Nursing at Night - What to Wear to Bed

Nursing at Night - What to Wear to Bed 1In the beginning, baby #2 was a "prodigy sleeper" - sleeping 8 to 11 hours pretty much from birth.

Now, at 9 months, she's waking in the night to nurse - several times. Truth be told, I don't really mind.

I am, however, grateful that I have a few nursing nightgowns and pajama sets to slip into each night so that I don't have to scrunch up my shirt in those sweet, sleepy moments.

If you're nursing (or planning on nursing), I highly recommend that you invest in at least one or two nursing nightgowns or pajama sets. You'll reach for them night after night...and you'll find that you get a high return for the money you spend. It's so nice to have "night clothes" (as my 3-year-old calls them...) that allow you to nurse with absolute ease when you're sleepy and blurry-eyed.

Here are two options for you...

Nursing at Night - What to Wear to Bed 2The Essential Nursing Bra Tank ($45) by Bravado Designs

Wait - don't skip over this paragraph just because you've tried other nursing tanks without success. THIS ONE is different...and I can tell you exactly why. The tank features a double-molded, full support bra that "provides amazing support and beautiful shape." I know I just stole that language from the site, but - seriously! - it's true.

Unlike other nursing tanks that feature flimsy shelf bras or no bra at all, this tank offers enough support for day or night wear...even for those of us who are well-endowed (the tank is available from 32 B/C all the way up through 40 F/G).

The reason you don't see a picture of me "modeling" the top is because it's pretty low-cut (as evidenced above) and thus I reserve it strictly for around-the-house wear.

The clips are definitely harder to get used to than I would have liked, but - once you do, they work like a charm.

Available in four classic colors (my favorite is the Dark Plum, featured above), the tank is a great bedtime piece. Just pair with some comfy PJ pants (perhaps these rayon and organic cotton lounge pants by Sandmaiden Sleepwear?) or cozy capris and you'll look great.

Nursing at Night - What to Wear to Bed 3Crossover nursing and maternity nightgown in organic cotton ($39) by Milk Nursingwear

Guess what? I'm wearing this nightgown right this minute and it is sooo comfortable. It's like wearing your favorite t-shirt...only way prettier.

Made of 100% cotton, this simply designed nightgown would make an excellent gift for any new mama. It's perfect for pregnancy, as a "coming home outfit," and for the months/years in a nursing mama's journey.

Pulling the top aside to nurse is a cinch (no fumbling for a clip at 2am) and the easy breezy fit will be your best friend on days when you don't want to slip on anything form-fitting. This may not be the most elaborate or glamorous nightgown out there, but the cost is truly attractive and I really do love wearing it.

YOUR TURN: What is your favorite thing to sleep in?

WIN IT! There will be two winners. One winner will receive a nursing tank of her choice by Bravado Design. A second winner will receive a Crossover nursing and maternity nightgown in organic cotton ($37) by Milk Nursingwear. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, December 28th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

* I received product samples for review purposes.

*UPDATE* The winner of the Bravado Designs tank is #12 Marina. The winner of the Milk Nursingwear nightgown is #70 Sara. Congratulations!

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71 comments on “Nursing at Night - What to Wear to Bed”

  1. I like to wear a nursing tank or this really great crossover (in the front) sports bra with a pair of yoga pants ... or when I want to feel pretty (because let's face it my husband didn't marry me for how incredibly hot I look in sweatpants!) I'll wear a little nightie that has the crossover boobage.

    My problem is that my arms get cold! I'll admit it, I'm a blanket monster - I LOVE sleeping under the blankets. But if I nurse Amarah (my daughter) in bed I have to keep the covers low enough not to cover her head and then my arms freeze!!!! So half the time I end up ALSO wear a zip up hoodie to bed so my arms will be comfy too.

  2. I'm not the biggest fan of the clips, I totally love the cross over style nursing wear! That nightgown looks very cozy, but I'd probably have to wear a sweater over it, as our house is freezing!

  3. Either prize would be great! I'm a nursing mama to twins and would love to win this. I love that they are so stylish and casual :)

  4. It is awesome to not have to cover up as much when your are breastfeeding. Thats why nursing tops and robes are so important.

  5. I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second child. Nursing never worked out with my first, but I'm determined it will this time. I would love to win this to have!

  6. those look so comfortable and stylish. when i was pregnant i had to wear the most uncomfortable homely maternity clothes..i had this big yellow dress and my hubby used to call me big

  7. Its wierd but I never thought how much easier everything would be if everyone had the right stuff do to something. A lot of moms give up on breatfeeding when it doesnt have to be as dificult as Hollywood portrays.

  8. To be honest, I can't remember what I used when I nursed my now two year old son. I obviously dont mretain much information when I'm half asleep. lol. Now that we're getting ready for baby number 2, I feel like I'm doing this for the first time. I can definitely see how wearing a nursing top would be much easier while you're nursing, especially while laying down in bed. I would love the opportunity to try one, so thanks for the chance!

  9. I have one nursing nightgown that is getting really ratty looking. I could use a new one, but I would REALLY love a nursing tank top! That is something I've always wanted but have just never got around to getting!

  10. My best friend is nursing her newborn now and she is running into the problem of nothing conveinent to wear! Either or both of these would solve her problem! Thanks for the chance!

  11. I will be breast feeding again when my daughter is born in Feb. In the past night time feeding was a challenge because it's hard to find night gown or tops with easy access that are also suitable to sleep in.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  12. I agree with Dan! It's definiteley best for your little one and formula is expensive! I've heard nursing tanks make life so much easier.

  13. I wear old college T's to bed still but I would love to win this for my best friend who is going to be a first time mom in a few months. I'm not even sure she knows this exists!

  14. Oh my gosh. This series of posts was right up my ally! My little one has also regressed (was sleeping for a 7 hour stretch at night before waking, and is currently waking up every 3 hours like clockwork).

    My current nightgown is all stretched out because I just pull it down (It isn't a nursing nightgown). I really like the sound of the Bravado pieces and would be thrilled to give them a try.

  15. I didn't know there were nursing tanks. This would be a big help for my sister who is expecting her first kiddo in march!

  16. I just wear a regular shirt to bed. I never wear nightgowns anyway. But during the day I find nursing clothes nice when it is cold because you don't have blankets wrapped around you to keep the bare stomach covered. I have always wanted a nursing tank.

  17. I wear those cheap nursing tanks from Target. They work fine for nursing but they're not at all flattering. I really need to do some shopping and find all the cute stuff that's available for nursing moms, because not wearing the right clothing can be pretty inconvenient at times!

  18. I have a brown nursing nightgown similar to the one you showed. I brought it with me to the hospital and it was a lifesaver! It's too cold for it now, but in the summer it's amazing! Now I need to find maternity nursing sleepwear.

  19. I am so, so excited to enter this giveaway because Bravado has plus sizes!!!! Yeah!!! Not easy to find nice plus size clothes in general; add maternity/nursing and it's quite the challenge. I am bookmarking this site for future reference.

  20. I usually sleep in a t-shirt and sleep shorts. Even when nursing, I slept in the same thing because I didn't take the time to find something "nursing-friendly" to wear to sleep in.

  21. Oh, either of these would be a great addition to my maternity wear! I'm hoping that nursing comes easily the 2nd time around and these pieces of clothing would certainly help! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I have a tank and love it. I would love to get this for my sister. It is so comfortable to sleep in and isn't an old t-shirt like I wore with my first son.

  23. My preference is large sleep t-shirts. Almost like a t-shirt dress. I only have one maternity nursing gown and I used it a TON with my son, but I wish it wasn't sleeveless. I got a little cold!

  24. i sleep in a Boob nightie. Boob brand nursing wear is totally awesome - a little more easy to access in the middle of the night than the tanks, in my opinion. Thanks for your blog - I love following it from here in Canada - with my 6 week-old in her SleepyWrap!

  25. my favorite thing to sleep in is an old tshirt of my husbands :) i will be nursing stating in march and would love to find some night time things that will work great for middle of the night nursing sessions!

  26. right now, I feel like I'm nursing around the clock. I have one nursing nightgown, and I love it. The problem is, I got a messy nurser (and he spits up a ton) so my jammie is not always clean.

  27. I was almost one of those people who didnt read the paragraph under the tank top because my boobies are in charge and dont seem to like nursing tops, so I am wondering if it really would be nice or not. I 'm skeptical. The nightgown seems nice though.

  28. This might be TMI, but I sleep in the buff which made nursing that much easier. I put on a tshirt these days to try and wean from the night nursing!

  29. I'm about to start my third trimester and planning on breastfeeding. I think I'd like the tank more due to the support provided but it is hard to tell with no experience. Thanks for the recommendations and a chance to win!

  30. I am currently expecting twins and am desperate need of anything that will help me out. I plan on breastfeeding so either of these would be great!

  31. mmmm, nursing -- not exactly my area of expertise! HA. But I think I can offer this. My wife, I remember, had a hell of a time with her nursing outfits, I remember that much. Any article of clothing that makes that ordeal easier I can support.

  32. My son is still nursing but thankfully it is rare that he wakes in middle of the night. Still he usually wants to nurse between 4 and 5:30 am so I usually sleep in a nursing sleep bra and bottoms.

  33. I hadn't really thought about this yet, actually. I think I'd prefer the nursing tank top, since I'm really not a nightgown person. I can't stand sleeping in anything with sleeves, no matter how cold it gets. Of course it helps that I share a bed with a guy that could double as a space heater. :P

  34. I really like the looks of both recommended nursing sleep wear. I am nursing #2 and wearing t-shirts to bed. I'd love to find a good, supportive nursing top or night gown. I just have the problem of having a smaller band size with very large cup size. Even finding a good nursing bra has been a challenge. Any further recommendations are always welcomed!

  35. I have a Bravado nursing top, and lately that is my favorite top when out or not with baby. I even wear it to my pilates class! It is really comfy.

    I think the nightgown looks comfy! Love that purple color too! Audrey is still getting up several times during the night. The more I try and find tips on sleep the more I find out how normal this is and how it will pass.

    And yes I agree, having something to easily nurse in at night is a must!

  36. Oh, I need these SO BAD. You have some of the best stuff here, and I'm just dying for it. I love sleepwear, and I don't have nearly enough, and I can never justify buying it. But when I'm nursing (which I will be soon), I will def. invest in this stuff! I've never tried those nursing tanks, but everyone I know swears by them, and tells me how fabulous they are! That night gown is so cute! So many of the nursing gowns and outfits are so old lady like to me- I love this one! Thanks for a great giveaway, I hope I win!

  37. I've been wanting to try that Bravado tank. I know they say that they go up to size 40G, but my experience is that my needs--small band size with large cups--are never met in companies that primarily cater to normally-breasted women. However, I'll try anything once.

    With baby number 2 on the way, I'm going to need something that gives me support without pushing my boobs together.

  38. I haven't tried Bravado...I do like GlamourMom, but when you nurse for so long...well, I guess I should expand my closet a little! I really, really like that nursing gown too!

  39. I had to sleep in a nursing tank forever with my daughter because I would leak through my pajamas. I would like something that is comfortable, cute and also supportive enough to use nursing pads.

  40. my 5 month old gets up at least once a night to nurse so I wear a cheap nursing tank to bed every night. I only have one! I would love to have such a comfy looking nightgown or an additional tank. Either would get a LOT of use around here!

  41. I usually just sleep in a long t-shirt, but that doesn't work so well for nursing... so it would be great to have some nursing sleepwear.

  42. I have a summer pair of nursing pajamas but always found them annoying to wear. Now, I cruise to bed with a normal tank top and nursing bra for support, with my lounging pants. I keep a long-sleeve shirt on my nightstand for when I go to get up. It's okay, although not the best.

  43. Oh this is awesome! I had a night time nursing bra when DS was nursing but a tank or nightgown would totally eliminate the problems I had with my t shirt. I ended up throwing my t shirt over my head.

  44. I've been sleeping in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms and that works fine, but it's getting a little chilly to have my belly exposed during the night. I put some nursing PJs on my Christmas wish list this year, I hope Santa was paying attention!

  45. I'm still nursing my 6 month old daughter at least 2-3 times a night. I'm also a teacher in Vail, so I pump twice a day at work. I'm sadly not making enough to keep her solely on mommy milk, but it's my goal to nurse her for at least a year. I sleep in and work in tank tops that easily pull down, but it's difficult to plan my wardrobe for work based on what can quickly and easily be nursed and pumped with. The tank looks especially helpful for me!

  46. I'm nursing our seven week old right now (and plan on doing so for atleast a year or until she's ready to wean)...but I'm most comfortable at night in the Target nursing camisoles/tanks with my pj bottoms. They are inexpensive and comfortable, plus for the time being, I need something that I can wear nursing pads with.

  47. I usually sleep in a nursing camisoles from Target. And when it's cold, I throw a normal shirt over the top. I have to have something that allows for nursing pads, because I am literally a fountain (didn't stop wearing them until I was pregnant with #2 and #1 was 9 1/2 months old... I think it was only because my supply went down).

  48. I just loved any nursing tanks. It was so easy to feed plus all you need are some nursing pads and you don't have to worry about getting wet. However, I do live in a warm place so tanks were no problem.

  49. When I nursed my son (especially during the first few weeks/months) I wore my crappiest t-shirts because I leaked ALL the time and I didn't want to get my "good" night clothes all stained. I never did try any nursing wear for night time but I'm guessing it would have been easier...although dare I say it sometimes I just slept topless! (He was the only child, nobody was there to catch a glance!) =)

    autumn398 @

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