Lindsay Brin is a mom who knows fitness. She's in awesome shape...even after having two kids (she also has a third on-the-way!).
Her 60 Day SlimDown System is specifically designed to "boost your metabolism and have the pounds melting off within the first 10 days." It includes a Nutrition Plan, a detailed Fitness Calendar, and Progress Tracker.
All of the workouts can be done in 45 minutes or less. The only equipment that you'll need is a set of hand weights.
One of the most intriguing parts of the system is the meal plan - which is designed for the whole family. Pork Tenderloin, Grilled Cheese, Smoothies, Shrimp Tacos, and more!
Read Lindsay's blog where she chronicles her entire pregnancy in photos.
You can also follow her on Twitter.
What is your current fitness routine like?
WIN IT! One winner will receive the complete 60 Day SlimDown System ($49.99)! To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Wednesday, May 4 at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!” or “Love it” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a US mailing address.
* Moms Into Fitness is compensating me for this post and is also providing the giveaway prize.
*UPDATE* The winner is #30 Janelle - The Opinionated Mama. Congratulations!
Housework all day long. Lots of stairs, cleaning and chores.
This would be fabulous for me because I am in desperate need of a workout routine and need help losing weight. I have been working on losing weight this whole year and I need help to get the last part of my weight off. I seem to have gotten stuck and this seems like it would be a great help.
I could use this. My weight is a constant struggle with me. I would love to try this system.
I am trying to get back into routine as I have autoimmune disease and has caused me to slow down some, thanks for the chance
I have her Shed 5 Fast and it's my favorite DVD. It works you hard, but I don't find I'm out of breath at the end of it! But my muscles hurt the next day so I know it works. I'd love to win this one to add to my collection as well!!
I feel like this would really help me get in shape
giveawaychu at gmail dot com
Currently I have no routine I was walking everyotherday but stopped because it was to cold
I'm going on vacation this summer to a tropical place, and need to lose a few pounds first! I could use this...
Sounds great, my MIL would love this.
Stretching, cardio, abs and weigh lifting!
My current routine is making sure I get in all my fruits and veggies and trying to get my butt on the treadmill
mlynnw83 at gmail dot com
I am currently in a no fitness routine...I need some help and motivation to get on one!
Sad to say but my exercise routine has completely derailed. I was doing well until I seemed to develop asthma almost overnight and I just can't seem to get the energy to do anything.
Bwhahaha. If I could find time in the day, I'd have a fitness routine. But maybe I just need it all planned out for me, so I don't have to think (or try to)....just do it.
Sounds like a good plan I am trying to loose the baby weight but need meal plans that can work with my lifestyle and that is really hard to find. [email protected]
i need to slim down, this is great!
This sound like a good program for moms like me who just can't seem to lose those last few pound sof baby weight. I would be very happy to snag this 60 day slimdown.
My main workout is chasing after my daughter. I also walk/hike and now that the weather is warmer I will be swimming and playing tennis.
I currently don't have a fitness routine. I am desperately in need of some motivation.
I would love to eat better and do Zumba daily. I love doing Zumba but I just don't get up and do it!
Hello, I'm sorry to say, I don't have a fitness routine. I need to get one. I could stand to lose 20 plus pounds. I have been suffering from Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia and have just let myself go. I know I would feel better if I got rid of the weight. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Time for brutal honesty: I have no fitness routine. At all. Boo. I took some steps to get registered at the gym I have access to through Tim's work. Now all I need to do is go....sigh....
i try to get on the tread mill for 30 minutes a few times a week... thats it
I need to lose at least 50 lbs, this might help.
I really need to get on a more efficient workout regimen. I currently will walk a few times a week and although I've lost most of my baby weight, my body is no where near where it was pre-pregnancy. This would really help me get back on track.
Right now I feel like I have no time to do anything with 3 kiddos running around, but I did recently get the zumba for wii and it is pretty fun.. I like it alot!
[email protected]
I enjoy jogging outside - this would help me to get ready for swimsuit season, thanks!
i don't know if you'd call it a routine. i'm crazytown right now - full time work, full time school and a teen, so it's just being active all the time!
My current fitness routine is just taking walks now that its starting to get nice.
This sounds amazing! I just had a baby and am ramping back up my exercise routine and would love some new workouts!
I'm due with our second on June 30, and I must say I am slightly nervous about not being able to lose weight after the baby is born. I'm not one of those people from whom the weight melts off just because I'm nursing and exercising. These days, weight loss is always a challenge but I'm determined to beat it this time around. We have a larger age gap between our children because I struggle with infertility. I have PCOS and one of the side effects of that is that losing weight is hard, but if I don't lose the weight then I am not able to get pregnant again. Alas, it is a catch 22. All this to say, I have tried lots of different exercise regimes and am still looking for the one that works best for me.
walking everywhere
I had my second child a few months ago, so I'm trying to get back into some routine of anything, exercise included. Between school, family, work and exercise, it's all still rather a jumble.
I am to a point where I feel eating right does me no good if I don't have a regimen to go along with it! This sounds like the perfect answer!!
I really need to do something. Lately my weight just keeps climbing. I know that depression has been part of the reason.. but now it's time I do something.
This is something I need. I just had a baby and thought that I would lose all the way I gained during pregnancy right away. I was wrong! I have being trying to lose but the weight just wont come off.
My current fitness routine is Zumba 3x per week. calvad at aol dot com
I'm just using the Wii Fit at the moment... better than nothing, but still not the best workout I could be doing.
My fitness system? Cleaning up the house hourly after my four kids! Thanks!
This sounds like a fantastic system. I like that it includes not only an exercise plan but a meal plan as well. The meal plan looks like it would be something my whole family would enjoy too.
LOVE her! I actually just won her Shed 5 Fast contest. I wrote about my story with weight loss and body image and after having baby #3, it's been a bit of a journey trying to get back to my old self. I'm still working on it, but my routine normally consists of jogging 4-5 times a week and a bunch of fitness videos. A bunch of my friend's own the Lindsay Brinn videos, so it would be nice to have some of my own! Here's a link to my story from her blog:
I actually thought about YOU when I was writing this post, Ashleigh...because you managed to stay so TRIM during all three of your pregnancies! And then you bounce right back every single time! :)
I jog when the weather is nice, but otherwise nothing too consistent. :(
This sounds like a really interesting system, and I like that the meals are family friendly. That's always hard for eat my own meal and make something else for the family when I'm trying to lose weight. I need to get on a good exercise plan, too. This might help!
This sounds like a fun system to try. I've not jumped back into exercise yet, but really need too! Life is SO much more hectic with two little ones!
Having a c-section, I can't jump back into activity right away, but I would love a DVD tailored to moms for when I'm ready. Thanks!
love to try out new fitness dvds-I get newly inspired
I would love to have this set- I own a few of her dvd already and lost 6 pounds using them! Would like to have more of her dvds to change things up a bit :)
I try to go to the gym for at least half an hour every day, but lately law school's really gotten in the way so it's turned into basically nothing. So guiltifying.
my current fitness routine is...nothing! I'm an accountant so I had NO time for anything but taxes for the past 3 months. I'm hoping to get back into exercising a few days a week and this would really help!
I would love to win this - I just had my son 2 months ago and am trying to take the weight off. Currently I'm walking but I'm planning to put some resistance training into the mix.
I currently walk because i'm pregnant. I used to run. I would love something to jump start my pregnancy weight gain!
lots of walking and working out with video games with the kids
I have no workout routine, but would love one...this would help tremendously!
Currently my exercise routine is 1 hour a day on the treadmill on odd days, 30 minutes a day doing an ab workout on the treadmill on even days. I really need to change it up, maybe these are what I need.
I am looking to slim down some, this looks like a great start, always love some new ideas.
Right now I have no fitness routine, and it shows. I need to get my butt in gear but need the "help" to do it.
these dvds look great. love the fitness tracker feature.
My newest little one is three months old and was very inspired to get into shape after checking out this gal's blog. I think I need to get moving more after seeing what's possible! I'd really like to check out more of what she has to say about getting my body back. Thanks!
Wow! She looks fabulous! Apparently she's doing something right. I would love to get in on her secrets because the mom/wife/student juggle is not good on the physique.
Wow, when I stop and think about my routine, it does not include any formal exercise. I walk steps and steps every day and by the time I get home I am stepped out! Need to re-think that.
I currently have no fitness routine, but I really need one. I love to do yoga, but my toddler likes to inpeed my positions so I usually give up quickly.
I take an aerobics class once a week. I need to ramp it up and get outside, since the weather is warming up.
This is an eternal struggle for me, but oh well. My exercise goes in spurts. I'll go strong for a month or so, and then get burned out. For the last three weeks I've been working on exercising at least 4 times a week. I am focusing on the 30 day shred at the moment. I can do anything for 20 minutes right! I also got a bike for my birthday a month ago. I hadn't been on one for nearly 15 years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my rides with my girls (they both learned how to ride a little over a month ago - I got tired of running behind them). So I try to do at least one of these things a few times a week.
Sigh. I still have too much around my middle that I really despise. Can it go away?!?! Please?!?! Maybe this is the trick. Or maybe just doing something is the trick... I am too lazy.
Same here! The middle is my menace! ;)
I have been wanting this forever and have read reviews that say it is great! Anyway, it is finally warming up around here now, so in the summer we try and walk outside and I run. However, in the winter is when I use videos so this would be perfect then!
Okay, this looks awesome and I may buy it if I don't win it. But winning would help financially!
For fitness I currently push that double jogger up and down the main road in our town. Trekking 3-6 miles depending on how the kiddos are acting. Lately they have not been loving it so this may be an awesome change in pace.
Just had my third girl! Fitness for me during this season is chasing my older two around and snuggling with my baby! A season for everything!;)
This would be a huge blessing to me!
Ah! I gained 40 lbs. with my first pregnancy and would like to NOT next time! I'm working on getting to a healthier weight right now. I've recently lost 30 pounds and have about 12 more I'd like to lose before baby number 5! This would help a lot I think!
Oh! I have seriously gained some weight in the past year and I am always looking for a "realistic" way to lose pounds. Thanks for making this offer possible via your blog!
I can't say I have a current routine. I was put on some restrictions with this pregnancy, but I'm hoping they will be lifted soon! I would love to try the Sim Down System after I have my little one!
Wow! I checked out her website, she is awesome. I am so amazed by her body. I love how open she is about all of it, the photos especially. I always want to see what women actually look like after having a baby. I've had three and I still seeing other womens bodies in the kind of shape mine was. This video looks great.
my weight is a constant struggle...would love to try something new!
Oh I am in the workout dulldrums at the moment and have no excuse. I am still managing to get to the pool to swim a mile once a week (my goal is 3-5 x a week) and my husband and I have been playing tennis in the evenings, but honestly I really need to motivate myself to do more. I know that exercise during pregnancy is such a benefit for baby and momma. I simply have to start doing it! It is hard to have gone from fit focused to exhausted these last four months, knowing that some of my lack of energy is the fact that I have thrown my routine out the window.
I looked at her website/blog and I love that she had before and after photos of each baby. I am a slim person but my tummy is where the extra always shows first. I need to start walking again.
I have really been trying to make fitness a higher priority for myself and my family. I have started jogging (which I don't particularly love doing, but I love how I feel afterwards) and I also ride our elliptical (that we affectionately call "Rhonda") I have been wanting to try some new DVDs and things to try and spice it up a bit. So this would be great!
The elusive exercising routine....I'm trying to make it less elusive but this year has been hard and I've had a tough time fitting it in. I used to walk every day and was at the gym 3X/week. A few weeks ago I started making exercise a priority - walking 5X/week which means less time for blogging.... I'll definitely check out Lindsey's 2 month program!
I would love to be able to try this! I've tried so many diets and workout routines. It's difficult finding one that's motivating enough to stick with for very long. It's very discouraging :(
My exercise has been anything but consistent. I struggle to fit it into my schedule as a homsechool mom of 5, but I know it needs to be a priority. Now that the weather is warming up here I will be able to start getting up early to run again. I have been thinking about doing the 30 day shred along with running. I still need to burn off those last few pounds from giving birth to baby #5. :)
My husband & I try to walk every day at leat 30 minutes. We have been enjoying being able to walk outside for the several weeks with the nice weather! Otherwise treadmill it is!
I'm currently up to working out 3 times a week, but still am not dropping the weight! I know diet is the key.... I just need some ideas and direction!
I belong to a mom fitness group, we meet twice a week where we do a mix of weights,circuit training,yoga and pilates. I also run once or twice a week. It definitely helps me with my mood and energy. My big problem is food. I tend to overeat, I think it's time I try something new(:
I love that you are a part of a mom fitness group! How did that get started? Who leads it? Where do you meet? I'm curious.
I try to workout daily and I try to do something different every day. I jog on the treadmill, do zumba, do Jillian Michaels dvds. My favorite routines by far are Zumba. I have lost 26 lbs and I plan to keep losing.
Oh my goodness, if I don't win this, I'm definitely going to buy it. I was really dedicated with fitness before I had my son, but now I feel guilty if I'm spending time with him. I'm trying to squeeze workouts into naptime (usually workout shows I DVR or workouts on DVD) but it's hard with the million other things we need to do! I like that this plan is less than 45 minutes plus the meals sound delicious! Plus my sister is getting married exactly 60 days from now and I'd like to look great in my maid of honor dress!
I meant to stay "I feel guilty if I'm NOT spending time with him."
My fitness routine takes a back seat to everything else. I'm trying to change that but, like many moms, I find it hard to make myself a priority.
I try to walk to where I can (library, post office, around the neighborhood) while carrying my 20lb 9 month old. Occasionally I do a yoga DVD. Other than that just housework and yardwork. My "fitness routine" has to include my 9 month old.
Fitness routine? What fitness routine? See... that's the problem :) When the weather is nice we do get out and walk, but it's not enough - I really need to do more and to be more intentional about my own physical fitness and health.
In recent weeks, I've learned that I have to exercise an hour at least 4 times a week. It really helps me overall (plus I'm trying to lose weight). Keeping after one preschooler and one toddler sure keeps me busy, though!
I just had my second baby and am feeling a bit pudgy. I would love to have something like this!
wow, she looks fantastic! wouldn't I love to have those abs!! I had just had my 4th baby boy on Christmas Day, and 4 months later I still have 15 lbs. to lose (I gained 50 lbs!)
I have a weird foot injury that is keeping me from doing anything more than some floor workouts and a few carefully selected free weight exercises. I can not wait until the spring rain/snow stops and I can finally ride my bike (one absolutely doctor-approved exercise).
I am currently not doing much as I'm 7 months pregnant and ended up on bed-rest with my first pregnancy so I have to be really careful. But in non-pregnant times I consider myself to be a runner and I get to the gym as frequently as possible for weight lifting and spin class.
I feel as though I have tried just about every program out there. The most recent adventure helped me to drop 6 pounds in 3 months...not very impressive. I'm willing to give just about anything a try these days. Thanks for the recommendation and possible opportunity to try it for free.
With the kids, school, and work there is not much time but I do two main things. One is walk during my kid's practices. Another is I DVR workout shows and try to do those on the weekends. They are bit odd but free.
What intrigues me about this video is the food. Usually the diet food is too weird and the kids won't touch it.
On another note we went high fructose free this week! (for the most part)
Sounds like a great system! I have a chance to do a gym workout while my daughter is in preschool 3 days a week. Otherwise, I just try to keep active with the kids and now that spring is here in MN, try to do as many activities outside as I can! I've also recently discovered which helps keep track of diet, exercise, and weightloss/fitness goals.
Currently, my workout routine is just thinking about exercising because school is eating up my life. But I will be done in a few months, and then maybe I'll try 30 day shred again.