You've heard me sing the praises of Lands' End polos in past articles.
Of the brands we've tried for school uniforms, they are the best of the best - soft, well-fitting, and able to withstand lots of washes all throughout the year.
If you've browsed the Lands' End website, you have probably noticed that the polos come in two different materials - interlock or mesh.
Interlock polos are made from 100% cotton and are incredibly soft. The material has a slight stretch and both of our girls like the lightweight and lush feel of the shirts. Not at all coarse or starchy. To wash, the instructions say to turn inside-out and wash warm normal with dark colors.
Lands' End describes the interlock polos like this, "The Interlock Polo is knit for a smooth surface quality — which when combined with yarns using high-quality cotton (like ours) - produce a very soft, cushiony feel."
Mesh polos are also 100% cotton, but the material feels very different. It's a coarser material with some texture - similar to other school uniform brands (Children's Place, etc). The cleaning instructions are the same as for the interlock polos. Some of the moms at my daughters' school have commented that the mesh polos tend to be more forgiving when it comes to stains.
According to Lands' End, "The Mesh Polo is knit for a much more textured feel that in many ways was one of Lands’ End’s historical 'sport' fabrics — it has lots of tiny holes which promote breathability."
Interlock polos are the clear favorite in our house because of how the material feels. They have also done a pretty decent job when it comes to stain-resistance.
Have you tried both interlock and mesh polos from Lands' End?
Which material "wins" in your house?
Thank you! I always forget which is which. Our family likes the softer, smoother material. According to this article it is interlock. Thanks again!!
Yes! The interlock is the softer, smoother material. We prefer it also. Hope your kids have a great school year!
Thank you SO MUCH for clarifying and describing the differences of the two so well. I felt like the website was vague and didn't know which to buy. No question now. Thank you for the help and my girls thank you for the comfort! :)
Thanks so much for this clarification! We order our uniform shirts from Lands End almost every year...and I always forget the difference between the two. The interlock is for sure the favorite in our house as well. We also have had to sort out which style of shirt is preferred. I have two girls, one in middle school and the other in high school. I used to try to get by ordering larger "kids" or "teen" size shirts because they were a little cheaper. But the cut was pretty boxy for my girls liking. So with the sale right now and free logos (code: book pin: 6482) I went with the adult female sizing.
We ordered polo shirts from Old Navy last year and had them monogrammed locally, it was much cheaper, but they did not hold up as well for the whole year. They have "buy one get one free" right now, but it isn't worth the difference in quality. Unless you don't mind possibly having to reorder shirts mid way through the year.
I agree that Lands' End quality trumps most cheaper alternatives. I have three girls (ages 7, 10, and almost 13) and I can pass down polos even after pretty heavy use.
I order women's sizing for my oldest daughter and we have been satisfied by the fit. For the younger two girls, I order interlock feminine fit. Hope that helps!
Land's End has a polo with supima cotton. Is that considered a interlock polo shirt or mesh?
I would guess that the supima cotton is more like the interlock, but your best bet would be to ask Lands' End directly.
We have bought both. The boys like the feel of the interlock much better than the mesh. However the interlock shrink up more than the mesh for some reason. If you wash and dry the shirts take that into account. If you hang dry then there shouldn't be a shrinking issue.
Yes! This is true! We have found that it is best to hang dry the interlock polos to avoid shrinking.
Thank so much! This information was extremely helpful to me.
I think you describe the difference perfectly! We had a 12-year-old son with sensory issues and how his clothing feels is extremely important to him. The interlock is supersoft and he prefers it by far over the mesh, which he described as scratchy. I would say that the Mesh is a bit more breathable for sweaty types.
When your child has to wear the shirt every day as part of their school uniform comfort is really important and I just love that Lands End has choices!
Good to know! Sounds like interlock would be the winner in our household too. The "feel" of the fabric tends to very important to this crew.
P.S. Lovely locks on your model;-)
Thanks for commenting, Dayna! Now you need to write on your blog so I can leave a comment for you! ;)
She DOES have gorgeous hair. I'm so curious if our baby boy will have curly locks too...