great fun to win. I have moderate success. It's enough to keep me interested an involved. I have been doing this for about 5 years now. I seem to have the best luck entering the sweepstakes that have a one-entry limit.
I enter Contest Because I Love to Win and they are Fun and their is just all kinds to enter and as I always say a Person cannot win if they do not enter so just keep on keep on entering Contest
I do enter contests! The economy is tough. I've won some books and baby stuff - much needed - for myself and gifts I have given to others. My biggest tip is to NOT get addicted.
Yes, I enter a lot. I love the thrill of winning and the fun I get out of thinking "what if I win . . .". I've won a few things here and there. But it's enough to keep me going. Thanks for such a great giveaway! :) has affordable clothing for the whole family, I have ordered there many times. As for contests try to enter as many contests daily for better chances of winning!
Yes, I do enter contests, any time I can. Since I am stuck at home (4 kids) I enter contests whenever I can, in hopes of bringing something we need to our family. (gift certificates-from Hanes, for stuff, new pots/pans, anything)...My biggest tip is to only enter contests that are free to enter and from good places you know (magazines, moms, etc) or you may be bombarded with yuck-mail. GLTA! (good luck to all)!
Only won some shirts
After I lost my job I have become addicted to entering contest. I have won a beaded necklace and a 200 amex gift card.
I definitely have good luck entering sweepstakes. I would say the single most important thing is to read the rules and only enter for things that you want.
I do enter contests, I haven't had very exciting luck (a couple Character Calls from the Disney give-aways) but I keep at it. I'll usually enter very regularly for a month, then take a couple weeks off and find myself back in it again before long.
My tips? Set up a spam email account, and try to be picky about what contests you enter. And if one asks you for more information you're comfortable providing or asks you for *money*, GET OUT.
Yes, I enter. I've entered a few on your site. I don't win much at all, but it is fun when I do. My only tip is to enter only for the things you really, really want. Time is precious and contests are just luck.
I just started entering contests in the last week. I have become so addicted to it that I can't wait to get to my computer after work or as soon as I wake up in the morning to enter more. So far, I've won a $10 gas card.
I like to enter contests and I win a small item every now and then which is always nice. My tips is enter,enter,enter TY 4 the great contest!:)
Yes - enter often to win
i enter contests everyday and its my favorite activity. i have 11 grandchildren 12 years and younger with money being really tight i try to win gifts for christmas. plus it was nice winning the trip to grand cayman for 7 days.
I try to enter as much as possible, but I haven't won much so is fun to do and you never know what you might end up winning at some point down the line.
I need to get my youngest daughter who will be 13 on July 17th new undies. Believe it or not our dog ate most of hers, she leaves them on the floor and the dog eats huge holes in them!!
I enter contests randomly. If it is something I really want or could use then I will sure try to get an entry in. I have been pretty lucky a little things and I won my wedding which was priceless! 10 years later and we are still a happy couple!
i love to win things
I've won two vehicles, chevy truck and an olds alero, and I am convinced it is because I have inherited my mother's luck after she passed away. She was the luckiest woman I've ever known.
I love contests....
I enter contest because it's fun. You never know what you might win.
I do enter contests and sweepstakes. I win a lot of little things, like $25 gift cards and a Shrek lunchbox, which I am delighted with. My advice is to enter as many contests as you come across and then forget about them. Then each win that comes to you is a pleasant surprise.
I enter contests because when i'm bored rather then do nothing might aswell have a chance to win something. TIP: enter in contests even if you don't really want the prize, because I am sure someone close to you would be happy to have it.
I enter and I win. Enter often and be sure to enter contests that require extra time and thought like essay contests.
I love to enter contests. It is fun to see that you won once in a while and gets you motivated to try to win others. My best tip would be to read the rules so you dont disqualify yourself. With that said, I tend to enter only contests that I really want to win since it is time consuming.
I enjoy entering contests! At first it was fun to enter everything and win all kinds of prizes, but now I enter more judiciously. I do it as a leisure activity and only enter for prizes that I really want and can use. It's a fum hobby!
I enter to win fun things, but don't have great success.
Yay, contests are fun
Entering contests is totally addicting.
I love to enter contests wherever I see them offered.
I'm always on the lookout for contest entry boxes and magazine entry blanks.
Good luck!
I do enter contests. It's a fun hobby. I have had fair success. Certainly not as much as Laura. I enter to try to win things that I can't afford. And who doesn't love free things! I don't win a lot but it is always exciting when I do.
I love entering contests. I have had a great time learning about the Blog world that I have found through contest links from a contest website. I'm not really lucky but I have won a couple things (a Disney Enchanted call and a doll & book set.) I usually stick to the single entry contests and only enter ones that are for things I'd like to win.
It is a fun hobby. I love to win stuff!
I am already thinking about back to school clothes for the kids so that is what I would use this GC for! I have 3 children, 2 of which are school age and they are growing faster than my flowers outside! They are going to need a lot of new clothes for the upcoming school year so I am planning now!
In terms of contests, I find entering contests or giveaways that offer prizes my family can use is a practical way to spend my time while my 4 month old is napping! It is relaxing for me, and I especially enjoy the blog contests because not only do I get to feel a part of community and sharing in on the fun, but I am entertained by reading what others have to say and actually have learned quite a bit about a lot of varying subjects! I also have learned about a lot of different types of companies that I was not familiar with before, especially small online boutiques, and have ended purchasing many items from those companies as a result of seeing them through a giveaway!
Unfortunately I have not won a lot, but I never expect to win, although it would be nice once in a while, but it is a fun way to spend some "me" time!
I enter contest, and I'm VERY loyal to the sponsors when I will.
I really can use some new undergarments with that Hanes Gift Card. Neat site
I enter contests fairly frequently, depending on the amount of free time I have and if I'm in an optimistic mood. I have won many small prizes such as health and beauty items, but nothing major like a car or vacation.
Yes I enter contests daily. My hubby calls it my job!! I've won several small things like toys and books for my kids, coupons, bracelets, and I did win some money too. It is very fun, passes the time, and is addicting. I only enter for things I'm interested in or could use as a good gift for someone. I don't get all crazy and enter EVERYTHING.
I enter contests every day when I have some time on my hands. This has turned into a realy hobby with me and it is addictive. I just like to see the things that are out there to be won by someone. I have won a couple of books and also socks.
I do enter and win on occassion. Enter for what you realy want and have fun
I love to enter sweepstakes; it's one of my favorite past times. I've won some things I would have never bought for myself because I seldom splurge. It's always exciting to go to the mailbox to see if there are any surprises!
Yes, I enter sweepstakes quite often because it's just fun to get a surprise win every now and then.
I do enter contests and my best tip is simply to stick with it - you can't win if you don't enter!
just to cool
I've recently started entering contests. What another great opportunity to see if my luck has turned! Good Luck everyone.
I love entering sweepstakes/contests because they help me to give my family some cool,nice gifts that they would NOT other wise get.I don't win as much as I'd like.You have to ENTER it to Win it.GOOD LUCK!
Do you enter contests? yes
Why or why not? something to do
If you do, do you have much success? yes
Share your best contesting tips! enter
I love entering contests because I like getting free things, I'm introduced to new blogs (like yours!), and it's fun! I try to pick and choose the things that I really want to win and not get too obsessive over entering everything! I love Hanes clothes! They have great clothes, and I love that they are inexpensive and I can clothe both of my girls in cute things that are not too grown up for them! Thanks for offering!
I try to enter a few a day because it's fun. Before kids I entered a ton and had a lot of success, but since having kids, my free time is almost non-existant, but I make a point to enter for a few things I'd really like to win. My tip is to only enter for things you can really use or want to win. If you enter for everything and anything, you'll burn out and get frustrated.
I enter contests every day if I can. My two tips are to read all the rules carefully and to join I won a trip to Louisana last week..the $30 a year is definitely worth it!
I like entering contests because you just never know when you could hit it big or enjoy something really fun as a result. I have had some success with it, and just keep on entering whenever I can.
If you don't enter, you can't win!
I enter alot of contests. Especially for dvds and game systems. I win alittle, now and then. Would love to win your contest.Could really use this gift certicate. I need to buy a special bra that fits a special sleeveless top. Please enter me, thank you
I enter when I can. Have had moderate success.
Because of prizeatron i enter hundreds of contests a week.. and um no.. i dont have that much luck in comparison to what i enter.. maybe 1-2 a month I win... the best win i ever got was before connor was born i won a camcorder and i almost peed on myself.
I blogged you on Prize-A-Tron too!
My FULL-TIME hobby is entering sweepstakes and I have done it for over 25 years. I enter nearly 250 each morning before I go to work, snd also send many entries via U.S. Mail. I love it. My last big win was $8,000.00 last October. My best tip is do not get discouraged. Just keep entering and you will prosper!
Sometimes I enter a contest here and there. It's fun to get things I couldn't normally afford and to try new things for free. I don't have any tips other than to keep trying and eventually you will win something.
Do I enter contests? Daily!!!! I am always sending out envelopes or postcards trying to win prizes. I win about one per month - my lastest was $300 in gift certificates for gasoline!!! At the prize of gas these days this was a WONDERFUL win.
I enter contests all of the time. If you win, the prizes are fantastic - either for me or for my family.
My first win from a contest came when I was in elementary school. I won the grand sum of $2.50 for third place in a dental jingle contest! Since those humble beginnings, I've entered contests (that's where you have to write an essay, name a product or character, etc.) and sweepstakes (that's where you just enter your NAZ and other information as requested). I've won hundreds of prizes over the years, so many that the paperwork from my wins fill several binders! Trips, electronics, appliances, cash, thousands of dollars in gift certificates, clothes, toys, athletic equipment and much, much more!
As far as tips go, the main thing about winning contests or sweepstakes is to follow the rules! So many people don't and then wonder why they never win!
If you're entering through the mail and the entry form says to print your information, don't use cursive!
Always read the rules and follow them to the letter, keep entering, have patience and you too will have years of wins under your belt just like I do and many thousands of other sweepers as well. Good Luck!
Yes I enter allot and I think I am doing well. My big wins for 2008 include a 2k diamond pendant and a 42 inch LG flat tv. My advice is never give up, always follow the directions to a tee. Enter local sweeps as they are easier to win. Give stuff away that you win to charity or others if you do not need or want it. It will bring you good Karma. Subscribe to a good contest news letter.
Once in awhile I enter contests, that require some sort of skill. Most of the time I enter sweepstakes...just a random drawing. I've been very successful at it in the 17 years I've been involved in this hobby.
My tip is to enter, enter, enter. Someone has to win the prize, and it could be you!
Thanks for offering this prize...both my hubby and I use Hanes, and I'd love to win this!
Yes, I do enter contests and think it's lots of fun. I've won some very nice prizes and I always say the most fun about it is you never know what you're going to win. Thank you!
I always enter the contests you list if the prize interests me but I haven't won anything yet!
I have been sweepstaking for about 20 years. It is so much fun! I always follow the rules provided and think positive. My motto is YOU CAN'T WIN, IF YOU DON'T TRY!!!
Sometimes I win gift cards, movie tickets, air tickets, food certificates, or six packs of soda. It is always exciting and a treat for our family. My goal is to win a trip to Walt Disney World, so I will keep trying. It might just happen.
Who knows I might even win this gift certificate.
Thanks for the contest.
I enter contests for the thrill of winning, even though I've had plenty of the agony of losing!
I am addicted to sweepstaking. Until you get hooked, you have no idea how crazy it can be. There are vendors of the supplies, chats on the best ways to enter, decorate envelopes, pay people to write 3x5s, etc. Who knew? It's a very fun hobby for me. I wish I had more time for hobbies, but small children are keeping be busy.
I enter some contests, but only ones I really want to win!
I have just recently started entering contests, and they are definitely addicting!!! All of them have been entered online, and most of them I've found through wonderful blogs. Actually, that's been one of my favorite parts of entering contests is discovering new products but especially discovering new and fun people through their blogs. I actually just won a $25 gift certificate to today and yesterday I won a coffee giveaway!! So much fun!!! My only advice is to be persistant but to have fun with it. It's not supposed to be a chore. It's supposed to be fun!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway!!
Michele Rice (CA)
[email protected]
I do enter contests in my spare time, I've won a few little things, nothing too great.
I love contests! Sometimes you win, sometimes you have a dry spell. Even the small wins give me such a rush. I've won a 80GB Ipod (for me), a nano for my daughter, Blackberry phone, dress, lots of books. It is very addicting.
I enter very few contests, but enter tons of sweepstakes, online and snail mail mostly. Seems most contests are for recipes and I just don't have any creative genius when it comes to cooking or baking.
I enter occasionally and have won. Jsy by chance I won a trip to Maui, so I will keep entering here and there.
my best tip is stick to "single entry" contests. any others and your chances of winning are greatly reduced by those who have the time to devote to entering daily. also, these prizes are typically bigger. just once i'd like to win a trip, then all this would be worth it, but i guess $25 in undies is cool too.
Oh, yes, I've been successful with sweepstakes. I've been doing it for around 5-6 years now and only recently discovered blog contests last year. I've won many many things - mainly small stuff. The biggest value was $500 shopping spree to up until this year. In January, I was notified of a trip win to Napa Valley with $1500 worth of spa treatments included. I got to meet Iron Chef Cat Cora. You can read my post here: Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Listen and enter radio contests--chances are better for winning!
My family loves Hanes!
I enter contests because I am a stay-at-home Mom and anything I can bring into our home makes me feel like I am contributing, even if it isn't much. My first day entering contests I won a DVD player and I was so excited!! I haven't won anything since but I am still trying!!!!!
I have just started entering contests this year, and am officially addicted. I have won twice so far which isnt bad, seeing that I took 3 months off during the last part of my pregnancy, and while I had the baby. The best tip is you have to be in it to win it. I had won my first prize my very first month, and once I started entering again, I won right away.
I have entered contests (more specifically, random drawing sweepstakes...contests require a skill) for well over 25 years and have had tremendous success. The best tip I can give is to spread yourself out and look for sweepstakes everywhere. Whether it be on the radio, a drop box at the store, a sweepstakes at a reputable merchant's website, a text message sweeps, or now the new wave of blog sweepstakes, try to enter as many of them as you can. The trick is not to enter just a few sweepstakes many times, but many sweepstakes a few times. In other words, don't put your eggs all in one basket.
i love to enter contests. it's ok, if someone else wins, they may need it more than i do. it's fun to dream anyway.
I love to enter contests online, although I don't win often I don't think that I am a loser, I think of myself as lucky in just finding one. My advise is to be patient, don't cheat as karma is everywhere and keep it fun! thanks for the contest!
I love to enter contests but don't usually win very often.
I have been entering online contests for ten years and have won some awesome prizes. I do not win as often as Laura though since it's often months between prizes, but it is fun to dream about winning. My tip is to do at least one entry into any sweepstakes that has a prize you want. It is possible to win with just one entry, even if the odds are not good. Someone has to win and it might be you!
Hanes are my husband's favorite briefs so it would be great to win this prize and buy him some more. Thank you for offering it.
Yes, I enter & enter & enter & enter (and I never exit). I've been doing this for WAY too many years now. I try to enter the contests of companies that I actually use or would use (or blogs that I read), etc. I like supporting them and love it when they give back in the form of a contest.
I love to enter and sometimes there's a nice surprise in my mail. Thanks for the chance to win!
My best advise is to be consistant with your entries and don't give up. It should be fun and not a 'task'. Enter for items you'd like to win and share those prizes with your family! I'm hoping to win the $25 Hanes prize!!
Entering sweepstakes (where the winner is chosen randomly) and contests (where the winner has to submit a recipe, photo, etc.) is a great hobby!
Keys: Find others in your area who like to enter.
And get a good newsletter like Sweepsheet (
Yes I enter contests! My tip is don't enter something you don't really want...because someone else does!
I've entered a ton of sweepstakes online but never won tactics are going to change now though. I've got the sites you linked in your interview with Laura added to my blogroll. Can't wait to see how it goes :)
Greetings, I think you know that I enter contests;
especially yours! Blog owners usually get more entries and I think that is helpful for winning. I
am not a blogger. I had a spending problem which cause a lot of trouble and part of my therapy is entering contests and winning once in awhile! Please enter me in your Hanes drawing. Thanks, Cindi
I love entering contests. My first win was from This is where I went every morning to read the news and three years later, I won a TV and surround sound system. I was hooked. I've won lots of books (and I read them all), DVD's t-shirts, lots of toys (which my son loves) and a big cash prize last year. Yep, I'll say it's fun!
I have been entering sweepstakes for over 10 years with much success. The key is to read the rules, lookout for scams, and enter a lot. You won't win all of the time but you can't lose all of the time either so eventually you will win. Be persistent!
I enter lots of contests. I haven't had much luck but for every little thing I win, there's a bigger prize just waiting to be had! I enter daily as often as I can. I don't make a point of it, but if I have time, I make sure and get in as many enties as possible. thanks for the great contest!
This would come in handy... see I'm entering your contest!
I've entered a TON since joining the blogging world last fall and have pretty much decided that unless they are a) giving away more than one prize or b) there are less than 100 entrants, it's pretty much not worth my time to enter. I know someone has to win these, but seriously, I don't really think it's worth my time considering that out of the the last bloggy carnival (held by Rocks in my Dryer) I probably entered at least 250 contests and won zero. Yeah. I could have done a lot more with my time that week!
If it's a writing or photography contest I'm more likely to enter since it's based on merit rather than randomness. That is, if I have a photo or piece or writing that I think is relevant!
The most important thing about contests is to always read the rules.
To not disqualify yourself.
I just started "sweeping" last month and I'm totally addicted! So far I've won a tube of mascara, a garfield movie and about 5 bags of chips from subway, and I'm looking forward to winning more! I enter contests every day, and hope that this Christmas will knock out last years!
I started entering contests a little over 3 years ago, and haven't looked back since! I think I've had pretty good success at it. I've won lots of fun & useful things. Some of my favorite things to win are food items. lol With 7 of us in the house, we can always use free food. The best tip I can tell you, is to enter, enter, enter. And to be patient. My wins seem to come in spurts, so I may not win anything for several weeks, then win something everyday for 2 weeks straight! I love that I might get a winning email, phone call, or just have a surprise show up on my door. My kids love it too- they are ecstatic when UPS, FEDEX, or even the mailman brings a package, because it might mean something for them!
p.s. I think this was a great question to ask. It was fun reading everyone else's comments.
I enter contests. I could do better. I think organization is the key. I seem to be a day late.
I do enter contests and I do win some of them (although I'd love to win more). There's nothing like having a package come in the mail for you! My tip is to read the rules and follow them to the letter so you're not disqualified. Also look at your local stores for drop boxes (sometimes at customer service desks or on end-cap displays). Carry a pen with you so you can always fill out your name and enter.
Yes, I do enter contests. I do okay, I usually win 2 -3 prizes a month. My best tip would be to enter some the day before they end. I have won quite a few things that way.
celticbikerbabe (at) AOL (dot) com
I like to win the stuff I am entering for--and often times I do.
I enter a lot of contests but very rarely win. My best tip is to enter as many as possible.
I enter contests almost every single day. It's addicting and I love to win *free* stuff. And to win you have to enter, so the more the better!
I'd love to win! Well duh. Of course :)
I do enter contests but I go through phases of it. I do it for a while then quit doing it.
I only enter s contest if I realy like or want the prize.
I enter contests every day. My biggest win was $25,000 which came when my husband had been out of work for six months and we were on the verge of losing our home! My tip: Keep at it. Have fun. Use Roboform for easy filling of forms. Blog contests are fun because I have met other women like me and websites that are amazing.
entering contest is awesome. my tip is simple - read the rules! thanks for the contest
Entering contests is a hobby of mine. I do win bu still waiting for the big one :0). Persistance is my only tip. Enter, enter, enter and you will win some and lose some..
Do you enter contests? Yes, I do!
Why or why not? Since I'm a homemaker, I use sweeps & contests as a hobby of mine. It's relaxing, a lot of fun (not to mention it's like Christmas morning when you get an unexpected package at the door or a congratulatory email saying you won!).
If you do, do you have much success? I've only been sweeping for a couple of years, but I have won numerous gift cards, beauty baskets, t-shirts, checks, to name a few. My biggest win - a Sony digital camcorder.
Share your best contesting tips. Enter the daily ones as often as you can, be patient - the wins will come and have fun!
This rocks!
It so so relaxing to enter contests I have won some really cool things including the computer I am using right now
Yea, I enter...too many. But i have won some nice things..My tip would be to get a "junk" email address before you start, like yahoo or hotmail or gmail; never enter with your "good " address because you will end up with lots of emails.
I do enter contest when time is permitting, mainly when I have free time at the office because when I get home it's most likely not going to happen. There is too much going on at home. I've only won a couple of small things so far but nothing really exciting. Yet!
I do enter contests every now and then. I really haven't won much, but it's still always so exciting to win! My tip is to follow the instructions for entering. It'd be horrible to miss out simply because you didn't enter correctly. I've entered to win a Hanes gift certificate a few times and so want to win one because my son totally lives in his Hanes sweats in the wintertime.
I enter contests sometimes if I really like the prizes. I have won a couple of small things. Thanks for the giveaway!
I enter some contests if it is something I would really like to win for my family. I have been fortunate. Thank you for having this.
I do enter contests because I like winning even if it is a small prize. Some of the prizes are useful and quite welcome. I have won quite a few small prizes and one vacation. My best tip is too actually enter the contest otherwise you can't have any chance to win.
I am a contest entering junkie. I have won lots of small things but keeping my fingers crossed for the big win one day. Hopefully money or a new (hybrid) car!!!
I find it fun to enter giveaways when I can. I'm not hugely successful, but every once in a while I get lucky and it's always a neat surprise! I really can't give tips, I'm too new at this!
Yes - I take every road to attempt my dream of financial independence...even the long shots!
I started entering contests because I wanted things to give my 8 grandkids, my sons/daughters-in-law, etc. So I enter the contests with someone in mind who would really enjoy it. I love to win gift cards, food coupons and things like that.I don't go to the Spa but I was able to give my daughter in law a gift card to go. My teen grandkids want ipod nanos...they get them according to age. I have won 2 so far. Any, it has been fun! The best tip I know to give is to keep it fun...enter as many as you feel comfortable happy with each thing you do win (don't concentrate on what you didn't win!).
My biggest contesting tip: Think positively, put time into looking at the sponsers site/products and ALWAYS say Thank You when you win to God and to the corresponding sponsers/blog/site. This is a GREAT way too learn about the best and latest products.....especially for kids, entering the contest is a bonus!
I enter sweepstakes and contests. Contests involving skill have the best odds. But avoid the ones where the public votes for a winner--they're usually quite unfair.
Yep I enter contests as often as I can! It is much fun to get a surprise in the mail.
I certainly do enter contests~daily and lots of them! lol It's such an addiction of mine AND at least it's a healthy one! :)I have had some success winning contests/giveaways! I think one of my biggest wins yet came in a box with an ipod shuffle and a bunch of books! Now, I haven't won money, trips, electronics like tv's or totally anything awesome like that. *wishful thinking* However, some of the things that I've won are: movie tickets, handbag/tote, books, assortment of baby goodies, earrings, perfume, blouse, spa gift certificate, necklaces, etc! This has all been in under a year. I'm been very blessed!! Tip: Enter even if you might thing you're chances of winning are slim.
I enter sweepstakes daily but I have limited time so I focus on one entry sweeps and essay contests. This whole blog world is new to me.
I am addicted to contests! Not sure what my win percentage is, but about once a week.
I enter a lot of contests but very rarely win. My best tip is to enter as many as possible.
I've just started entering contests, and haven't been too successful so far . . . but I haven't given up hope yet. Hanes has come out with some surprisingly cute kids' clothes--it would be great to win.
Oh yes, I enter contests. And yes, you could say I've been somewhat successful at it. ;) My biggest win so far is a car. My best tip is just to stick with it! You won't win right away, necessarily, but if you keep with it you will win eventually.
I love to enter contests and yes I enter often. I have never won anything really big - shoes, clothing for the kids, books, etc. I'd love to win something amazing - someday. My tip would be if there are chances to enter twice, like blog about them - do it!
I enter sweeps often. My biggest wins have been a 50" plasma tv & a trip to Ft. Lauderdale. It's so fun to win!!
I enter a lot of contests, and usually have pretty decent luck. I do try to only enter ones where I really could use the prize - either for myself, my family or someone I know. I would love to win this one - Hanes clothes are such good quality and they have some really cute designs for kids. :)
I do enter contests. I've been very fortunate with wins. I enter only the ones where I would make use of the prize for myself, family gifts, etc. Other than big wins the most exciting for me are when I win an item I've wanted but hadn't been able to purchase.
I do enter contests, and have even won one of yours! So fun.
Yes, I enter contests. I just recently started doing it more and I have won quite a bit in the last few months like books, jewelry and more. Hubby can't believe how lucky I have been LOL. I don't have any contest tips but I'm looking forward to going back and reading the comments here to see what others have to say.
I love entering contests, although I haven't won anything huge. I have won many tickets to events such as local theater performances, movies, etc. . . I find that I have more success with contests from local newspapers.
i enter contests. mainly ones of something i'm in need of. we don't have a lot of money and with 3 kids my husband being in school, and having a lot of problems from being deployed to iraq. i can't exactly go and buy myself much needed clothes or other items. sometimes i win.
I only enter contests that I want to win, and I have been slightly successful!
I do enter contests. I've won several things in the past, but nothing on a regular basis. I usually go to an online sweeps site, and enter most contests through that. Through it, I've won a $300 American Express gift card, a digital camera with printer dock, a book for new dads, and some new plasticware. But, this has been over the course of a few years. Either way, I'll take anything that's free!
Yes, I do enter. I win quite a bit. My biggest win is to be here within the next week --- 1 4000.00 Ethan Allen Dining room table! Nice!
I have many different sites and try to oraganise quick online entries. Its very addictive. Ive won a Color TV and $300, a silver eagle dollar worth $40 and some gift certificates.
I am a big T-Shirt wearer and honestly have tried them from every company..and paid plenty of $. There is none better than Hanes...the best out there...I also wear so many of their other lines of clothing, as do my husband and kids. Really would love to win this!
I do enter contests. It is one of my favorite pasttimes. As for the blog contests, I like to read parts of the blogs as well as enter the contests. My biggest win was my wedding at Six Flags. I have six children, and I sometimes use my wins as birthday or Christmas presents.
I enter contests almost everyday online. I don't win very often or very big prizes but if you just keep entering you're going to end up with something you wouldn't have otherwise.
Yes, I enter contests and sweepstakes. I'm a stay home mom so I do it for fun and win some good prizes!!!
I sort of have these waves of inspiration where I'll enter contests and then I'll go for awhile without entering a single one. I enter if I'm up at night on the internet and see something really cool like a cruise! : ) wink wink! haha
I think that it truly is coincidence as to whether or not I win anything. I do find that the contests that are the most fun are those that require some effort. I just find that if I have to actually do something like write a post or post pictures for a cyber baby shower it's motivating. Plus the prizes are usually pretty fab...
Yes~I enter contests and I try to enter at odd hours as I seem to win more then.
I love contesting. In fact, I won a baby girl crib bedding set and one day later, we got the referral of our daughter=)
I enter them on a daily basis, but only the ones giving away things I would actually use. I do not enter the ones I cannot use, or I do not know anyone that could use it. I even enter the small contests, such as winning popcorn. I eat popcorn, so I enter. Those are the only ones I win though... the small ones. So, that is my tip. Enter the small ones, you can probably win easier. lol. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I love entering contests. I came across the hobby while on maternity leave 3 years ago. When I won my first prize (a pedometer) I was quite suprised that people actually won from sweepstakes. After that I got really into "sweeping". I've won a lot of small things like gift cards or toys for the kids. The best prize I've ever won was a trip to Hawaii though!
I'd love to enter this contest too because I LOVE Hanes! They make the most comfortable undies and they don't ride up.
I'm sorry, but I forget what question I'm suppose to be answering here. I came here an hour ago and ended up going to someone's knitting blog...which then led me to someone elses blog that was discussing underwear.
Meanwhile, my kids are sleeping in a tent in their room and I'm praying they are going to stay there and not come out needing something again. Why? Well, I have a little carton of Butternut Pecan ice cream waiting for me in the freezer...and I'm not sharing.
Back on track now. I enter contests if I see something that interests me when I'm reading blogs. I just surf to whatever blog interests me. (Though strangely I'm not a knitter and I'm not shopping for new underwear.) :)
I used to enter contest every single day but I just do not have the time to do that any more. And yes, I did win. But the wins started slowing down A LOT so I entered less.
i love to win nice things and think i am pretty lucky.
It would be silly to say I didn't enter contests at the same time entering this one!!! I've started entering more contests in the past 4 months and it's really paid the last month I won a trip and a flat screen TV.
My best advice is to enter as much as you can and then forget about it.....don't expect to win anything and then if you win, it will be very exciting!
Contests are a fun way to pass time...whether you have time to pass or not. And thanks to a contest at this site my daughter has a darling little play cooking set.
I love entering contests - it can be quite addicting.
I do like to enter contests for fun. I have won some pretty cool things like makeup and perfume, an Ipod shuffle and books. I love the surprise of finding something in the mailbox. I'm not obsessed, and I enter when I'm relaxing and have the time. With 2 crazy kids its hard.
I recently started entering contests when I found your blog! LOL! I would occasionally enter something if I came across it, but unfortunately, I have never won anything! Oh well, you can't win if you don't try! Here is to hoping! Thanks for having great contests! chrisandamyward at comcast dot net
yes, i do enter, I have won small things and it's fun.
Since I throw away about 34 pair of hole-y sock a week, I think this would come in very handy!
Um....yes. I enter contests. I spend too much time, but it's fun when I win. I got started at I've learned to pay attention to the prize. I don't enter just to win. I want to siwn something I can use. I've won mostly books and movies. One of these days I'm going to win a trip to Disneyland! :)
I am a new sweeper - just started this year. I have been entering probably around 400 per day while I am at home anyway (between jobs) and I've already won quite a few things including a trip to LA in August. You're right, it is very addictive! My cousin introduced me to it, and I can't seem to stop!!!!!!
I enter contests a lot. To me it is like window shopping with a bonus if I actually win. It also introduces me to a lot of new things on the market. I think the best tip is to enter and enter often. It is the only way to win!
Entering contests is such fun. Everyday at the mailbox is much like Christmas always a surprise. My kids enjoy the fruits of my entering. The best tip is to enter frequently and as many contests as you have time for. I won $25000 and that was great and my best win yet.
I enter contests, I have some luck (nothing huge, but a few nice things. It is a wonderful hobby. My best tip is to join a contest forum site and enter, enter, enter.
I enter contests when I can. I've won a few things. This year I actually won a boat!
I only enter a contest that has a prize that I would really like to win! I really like Hanes products!!!
We love our Hanes around here. The undies are soo comfy for everyone.
You have so many wonderful contests, I keep busy just commenting here! And my boys could use new tee-shirts...
I love entering contests and my favorite wins are the local newspaper's contests for advanced screenings of movies! The kids get a kick out of seeing the movie before their friends and it's free. Sometimes they even have contests there at the screening!
I do not usually enter contests but would like to start
It's interesting to enter contests, so many web sites I would never know exist. No advise because I think it is just luck! And of course you gotta be in it to win it!
Entering contests has become just recently one of my new hobbies, LOL! I've won something here and there but your best bet is to "READ" the posting, give yourself the extra chances in winning by taking the extra step and be sure to have fun! Don't just post to be posting, like for example "Enter me" and "I'd love this".. is bland and blah and it means you didn't really care about the host of the giveaway, just about winning!
Most of the prizes we win are usually for my children, my friends, and my family, I rarely win anything for myself (occassionally I'll keep something), but I love giving others the happiness of something I put the effort into winning and it brightens there day and that's what matters to me!
Yes, I do enter contests. Every day. Have had some nice wins, including a laptop, $1000 cash, $500 JCPenney card, an Ipod, cell phones, and lots of gift cards and little items. It's a hobby for me! And thanks for the contest!
I do enter. I find them interesting, fun challenging, and when I win something, a welcome addition to my household income. Don't win all that often, but when I do it makes it all worthwhile
I enter contest every day. I use them to supplement the financial needs of my house. That and they are just so addicting. :) I have been extremely blessed with winning. This year alone, I have won over $30K in cash and prizes. My best tip is to be organized. Believe it or not there is a method to the madness. : ) Happy winning everyone.
I like entering contests, but my main complaint is all the time it takes. I'll go to Laura Williams site thinking I'll spend about 20 minutes or so, I look up, and an hour is gone! But I have won some really nice things for my family and my friends, so I know its worth it. :) Plus I love contests because you can find new blogs this way, as well as some interesting new products.
Thanks for the contest!
Ps. Hanes is a great certificate, because we are always out of socks - I can't believe how fast socks just disappear.
Melissa Neece (lots of pregnancy and natural living links) (holistic reviews for the practical person) (book reviews by a voracious reader)
I think I do fairly well with winning some of these; however, I've only won one BIGGIE. I love Hanes.
I love contests! I spend hours entering every month. I've had some the microwave I just won!
Yes, I do enter contests. My best advice is to enter local contests because the odds of winning are better.
Yes, I enter. I do it for fun and the surprise when something unexpected ends up on my doorstep. Successful? Well, I've never won a car or huge pile of cash, but I am successful enough to keep me happy. At the end of the month, I'm heading off to Hollywood on a trip I won in October. Perserverance is the key.
Yes I enter daily! It is like a full time job for me. The tip I have is to stay organized and be persistent.
Yes! I enter contests. My best tip is to keep it up, and don't get discouraged if you don't win immediately. Do it every day, like a job. It WILL pay off if you are dedicated.
I'm a total contest addict. I have been for a long time! It has gotten easier with all the bloggy contests. I have a pretty good success rate this past year, before that I never won anything. I don't have any tips, other then keep at it. I'm not organized like some people that enter contests or anything like that.
I do enter contests, but very rarely win. I usually do it just to pass the time in between errands and such!
Contests are a blast! It's always fun to win something!
kelli at pfrog dot net
I LOVE entering contests! I hardly ever win, but when I do it's so exciting!
I just started entering contests a couple of weeks ago, haven't won anything yet, but i'm trying.
Love the thrill of entering contests, and I've had some luck with a few trips. I'm more lucky with the daily entries, so stick with it if you have the time!
I enter sweeps on a daily basis. My buggest win so far has been a flat screen plasma tv/dvd player combo. The key is to enter every day if the sweep allows it
I love to enter sweepstakes online because it's so fun to win things. My biggest win ever was an all expense paid trip to Disneyland for my family of 4!
I've been entering sweepstakes online for 10 years now. I enter a total of 800 to 1,000 per day and average one prize per day. Because of sweepstaking, we've been able to travel to places we wouldn't have on our own--Germany, Las Vegas, South Beach Miami, etc. Despite what some people think, it does not take me all day to enter. I have a system for doing this and doing it quickly. I have two very young children who need my constant attention. So, I wouldn't have the time to spend on this all day.
I enter contests and have since 2003. The total value of all my prizes last year is more than I would have won at a full time job. I started when I was too sick to do anything else and got hooked. I blogged about my best tips for getting started in contesting and sweepstaking to make it easy for newbies to avoid a lot of the trial and erro, but a biggie is don't enter for anything you can't afford or don't want to pay taxes on. I am running a contest on my blog right now as a way to give back a little of what sweeping has given to me, I hope you'll consider entering it, it is for 2 $25 Amazon GC's and for 3 premium Online-Sweepstakes memberships.
I love to enter contests. I have won twice, and only entered this bloggy-world a few months ago. I won a wonderful cook book and a great collection of beauty treats! I never enter contests of things that I don't really want, which helps me limit my time. Sure, winning a swaddling blanket would be cool, but do I *need* it? No, my son is 9 months old and would get very, very, angry if I tried it on him! And there is no second kid in my near future, so I'll let other people win!
I could use some new underwear, too. I haven't been underwear shopping in way, way, too long.
I have been entering contests/sweepstakes online for over 7 years, and have won some nice prizes. Make sure you follow the rules and enter as often as possible for the best results.
contesting addict! I enter probably 100+ per day.
Win some lose alot .THANK YOU GOD BLESS
I have been entering contests on line for almost 6 months- it's a fun, free activity that has paid off with a few, nice wins. It is time consuming, but if you have some free time, it can be fun:-). Thanks for this one!!
I am a contesting addict! I enter probably 100+ per day, and have won trips to New York City (3 times!), Las Vegas, Houston and San Diego. I've been able to meet Lee Ann Womack and Jason Aldean, and I've also won an Ipod, a Palm Centro cell phone, many books & CD's and miscellaneous stuff like t-shirts and caps. It's so FUN to see a surprise package when I pick up my mail!! My husband even calls my laptop the "Contesting Machine." :)
I enter some contests and fantasize about winning but not much luck. . . maybe this is my chance!
I love entering contests. I started because it's a way to contribute to the family, it's fun, and I can win nice products without feeling bad about not putting the money into savings or something practical. My best win has been a very nice Dell XPS computer that I won from a gaming magazine.
I just enjoy it!
I just love to win, but with little success
I love winning stuff, ever though I haven't :( this would be a good start
I used to enter a lot of contests, but I have slacked off a good bit here lately. I enjoy the thrill of the win. My best wins to date have been a Kitchen Aid toaster oven, (which we gave to SIL for Christmas), an Ipod shuffle, and a portable picnic table. I have also won a few gift certificates here and there. I haven't won anything for a little while, but I attribute that to not doing it as much as I used to.
I enter contests. It's addictive. Unfortunately I don't win but maybe that's a good thing - if I did I'd never quit. But I keep entering (and I suggest you do too) because you can't win if you don't enter.
yes, love to enter and win for my family members!
I keep my wins and distribute for gifts throughout the year, at the end of the year what I do not use, I donate to Toys for Tots!
I enter contests. No success so far.
Yes, I'm a contestaholic. I win some, and I'm grateful for all. My advice is simply this, Keep positive. The more you feel like you're NOT gonna win, odds are you WON'T!
I love entering contest, It is totally addicting. I do win alot of stuff. But I only enter for things my family can use. MY best tip for contest are to ENTER ENTER ENTER. Like the saying goes, you can't win if you don't PLAY!.
OK. Here it is,my big confession. I've been entering contests for 3 years. I enter at least 1000 per day. Yes, that's one thousand. I work, I consider it a full time job, at leat 8 hours a day but more often 12 hours a day, 7 days a week unless I have major surgery and then I give myself one or two days off depending on how good the pain pills are. I can do this because I don't have any childrten at home. I'm a grandma of 3.
I have won 3 trips to Las Vegas. I hate Las Vegas. A trip to Baltimore to see the Red Sox/Orioles. 3 trips to Boston. A weekend at an inn in Vermont. A laptop, a real one from Ice house beer. Tons of makeup and other beauty stuff. Tons of $100 gift certificates. Books. NO CAR YET. NO LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY YET. Some expensive jewelry. My daughter gets nearly everything I win, or the grandkids! I get something in the mail that I've won nearly every day. I can barely wait for the mail to arrive! I figure it is like gambling except I am losing nothing but my time. Playing the odds that I have to win at least some that I enter. I do get off my rear end a few times a day to work out on the Bowflex and free weights and have lost 97 pounds and gotten rid of any signs of what was totally out of control diabetes 2 years ago. It gives me a purpose in life and makes me feel less guilty for not using my RN license out in the real world because I hate to work! I've got a million tips but I'm sure you don't want me to go on and on!
I do enter contests, have been for about a year. My secret is never give up and you will win! My biggest win was a trip!
entering contests is a great hobby and sometimes I win
I do enter contests often and have won a few small
items.It feels great to win something even if it is a small prize. I don't have really any good tips...Just remember that if you don't enter, you can't win. Thanks for the giveaway!
Yes I do. And have had my fair share of wins like everyone else here. My best tip is just to keep on entering them. thanx for the contest.
i enter when i can hey you have to try
I love entering contests. You never know when you will win or what. I love surprise wins that show up in the mail or by fedex. etc. My tip is you cant win if you dont enter so enter! Oh, and I have won a few things so that keeps me going and going.
I do pretty well entering contest. Most people tell me that I'm to lucky with my wins. I do them for financial reasons and with gas prices it helps.I already have a few xmas and bday gifts for individuals that I would not have been able to get when those holidays come around. My tips for contest is always make sure your not anon and always leave your email address. Lots of times I see post on contest with out either. Also my other tip is read the rules carefully because all contest are different. I also enjoy contest since they show me products I would not ever have seen before.
yes and if you ask my husband i enter too many :) i have been very lucky!! i use roboform to fill out forms quickly!!
thanks so much!
moore.g at
Yes, I enter sweepstakes as a hobbie and have alot of success. My tip is enter alot, enter often and don't expect much. If you enter several hundred sweeps every day, 7-days a week, you will have success eventually. It's a nice way to get some great things you might otherwise not be able to afford.
I enter contests as a hobby. It doesn't cost me any money, and it keeps me from being bored. I have never won a contest yet, but it's the idea that I could that makes me continue!
Yes, entering contests is one of my hobbies, and as others have said, it can become totally addictive. Have been doing it for years now, starting when everything had to be done by sending in snail mail entries. Do most of it online now, and have noticed that the blog contests have really grown in just the past 6 months. They have introduced me to a LARGE number of interesting web sites! Wins are spotty--do quite well on the smaller ones, but have won a cruise and several $200-1000 cash/gift card ones.
I enter sweepstakes to win specific prizes. The only thing I know for sure is that you can't win if you don't enter. I do like to win...
I don't enter many contests (which generally require some element of skill-- essay, photo, etc.) but I do enter a lot of sweepstakes. The best thing to be is lucky, but that's a little hard to control. The second-best thing to do is be sure to follow the rules.
I do enter contests,and it is addictive. I have won some small prizes, and dream of a big trip. I don't have any good tips though!
I've won a few things. The way to enter is enter, enter and enter - don't give up!
Thanks for this giveaway. Yes, I enter contests. I enter them with the hope and dream of maybe winning. I have won a few items, nothing big, but always fun, and it's such a thrill when you win. I don't have any special tips. Thanks again and please enter me.
Yes, I enter contests for the thrill of possibly winning them. I love getting surprises in the mail. I also like entering for expensive items I would like but wouldn't normally purchase due to budget limits. I have had some success nothing big, but have won fun prizes. Thanks for the contest!
I enter contests everyday. I enter for gifts that I couldn't otherwise afford. This week I won a beautiful bag autographed by Fergie! My tip is to use a sweepstakes site so you can keep your entries organized. I am entering your contest from
I enter contests regularly. It's just a fun way to pass time when relaxing at night. I have won a lot of stuff. Most recently, I won a 46" HDTV and I won $1000.
I enter and win. I am thinking that people are not entering for trips because they can't afford the taxes. I have won three trips this year. Thanks for the chance.
I love to enter contests just for fun. I have won a few things lately. I have one some pretty cute things. It's great to show support to other moms blogs and why not have fun entering contests too. I think the best tip I have is to subscribe to your favorite contest sites and leave some contact information too.
Entering contest is a daily thing for me. The three favorite things I've won is a trip to vegas, a trip to Jamaica and a cracker barrell basket full of cracker barrel stuff found in their gift shop
Yes I sure do enter contests. I am retired and this fills up time I have on my hands. I also enter to win gifts for my family that I am unable to get otherwise. I win something every now and then. I love surprise wins that show up at my door.
Entering contests is a hobby of mine. I love the surprise wins that come to my door
yes I do. I've won some very nice things.
Thank you
I enter contests every day and my total for 2007 was over $18k in prizes including a trip to Europe, a trip to Disneyworld, a trip to Las Vegas, a trip to Los Angeles and a PSX3 just to name a few.
Yes, I do, my startegy is enter things I want and do it consistently
I started entering contests because of my uncle, who always got cool things in the mail and I didn't believe that he kept winning them all. He pointed me to some great sites but lately I've only been blog browsing and in the process have found some amazing blogs (like yours!) that I check daily, contest or not!!
I try to do all my "contest, web browsing" early morning before the kids get up for school so it doesn't interfere with the day. Of course unless I get a break while the littlest is playing or watching Yo Gabba gabba...:)
Well, it's obvious I do {after all, I am here entering this}
I don't have much luck most of the time, but it's still fun to enter :)
I enter contests because it's like gambling for free, and sometimes I win stuff I'd never buy (or can't buy) for myself. My advice would be to stick to the one-time entry contests and only enter the multiple-entry ones if it's a really big prize, otherwise it just gets boring with low chances of winning.
I love sweeps! I enter quite a few and have one a few things, nothing big yet.
I enter contests here and there, but never win much. But it is fun to enter and have the chance to win something i cant afford sometimes.
I enter contests for items I really want. I like to give away a lot to charity and friends, so entering contest makes me feel good. I always read the rules and appreciate the contest sponser. thank you
I enter contests to win, and to support cool sites. I rarely have any luck.
Yeah I enter stuff all the time, I'm a total sweeps junkie. Persistence is the key, there's not really any luck to it. Just keep on entering, you'll win stuff. I've won roughly $1400.00 in cash and prizes so far in 08'... but I will not be content until I win from Metropolitan Mama! Now gimmee the goodies, needs me some drawers.
Love to win. the key is enter enter enter
Yes, I enter to win - I don't win much but one win is better than none. I've won a total of 3 things in a time span of a few years, maybe... bad stats. I have no tips. =( I'd love to win the GC to Hanes! Thanks for the chance.
I like to enter contests whenever I find them.
It is fun if you win.
I won a trip to Florida.
My tip is just to enter if you find one that you like.
Yes, I do enter contests too, although I'm not as lucky with my odds as some. I have to say that I'm happy none the less with what I have won, but when I really, really, really want or NEED a particular item (game consoles, money, giftcards and other (to me) extreme prizes) I am not that fortunate. As a matter of fact; I have tried on many occasions to win a Wii, but have not been lucky at all. To this day I have yet to win a game console or any other needed item for my home and my family.
I have however won numerous DVD's, kids books, kid programs for the computer and music CD's and don't get me wrong, I am still very happy because they are movies that had I not won, we would not have ever rented it because of our finances.
I enter because we don't have a lot for our kids and family. My husband works for himself and tends to put our money back into the business in hopes that after the "5 year mark" we will start reaping the rewards for our struggles...we are at 4 and a half years and no sign of getting out of this yet. Anyways, I enter the contests that I know my friends or family could use or would enjoy having (and a lot of times I do the ones I really need either for enjoyment or neccesity). I do not sell any prize ever...I will not enter anything my friends, family or I cant use. I do love contests but it could be a month before I get another win and that win might only be a CD...
For this reason, I'd love to win a gift card, I love hanes and am in desperate need of undergarments.
Great contest, I'd really love to win!!!
Yes, I enter contests but not as much since having a baby. I seem to go a long time without winning anything then have a few small wins in a row. I don't win "big" very often but have had one very nice win in 2004. Basically, I keep entering hoping another "big" one will come my way.
Since I have a new baby I started to enter them because if you win something for the baby then it's one less thing you need to buy or you get to try something maybe you never would have bought. I have never won anything in my life though, so I sure can't give any tips! haha
Entering contests is fun. Once you win, you are automatically addicted! I remember the first thing I ever won was movie tickets, I was thrilled. That was three years ago and I still enter contests to this day. My best tip is: You can't win it, if you're not in it! Just keep on keepin' on & you will one day win.
Thanks for the contest!
I do sweeps as a hobby. I've never won one of the "big ones" -- cars or trips, but it doesn't lessen the fun I have doing it. My biggest prize so far was $1,000 Cash. Best tip: hang in there!
I enter contest because it is fun and I find some interesting sites and products that I wouldn't have know about. I have won also!
I love to enter contests because it is fun! Every once in a while I will receive something that I have won in the mail. It is usually a big surprise. I don't really have any contest entering tips, but I only enter single entry contests. I don't have time for the daily entry contests. Thanks so much for this fun giveaway! I hope I win because my husband needs some new undershirts.
I enjoy entering contests. Some can be challenging to find special answers to enter.
Following rules will get you more wins.
Girl, YOU got me addicted to the blog world and to entering contests. Thanks a lot! (sarcastically) and... Thanks a lot! (not sarcastically) It's addictive and can become time-consuming, but I've also won a few and get ridiculously excited when I do. It adds some fun into my little day, both when I win and when I get something fun in the mail. :)
I enter contests just about every day. I do it because it is a lot of fun to dream about winning the prizes. I have won several prizes and of course that keeps me entering.
I enter contests every day and win a lot of stuff big and small.
I do it because of the thrill of winning, it's an addiction of mine. The last two Christmas's have been wonderful for my hubby, three children, family & friends because of contesting. My house is filled with beautiful items such as wall art, new appliances, big screen tv, etc, etc... I always have birthday presents covered even my yard looks great because of contesting.
Two of the biggest tips that I would pass along would be to have patience and be very organized.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
I love entering contests. The thrill of opening your mailbox and finding a win inside that you didn't know was coming is awesome.
I enter contests everyday. I just started entering the blog, post a comment, contests in the last couple of days and I really enjoy reading all of the interesting stuff on the blogs.
I have won lots of stuff but I think the best win was a $500 HEB (local grocery store) gift card. Boy that came in handy!
Thanks for the contest!
I do enter contests - but usually only if it means no more effort or cost than registering on-line.
Haven't won a single thing! Haven't even won a bloggy-give-away...but one can always hope!
yes enter every so often
I enter contests/sweepstakes all the time, my tip? I enter here: a gazillion sweeps and contest listed all on one site and for FREE!
I enter for fun and the chance to experience new things. I win little things often, and have had one very nice big win this year.
i like to enter contest lots of fun
I have won a few contests in the past.
It helps if you enter contests that don't have
much competition, such as ones limited to certain states, age groups, or occupations, etc.
Don't waste your time entering contests that have a prize that doesn't interest you or that you won't use.
Keep at it. You are bound to win eventually!
I like also like to enter contests. Its something I do for fun and mostly when all my cleaning is done and my son is napping or after he goes to bed. I also only enter ones where I would really like to win the prize.
I've been entering contests for several month
I love contests! I've been entering them for over 4 years now! The blog giveaways have been my newest dig though. They're so much fun and help me discover new blogs (which is how I found yours a few months ago, BTW. Now I check it almost every day!) I enter through It's a huge forum/database of member submitted contests. I average about 10-15 small wins a month.
My biggest win to date was a private movie screening from Revlon. I got a makeover with my sister and we also got limo transportation to the theater. They rented a whole theater out for us to see a prescreen of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I also got a bag of makeup goodies. Last night I won a movie ticket from Dr. Pepper!
Anyone interested in contests should check out It's a great site!
Im always entering contests! I have some success, I like to enter cause money is sooo tight and with a new baby coming and a 3 year old, I can always use the help with things!
I enter contests every day! I've won a lot. Some of my bigger wins include a trip for 2 to New York City, a diamond necklace, designer jeans. I think I tend to win contests where you can enter every day and not just once.
Yes, I enter contests too. I have won some great prizes. My best tip is just to keep entering. If you don't enter, then you can't win!
Yes, I enter contests all the time...and I win a lot too!
I enter contests occasionally if I think the item is something I want or need. I don't enter just to enter. I win somethings now and then, nothing on a regular basis but I would love to win this gift certificate.
I enter contests during some of my down makes me feel like I'm using it well...especially when I win something. I only enter for things I want, so I don't win all that often, but when I do, it's a great win!
Thanks :)
I enter some here and there but I'm really unlucky :(
Do you enter contests? Y
Yes, I do. I love to enter contests.
Why or why not? They are so fun! You never know when luck will hit you and a big win will arrive at your door
If you do, do you have much success?
I've won a trip to New York and many other smaller prizes
Share your best contesting tips! Just enter everyday. It's addictive :)
I enter contests whenever I can find the time. I won a sweater last month! Keep trying, don't give up, and you will win. [email protected]
I enter everyday and I am kind of successful, I have won 3 trips in a year. My tip is don't give up. One of my tripe I entered in October and did not hear I won it until February.
I do enter contests. I definitely don't win as much as Laura. I have won a few things over the past couple months, a book, necklace, movie ticket. No great tips. It's just sort of fun to dream of what I could win sometimes. I'm dreaming of new undies for the kids right now!!!
Just like MadMad, I love my Hanes cotton bikini undies!
Entering contests is totally addicting. :) I usually enter them to try a product I normally wouldn't buy either because they are too expensive or maybe it is something new I haven't heard of before. I have had some success, but not too much lately. But I have to say I have found a lot of great blogs to read by coming across a giveaway and now I read those blogs all the time!