Please welcome Sara Sutton Fell (pictured right) to Metropolitan Mama.
She's the CEO of FlexJobs, a site "where you'll find the best telecommuting and online jobs, from freelance to fulltime, all hand-screened and legitimate. Guaranteed."
FlexJobs has been featured on CNN,, and
I recently had an opportunity to interview Sara about FlexJobs and how the site can benefit YOU....
ME: How many job opportunities are currently listed on FlexJobs?
SARA: We have over 2000 active, current telecommuting jobs in our database. They range from full-time to freelance, and the job opportunities are in over 50 different professional categories.
ME: How often are new job announcements added to the FlexJobs database?
SARA: We add about 40-50 new jobs daily, Monday through Friday.
ME: How long do job announcements stay "active"? Are they flushed out of the system every few weeks/months?
SARA: We hand-clean the job postings on our site constantly, removing any job postings that have been removed or are no longer active. There are no jobs over 60 days in our database.
ME: What is the biggest "advantage" of joining FlexJobs?
SARA: There are many, many benefits of our service, but the biggest in my opinion is saving immense amounts of time by letting our skilled and trained research team do the endless digging for the best legitimate, scam-free job leads (instead of you having to do it). Close follow ups would be that we provide excellent customer service (including by phone), offer a money-back guarantee, and have a clean, well-designed, ad-free website.
ME: Are all of the opportunities in the FlexJobs database "virtual"...or are some local opportunities also offered?
SARA: All of the jobs in our site involve or offer SOME level of telecommuting, from 100% virtual, online jobs to jobs that have some kind of geographical requirement. We have recently added a great new feature that allows users to search for jobs available only in their state or region which we're really excited about!
ME: How much does it cost to subscribe?
SARA: Subscriptions are $14.95/month or $49.95/year.
If you're looking for a part-time, flex-time, or virtual job opportunity, consider FlexJobs. You might just find what you're looking for...
WIN IT! There will be three winners. Each winner will receive a one-month subscription to FlexJobs. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, June 22 at midnight (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).
* Image of Sara Sutton Fell taken from the Denver Business Journal, 9-14-2007.
*UPDATE* The winners are #7 Kristen, #5 Angie, and #43 Leilani Shaffer. Congratulations!
I came upon this site in the process of researching flexjob. It is a legimate business as it is listed on the bbb since 2008. I wanted to see if anyone has found a job through flexjob. I'm skeptical about paying and have gone through this experience with no luck. If you're interested in a work at home job, I can tell you of 2 I am currently doing from home. eBay and Demand Studios. eBay is an at home business, and I am a seller doing it as I can afford to. I review titles and write for Demand Studios and the flexibility is great. Demand hires now for writers and more. I tell my friends and family this, but they're not as passionate about working at home as I am. Good luck.
I would like to get start with the No Starting Fee Job At Home Program please.
i cant believe i missed the deadline by a few hrs. neways.thanks for posting about this. but i wish it was free!
I would love to have a flex job.
I have to say, right now, I'm bored with going to the water park. Not really...however! I do think that I would love, love, love to use this site during the school year. I volunteer a lot, which doesn't pay except for to the heart (yay), but I'd love to earn some money on the days off. Thanks for the intro!
I'm very interested in a resource for legit telecommuting jobs in my area. Thanks for introducing us to FlexJobs.
I'm impressed with the information you have. I'm getting somewhat burned out with the job I currently have and have been looking for something I could do at home. This is a resource that would help tremendously in the hunt. I also have a family member who is disabled and has been searching for something that she could do from home. I'm going to have her check into this.
I am interested in a flex job because I am a student. I am always concerned about scams so I haven't looked into many of the jobs. I will check out the site.
I'm a stay at home mom, but I would love to win this for a friend who has just relocated and is having trouble finding a job.
I'm currently looking for a job right now, and it's hard trying to find one with some form of flexibility. I'd love to be able to work from home, freelance, or at least not have to have a standard 9 to 5 job, but it's difficult to find anything that fits. I'd love to win this, since this service seems like it could really help me. I also love that they handpick the jobs, and make sure things are up-to-date. I've found many jobs during my search that were out of date, and it was a real hassle.
I would love to be a work from home mom.
i would really love to work from home with everything going on in the economy we could for sure use a little more security thanks so much for the chance [email protected]
This is very exciting. I keep thinking that with my kids getting older, it's time for me to be more productive and contribute to the family financially again. I always hesitate to pay for these kinds of things, always worried it's a scam. A free membership would be a perfect way to test drive the site and see if it might hold opportunities for me. Thanks for the opportunity.
This would be perfect for me. I've been thinking about delving back into the working-world after having had 3 little girls. I'm very interested in finding out what kinds of legitimate work-from-home opportunities exist. This would very well point me in the right direction. DH would surely be happy too! Thanks!
Vikki O.'s Testimonial from their website really stands out! She said "I've worked online for about 10 years and have never had as good an experience as I've had with FlexJobs." - very few people ever feel that way about any 'agency' or job service, if she feels that strongly after having tried other services it might be worth giving it the old 'college try' :)
i am trying to get back into working as well, but a home-based job might be just the transition I need
It is hard to find the right work from home opportunity. I was blessed to find one last summer that paid well, but since then, the economy has tanked more and that opportunity now pays much less and isn't always worth my time.
I would love to be a work from home mom. As a single mom my options are kind of limited. I am also a registered nurse which doesn't allow much opportunity for work at home jobs. I would love to be able to check this website out and see if their is anything available that I could get started doing. Maybe one day my work from home dream will become a reality!
I'm a stay-at-home mom who needs to go back to work soon. A telecommuting job would be perfect. I would love to win the subscription.
What a great website. With the economy the way it is, I've really been torn as to return to work now that my daughter is here. This would allow me to bring in some income, but also be home. Thanks!
I have looked into some work at home sites and I have checked out and have found a lot of them to be a rip off and a scam. So, Thank you for posting some sites that are real and that are not going to take us to the cleaners. :-)
What a wonderful resource for moms! I am struggling with the need to find a full-time job but also with having to juggle all of the kid responsibilities (hubby's job is NOT flexible at all). Telecommuting would be the perfect option, but I can't afford to pay for a subscription to a site like this one. I hope I can win one of these!!
The more I hear about telecommuting, the more I think it's the right approach for me. I don't like to drive - it's stressful, expensive, and bad for the environment - and working from home would eliminate that burden. I wish more companies were open to telework.
This sounds very interesting. I think one should always have their eyes open for a better job; better hours; better pay; better location; etc.
I have to say that I stumbled across your blog and I am so glad I did. I have been looking for ways to work from home to spend more time with my kiddo. I miss out on so much working full time but you have to do what you have to do! I appreciate the opportunity to find outlets to promising leads! Great interview, great insight, keep up the good work cause I am hooked!~
This is a great post for those who are working on becoming moms too. My biggest fear is how on earth I will handle a demanding office job and being an involved parent. Right now, that seems just impossible, but it's posts like this that give me hope that somehow I can find my way out of my daily 12 hour grind. I thank you for the hope!
great of you get fired [email protected]
You have some great information on this blog! I would LOVE to work from home and make extra money! I have a 2 year old that would love to be able to go more places and do more fun things. With that extra money, we might even be able to go to Disney! :) FUN!
I would love to work from home and make a real living. I am always skeptical of these sorts of websites so it would be amazing to find a truly valuable and legitimate one! Hope I'm a winner! :)
As a stay-at-home mom of two, these economic times are pretty stressful. I have considered working from home, but never knew where to look for information of how to find something that would work for me. Thank you so much for this list of resources, I can't wait to check them out. Winning the subscription certainly would be an awesome start to help me with my research!
Thanks for the great interview. I am definitely interested in trying out Flex Jobs. In the last three years I moved across the country, had our son and stayed home with him, and now we're moving again. Our son is still young and I would love to have the opportunity to stay at home with for a bit longer. Flex Jobs looks like a great way to start working again.
How great! My husband is looking for a new job right now and this website sounds great! Even if I don't win I will def check it out. Thanks!
This is an awesome giveaway! I have dreamed of working at home for years. My girls are teens now, and I have been a single Mom for many years. I have been blessed with an employer that allowed flexible hours over the years but mediocre pay. However, the economy has taken a toll on me financially and I would love to take on a second job at home. Thank you for this opportunity!
I've never heard of this site. I know about HireMyMom and HomeJobStop, but this one looks good, too. I'm very picky about places that you pay to get leads, but this company seems to be the real deal. Thank you for the interview. You are rocking and rolling girl!
With my husband out of work right now an opportunity to find a flextime job would be fantastic.
wow, I have never heard of this site and it looks like it has some great opportunities! Thanks for letting us know, I"d love the chance to try it out.
I've thought of trying this type of service before but never have - it would be great to have a chance to try it for a month!
I'd love to see what I could do with this kind of site. It's starting to look like I might need to start working asap, and I'd love to use this resource. Thanks.
I have tried to find jobs where I work from home and have never had any success. I even started my own business. Everyone loved the idea, but it was right when the economy was going down! BUMMER. I would say that this site is worth a try. Being on a missionaries budget we could always use extra $$$$
I would love to work from home after I'm done with school, it's just so hard with my degree (MS in Family Science) most of the jobs that are in my field have to do with working in the community - evening and weekend hours - not my dream =( So I'd love to see what telecommuting jobs I might be interested in.
autumn398 (at)
Thank you for posting about legitimate work databases that cater to stay-at-home moms! I often think how I would like to find a job, but I do not think that it would be worth it if it meant I had to leave my son with a daycare of some sort. Any experience I've had with trying to locate a telecommuting job has always been dismal. Thanks again.
With the change in economic times, I have been contemplating working a little bit from home (don't want to take too much time away from the family, tho... that's first priority). This looks like a great opportunity. Thanks!!
Thanks for bringing this our attention. I know I'm looking for something to do at home with my kids. Definitely looking at this! Would love to win a subscription however... :)
Neat website! I have taken some wah jobs but they are more like forum moderation and managing blog comments but haven't seen any of these type of jobs offered anywhere. I wonder if I would find them through flex jobs. Would be interested to see what it's all about.
I agree with Nini, you really provide some great resources for your readers.
I'm definitely headed over to check out this site. My hubby and I recently made a BIG decision to give up what we thought would be our forever home to move back to our hometown to be close to family. We're downsizing in the process and, while his job will transfer, I'll be going into it jobless with crossed fingers I find something quickly. I'm a technical writer and with the economy the way it is, writing and communications positions are becoming harder and harder to come by -- perhaps a telecommuting job is a good opportunity for me to find something I love and be able to be home with my 9 month old more often! I was always scared to look into anything like this before because you just never know the legitimacy of job postings online. Thanks for posting this, Stephanie!
Awesome give away. I'm not one to pay to join something to try to find a job t make money, I've seen too many scams. I'd love to find a work from home job though, but have struck out on the search. I'd love to win a subscription to see if it works!
I've been disabled for 14 years and often wondered about working at home... even signed up for a few that looked good. Never was what they said. I would really love the opportunity to see first hand that this isn't just another no-luck lead to supplementing my meager (cough... laughable amount...) SSD...
You find some pretty great things! Thanks for posting this! I am indeed starting to delve back into the working world. I have two little ones at home and when I had #1 I was working from home for a company based out to South Carolina. It was so nice being able to work from home, however once my daughter started crawling we decided it was best if I quit my job and invested as much time in her as possible. My job was very phone and email oriented which meant I had little time I could actually be away from my desk during 'business' hours. It is a tricky time now with the economy and all and it is looking like I will have to work again, however I find it hard to justify working so I can pay for daycare, and I would really like to be able to be at home with my kiddos and contribute to the family finances! Thanks for posting this info about FlexJobs! It is a great resource to know about!