My 2-year-old has many nicknames. We call her "teeny tiny" and "little one" and "twoyears."
She is independent and outgoing...and yet she's still my baby. She still has squeezable cheeks, pink pouty lips, and soft little fingers & toes. She still likes to lay her head on my shoulder and snuggle in close on my lap. When I'm cooking, she will often pull a carrier down from a shelf and bring it to me.
Do you toddlerwear too? Would you like to? If so, I am pleased to introduce you to...the Boba Classic Carrier. Boba accommodates children 15-45 pounds in a front or back carry position. It features wide straps for optimal back and hip support...and footstraps for added comfort for your toddler!
Follow Boba on Facebook for the all of the latest news + contests.
WIN IT! One winner will receive a Boba Classic Carrier ($100)! To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Wednesday, May 4 at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!” or “Love it” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a US mailing address.
* Boba is compensating me for this post and is also providing the giveaway prize.
*UPDATE* The winner is #44 Anders. Congratulations!
I'd love one of these since I am expecting.
I love these carriers. The prints are so unique.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I really like the look and design of the carriers. Far superior to others
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
My little grandson is 7 months old. I would love to have a carrier to use with him on walks, while shopping, and even around the house when I'm watching him.
I'd love one of these carriers the babies and children in the pictures on their web site always looks so relaxed and comfortable being carried around in them!
This would be perfect for my friend due in October. :)
This is great. My first time seeing this. Thanks!
I like the Earth color.
I wear my almost 4 yr old often!!! I would love a Boba
I really like that this carrier can be used on the front or the back. The Tweet pattern is also adorable. The foot straps are also really unique. I had never thought about the role of leg position in the posture of children before reading about this carrier.
Their carriers come in such great color combos.
My daughter is 16 months, but is the size of the average 9 month-old, so we use our Moby Wrap still, but we need something more structured like a Boba for sure. She's starting to droop! It's time to put up the Moby until the next baby...whenever that may be. I also have a sling that I use for a hip-carry. She likes that, but it hurts my shoulders after too long.
mamaswears at gmail dot com
Thanks for providing this giveaway, I never baby wore my 2 year old but am expecting another boy in July and seriously wanting to do it this time because apart from a double stroller it seems the only logical option. Its just so hard to decide what carrier to get though because their are so many available and all seem to have mixed reviews! I checked out the Boba website and they have some really interesting info about baby wearing and their products look great!
[email protected]
i used sling for my kids and whish i knew about this carrier before
i like the boba classic carrier i would choose the earth
I would love to use this with my youngest Thor I also have a 4 year old and 3 year old so this would free me up a bit to get out and about more [email protected]
I also have a 2 year old who loves being held a lot. I've never worn my babe and would love to give it a shot.
I had a Baby Bjorn when I was pregnant with my 1st child in 2007 but wasn't thrilled with it---I would love to have a Boba carrier! They look so comfrotable for both baby and mom!
I would like to win this for my friend who is expecting. She wants to wear her child and this would be perfect.
I often end up carrying my 2 year old around on my hip. This would be a great way to go hands free while still pleasing him. I would love to win this so I could carry him on my back when his little legs got tired. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I wish they had those when my kids were infants
[email protected]
Used a carrier like that years ago with our son and it was great; can't beat having the kid right there with you, as opposed to down in a stroller.
We have a boba and love it! I'd love to snag this for my brother and his wife, who are due with their first in July!
well its better to wear your baby than arm carry so this is swell!
My current baby carrier (I won't name the brand here) is not very comfortable to wear, and it is difficult to adjust. When I bought it, I wish I tried it on or read others' reviews. I've heard of Boba, they usually get very good reviews from moms. I wish I knew Boba Classic back then.
I just adopted a baby boy and this would be perfect!
These carriers are SO convenient... especially when trying to grocery shop or changing out laundry. My 6 month old still likes to be close to me all the time...which I completely don't mind. The carrier just frees up my hands to actually get stuff done during the day.
This looks like a cool carrier. I love having the option of wearing on my back!
We have a baby due in July, and I've been researching carriers. The Boba Carriers are highly recommended, so I was so excited to see your giveaway! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
I love the Boba Classic - Mist carrier, thanks!
OMG, being able to have my hands free would be super sweetm and help me be able to multitask but still snuggle baby
My friend still wears her 3 year old while 8 months pregnant. I only use my carrier in the snow. My 1 year old baby however likes to be carried and cuddled all the time, maybe a carrier would be a good idea
I love that the Boba holds babies up to 45 lbs. My son is pretty hefty for a nine month old and some carriers top out at 20 or 30 lbs!
I never used a carrier with my oldest but I am hoping with the new baby on the way to get closer and use a carrier. I think it will save my arms a lot of sore days! This boba looks great and keeps your little one tucked and close. Good Luck!! And Happy Mother's Day!
I loved wearing my two year old in a wrap from the time he was an infant. I'm looking for a more supportive carrier now that he's bigger and have been eyeing a boba!
I'm expecting my first at the end of the year and plan to baby wear and think this would be perfect!
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
I didn't start baby wearing until my little one was almost a year old but now that I've tried it I love it. The boba looks like a great addition to any baby wearer's collection.
We are expecting our first at the end of the summer and I am really looking forward to babywearing. My husband, despite being a former military man and law student, is a closet hippie and keeps asking me why we would even consider getting a stroller since I'll be carrying the baby when we go for walks together. While that is a conversation I am still trying to find a good balance to, hello feedback please, I would be thrilled to win the Boba.
I really want to get into "baby wearing" with my second (due in 5 weeks!). That way I'll have my hands free to take care of my 2 year old too... although, I'm looking for a carrier that I can use for her as well (maybe with a back carry). I actually have a consultant coming to my house in a couple weeks to show me a bunch of different carriers and wraps :)
im using a mobi wrap right now and i would love to try the boba when she gets a little bigger.
thanks steph!
These look so comfortable. I also like the Breeze colored one on their website.
I love baby-carrying! It makes things so much easier when you have your hands free! I wish I would of knew about it with my first.
i was a failure at babywearing with my daughter but i think it was because it was just so easy to carry her in my arms... she was the only one at the time. i'm due with my second later this month and i'm determined to wear this baby since i'll still need my arms to help with my toddler. i've collected a few new carriers this time around and the boba would be an excellent addition, especially if my toddler gets jealous and wants to ride too :)
I just started wearing my 6 month old twins and they love it! I have yet to find a carrier I love but I'm working on that. I really love the one on one time I get with them when I am wearing them!
My little girl is 14 months but she is still my baby (always will be!) and I wear her all the time. Sometimes we both need a cuddle and it is a great way to give (and get) some love and get something done!
I've been wearing my newbie a lot lately, but the other day he was asleep and my toddler was wanting my attention in the kitchen. i put him in the sling and he loved seeing what I was doing! It felt like it had so long since I'd worn him, but just a little over a month, but he (and I) obviously missed it!
I really like that there's a carrier that goes to higher weights. My babies tended to get big fast, and both of my boys were around 20 lbs at the 4-6 month mark, so this would be great for them :)
Hubs did give me an ergo for X-mas though, and I LOVE it. :)
My 6 week old LOVES his carrier...but I need something more comfy and something he will still fit in when he is bigger.
I love the look of this carrier! The designs are cute too.
I would love to win one of these for my daughter who is expecting...she has other children..and not enough hands...this would be so handy...she could just wear the baby....
what a cool looking baby wearer! love the pattern!
I have been wearing my son since he was a teeny tiny baby. We started out with a stretchy wrap that worked really well for the first month or so and then we had a lot more luck with a Mai Tai. We kept with that until he was big enough that he could have his legs out and then we switched to an Ergo.
I love the Ergo, even at 35 pounds I am still comfortable carrying him around in it, but it seems like he isn't as comfortable. It doesn't see quite tall enough for him and I think he would be a lot better off if he had somewhere to put his feet (other that kicking into mommy's side). I have really wanted to try out the Boba to see if this would work better for him now that he is bigger.
I still wear my 22 month old girlie in a Hotsling and have been looking for something a bit more comfortable for us both. This would be awesome to win!!
Wow. This looks amazing. Especially the wide straps for comfort. I need something to keep my squirmy babe from getting away when I'm out since she is picky about the stroller. She'll sit in the stroller for about 15% of the times I try to get her in there... sigh. It's a struggle.
I'm a total babywear mama!! It amazes me how much I have NOT used the stroller. Would love to try Boba. Thanks :)
I've been dying to try one of the soft-structured carriers... I love my Mei Tai and love my woven wrap, but sometimes a SSC would be better.
This would be fantastic to own - my husband & I like to hike the nature centers around our house and this would be a great way to bring our son with us!
My daughter just gave birth to my 1st grandchild in January and I am BEYOND thrilled to be a grandma! I'd LOVE to be able to give one of these to my daughter for her first official Mother's Day as a mommy!! Thank you so much!!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
My very dear friend just informed me that she is to become a first time grandmother. What a wonderful shower gift this would make!
I love wearing my baby...its such a bonding experience
My sister could use this for my niece while working at home! [email protected]
Aww, i bet my son would love this as much as i would! Would make lots of things easier.
aeris321 at gmail dot com
This would really be a big help. I can't imagine having free hands again!!!
I've got tiny kids too, but this would still really help me carry them. It seems perfect for that age where they may be walking but not quite as fast or safely as you may need them to at the moment. Also, perfect for when they (or you) just need a little snuggle. Thanks!
Our 2 year old is very muscular and big for his age (he looks like a 4 year old!!) He is so tall, and I am short-waisted, so I have problems carrying him. He usually likes to walk but he thinks strollers are "for babies" so when he gets tired, he wants to be carried. I realize my days of being able to carry him are numbered, so I would definitely use this!
i just found out I'm pregnant and I love this carrier! I'm trying to get all my stuff in now so I won't have to buy much later! Thanks much!
Yes - a toddler carrier!!! I love that there are networks of moms like this that support attahment parenting. People give me such a hard time for carrying my 21-month old so much - but I love feeling her close to me. Guess I'm just running with the wrong crowd ;) I do love the comfort and positive example I receive here. Thanks Steph!!
I like the Tweet pattern on the baby carrier in the picture above. It reminds me of Twitter.
I think these kinds of carriers are really sweet! I use a pouch currently for my two month old but, as he grows I would love to have one that holds him upright
My wife has been looking around for one of these backpack style carriers since our toddler is pretty heavy now. She can't seem to be able to spend the amount of money they cost though. She is a stay at home mom and very much tries to keep our expenses down. I think it would be great to be able to get this for her for mother's day. Thanks.
That twitter design is adorable yet would work for either gender child. Bet I wouldn't get my husband to wear it though! ;)
Our Ergo is still going strong, but it's amazing how faded it is. I'd be interested to see how this one compares, fit wise.
I haven't used my mei tai in a long time and just last week my niece (4) wanted a ride in it. We went for a walk for about 6 blocks. It was a great reminder of all the times she rode in the ring sling and mei tai. She also pulled out her doll mei tai and carried her babies for a while. I think she was missing babywearing as well.
I would love to try a baby carrier for my upcoming cruise with my mom and sister. Seems like it would be much more convenient than a bulky stroller.
So sweet! Elizabeth has pretty much outgrown her carriers but still loves to be carried. She also loves to have her dollies strapped to her back, but this reminds her that she'd quite like Mommy to do the same with her. I've been contemplating something like this but can't quite justify it.
I wear my toddler daily and my preschooler on hikes. I'd love to try a Boba! And that pattern is really cute!!
We have two toddlers to wear! We have one Boba, and I love it for back carries, but still prefer the Ergo for front carries. We mostly use backcarries these days though. I would most likely give the carrier to a friend in need.
We love toddlerwearing (and babywearing)! It is the only way to go with little ones plus it makes traveling a breeze. I haven't tried the boba however I've heard wonderful raves about it.
We love wearing my daughter, who just turned 1. Everyday I carry her on my back while doing chores and my husband takes her for an evening stroll in our carrier, as well. I'm not sure what we would do without carrying our little one around and she seems to really love being snug with her mommy and daddy.
I LOVE our Boba and would give this one to my sis-in-law if I won it (my brother is currently unemployed other than unpaid ministry work so buying one is definitely not an option for them!). I use mine almost every day with my almost-two-year-old!
This would be a wonderful gift for a friend that just welcomed baby #2!!
I have a tubby toddler (!) who loves to be carried. My current slings aren't working too well; I always end up with shoulder and neck pain. I would love to win this so I can carry him around in comfort.
I ABSOLUTELY toddlerwear, too! I love that snuggle time-one of the last holdouts from babyhood. My favorite is when she falls asleep. Looks like a great carrier, too. :)
I don't wear my toddler as much these days as I used to, but I LOVE it when I do. I carry her all the time, so I don't know why I don't grab a carrier more often, I'll have to remember to.
We'll be expanding our family in the future, so why not start gearing up now!?
I wear my daughter still using the moby wrap and she is 17 months old. This carrier looks really cool. I would love to be able to put her on my back sometimes.
I do toddlerwear. I use a wrap, Storchenweige, but I'd love to try a Boba!
My youngest is too big for this, but my sister just had a little boy and she would love one!
We wear Sophia a ton, and we plan to buy (or maybe win) another carrier for when we have baby #3. That way we can each wear a little one. Unfortunately, Levi is way to big to be worn these days. Although, I think he'd hop right into a carrier if he could. As it is he's sweet about settling for couch time cuddling.
I wear my 9 month old quite a bit. I completely prefer a carrier to dragging around a stroller when out and about. I looked at the Boba recently, but I ended up with a mei tai. I do like the idea of the footrests though.
What a fun carrier! I love the Tweet pattern. I do still wear my 2 year old sometimes - he loves to be held & snuggled & often insists on being carried when we're out shopping, instead of riding in a cart. When I remember, I pop him in my ring sling, on my hip, otherwise...I just carry him & totally do in my back & arms!
OMGosh I could wear my almost 6yo in that...she is 35 lbs. And believe me, she would love to be held in that, lol.
This sounds like a great carrier. Our 18 month old loves to be held, and I currently wear her in a homemade carrier that we were given by a close family friend.
WOW! Thats so awesome. I would love to have that for Olivia. After running around places (like the zoo) she wants to be held when shes tired. This would be perfect for those times before transfering her over to the stroller or bed!
I love to wear my toddler in the Ergo. Living in the city, it's much easier to get around on public transit. I've never heard of Boba, but it would be great to try out!
My two year old loves to be held, but the days of carriers are past. Sigh. I think partly because he is so long and lanky... It's a little awkward. BUT... my 1 year old still loves it. I wear her in the Ergo all the time... and want to get a stylish ring sling (because I think they are beautiful!).
A good friend of mine loves her Boba so much that she bought two! I would love to try it. And I think that the fabric options are a lot of fun!
I wear my little one in a sling, and my hubs loves wearing the Ergo with our kiddo in it - I'd LOVE to have one of these for when she gets a tad bigger! plus - it's pretttttty!
I rarely wear Audrey now. She loves to run and walk! Yet, we went hiking last week and I really wish I would have brought a carrier with me. She was exhausted by the end of our hike and I had to carry her in my arms to get to the car. This is a beautiful carrier. I know I would find the perfect person to give it too...or maybe save it for our next baby. (:
So, so pretty! I wear both my 2.5 year and and my 1 year old...I am so happy they both love it still!
I love wearing my toddler. She doesn't want to be worn as much lately, but when I cook or when we go on long hikes, it is perfect. I've heard of the Boba but never tried it. It would be wonderful to try and use with my girls!
This is awesome! These carriers are super adorable! I wonder what the difference between this and the ergo is?? I have a few things about the ergo that just really bother me and I would LOVE to try one of these.
Looks like my little guy will be "worn" well into his toddler years! Love it!
Oh baby!
I would love this!
I don't do too much toddler wearing, cuz I am usually baby wearing. But, I have wanted a structed carrier like this, for the times when I do carry the toddler. My homemade mai tei works. But, this seems a little better for the bigger kiddos.
The Bobas are so pretty!
I do not wear my 16 month old son much, but I wore his sister a lot when he was small, so that she wouldn't feel left out and I still had hands for the baby. I would like to try the Bebo - I wonder if it more comfortable with toddlers than the Ergo? I like the foot stirrups idea.
I've been using a similar style carrier made by infantino with my now 18 month old daughter. I think she is pushing the limits of this particular carrier and it would be nice to find something more comfortable for me and her. It would be put to even more use with baby #2 due in September!
I love the idea of baby wearing, and am looking forward to it - I like the footstraps on this model
I have a three month old and I have loved wearing him in a ring sling and a moby wrap so far. (I didn't wear my older girls very much when they were babies.) I want to continue when he's older. This looks perfect!
I've been curious about the foot straps on the Boba, I think Eli would really like that feature! We do toddler-wear and it's great. Eli often requests to ride in the 'backpack'. It surprises me because it seems it would cramp his independent style, but he loves it. :)
I wear my five-week-old in my Mont Wrap, but would love to have a different carrier for when she is heavier. Wearing her has allowed me to maintain a relatively clean home and keep my husband and myself fed. :)
I love the print on this carrier. I don't wear Jake now, but often think that if I had continued longer it would be easier. Or I might still if I had a carrier that worked better for us now. He does love to be held still and always wants to be right next to me...which I love!
I babywear, yes... it sometimes is very tiring for me depending on what carrier I use... until I got my Ergo I kinda avoided babywearing but now I babywear all the time out of the house. It has definitely helped my connection with my son (long story). But I don't babywear in the house. He's too busy with his cars! :)
Oh goodness! This is what I have been waiting for! I just told a friend yesterday that I wish they made a carrier perfecct for toddlers! Who knew they do! My 2 1/2 year old is starting to get a bit big for most of our carriers - this looks GREAT!
Ah babywearing, so dear to my heart! I wore both of my bio babies, and missed the opportunity to wear my adopted twins (adopted at age 6). I grieve over that quite frequently, oddly enough! I would love to have this to more comfortably wear my three year old daughter still. I use a Moby and it gives too much with that much weight.
My toddler loves to be carried so this would be so nice. We used the ergo-baby a lot when she was a baby, but I feel that she outgrew it and it became uncomfortable for her.
I still love to wear my toddler too. She likes to see what I'm doing when I'm cooking and when we're out and about and on the move quickly. Sometimes it's because she likes to be close to me and sometimes it's just more convenient when having 3 children and a 70 pound dog to corral. Either way, this would be a welcome addition to my toddlerwearing devices.