I wrote a blog post yesterday. And the day before. But - I didn't publish either. They were lacking something.
I tend to wait to publish (just like I tend to think before I speak). I edit. I linger. I let it settle in my soul.
That is both good and bad.
Here's a quick Q&A.
Where in the country are you?
We're parked in the Orlando area - Kissimmee, to be exact.
What are you doing tomorrow?
We're serving with Give Kids The World, a local non-profit that we've heard wonderful reports about. We also hope to do several other projects for our remaining days in Central FL.
Where are you going next?
We'll share our route for the spring soon...but Georgia, The Carolinas, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey are on our tentative list.
What are you learning?
I am learning that...Giving hurts. Giving isn't always glamorous. Giving is sometimes lonely. Giving is often hard. I'm learning to listen with greater intensity and to ask better questions.
How are your kids taking it?
They seem to be adjusting far better than Tim & I are. ;) But...we KNOW it's been hard for them too. In the midst of all the change, the message of this year is clearly taking root in their hearts. Almost every day, our 4-year-old prays, "Lord, help us to find someone to help today." And yesterday when she was in the shower? Tim & I heard her singing (operetta style), "I praise you, Lord. You're my everything." Needless to say, I think they're doing just fine.
What questions do you have about this new chapter in our family's life?
Are you the kind of person who speaks/writes first and edits later...or vice versa?
I just wanted to say thank you for helping at Give Kids the World! I stayed there for Make-A-Wish as a teen after surviving non-hodgkin's lymphoma. It is an EXCELLENT place and it's awesome that you're giving of yourselves there.
It really is a remarkable place! I got misty-eyed a few times when we walked through the property and heard stories about the children who have stayed there - so awesome to behold.
Did GKTW have the all-day ice cream shop when you were there? Our girls thought that was the best thing of all! :)
P.S. Did you see my husband's post about the organization? You'll find a Flickr link there if you want to scroll through pictures too: http://giveeveryday.com/blog/2011/03/25/day-49-give-with-give-kids-the-world-in-kissimmee-fl/.
I usually email blog posts to myself, copy and paste it into Blogger, edit, then hit the publish button. I, too, like to let it sink in and edit before hitting the publish button.
I bet that giving is hard and lonely at times. But i am so inspired by you that you have answered the charge and challenge to do this. You and your husband are setting such a good example for your girls. And by her prayers, it shows.
I tend to "write in my head" so that when I write it on the computer I already sorta know what I want to say. The downside is that it is ALWAYS much nicer in my brain than on paper. Whether I linger over it or not depends on whether I have a deadline or not! :) haha!
Question I would like to know more about is - I think Tim mentioned on Give Every Day that you guys don't like to grocery shop - I was shocked (laughingly so!), b/c that is like my favorite thing to do and it's how I usually overspend on our budget b/c I see all these great ingredients for dishes that are impossibly out of my repertoire! LOL... I would love to hear more about your aversion to grocery shopping - so interesting!!!
Do you think you might hit New England in the summer time? I would love to have the chance to volunteer with you and your family somewhere in my area! :)
Grocery stores are just so...uninspiring. I'm not sure that's exactly the right word, but maybe it is.
I think I would like grocery shopping better if the stores were BEAUTIFUL and had a little more art. I think I'd love to shop at a small-ish grocery store with a HUGE produce section, a really good bakery, a dairy section that carried only organic + fresh milks and cheeses and butters, and a butcher with the highest quality meat. Oh, and a a mini restaurant with a playground on-site.
In answer to your question, I think I don't like grocery shopping because I don't like most grocery stores.
I'm curious: which grocery store do you shop at?
I tend to think of things after the fact that I wish I'd said for a given situation. I also am a write and let it sit and re-read type of person with the important issues.
how sweet to hear those words coming out of a childs mouth...so precious!
I have gotten much better over the last few years about thinking before I speak.
Where in Georgia are you headed?
I think what you guys are doing is great. Not sure I would adjust as well as you & Tim have seemed to. I imagine it is hard not having your extended family & close friends near by.
Are you thinking about writing a book about your year on the road giving? It would be a great read I am sure!
We've had quite a few people ask us that...and, yes, I think a book may be in our future. ;)
You have left me for one, wondering what is mulling around in that beautiful head and heart of yours. I will happily be here when you are ready. Praying for you friend.
I tend to talk too much (but not really say anything) when I get nervous. And, as you know, think of something better to say later.
In general, I think I express myself more authentically by writing although I often don't get that quite right either (especially when sleep deprived- like uh- now!).
I'm having trouble with the posting thing these days. I would love to post more often and have so many ideas but seem to have trouble finding time to finish drafts when a different inspiration hits. Sometimes I have just cranked something out that is not my best work or sometimes a thought goes a better direction than I could have expected. Trying to do it prayerfully (and with a sense of humor- I take myself way too seriously ;)
You are amazing and so is that family of yours. Awesome praise from Miss K! (Miss A is really into "Our God is so BIG!")
The picture of your youngest melts my heart! She's so sweet.
When it comes to writing, I definitely edit.....a lot. I think that's why I don't have a blog. Nothing would ever be published! In speaking, sometimes it's hard because I feel like the person I'm speaking with wants an answer right away and I tend to stumble over my words. I need to be better about saying, "Let me think on that."
As far as the questions about Give Every Day, I would like to hear more about Tim's and your thoughts on giving. Maybe you can expand on all that you've learned?
My family continues to pray for your's! Thank you for all of the goodness you put into the world!
So close and yet so far! Are you coming through Ocala on your way back up the east coast? We're only two hours away from Orlando, but our budget won't allow a trip of that length right now. Oh and my daughter (who is a wee bit younger then your youngest) still doesn't like car rides!
This is crazy, but we still haven't decided where we're going when we leave this Kissimmee campground on Wednesday. (Yikes). I hope we can firm up some details tomorrow. ;)
I talk first and think later. It is a problem. :-| I am often the same way in writing but am getting better. With work in particular, I try to let something sit, especially when dealing with an issue with a library patron, it is hard for me to do that because I am not the most patient person.
Will you be going further north than NY?
Perhaps. A lot of it will depend on the weather. We need to make it back through the midwest before it gets too COLD. ;)
Hi Stephanie! We're heading home from Orlando today and taking precious memories with us. It was great meeting you and your family in person.
My questions are:
I know you're a devout Christian and I’m wondering if you have a particular religious denomination that you belong to? And are you able to find a church of your faith each week or do you visit a local congregation to worship with wherever you happen to be on Sundays?
Good question! I'll likely write a post about that soon...still collecting my thoughts.
It's so sweet how into giving your sweet girl is. What a beautiful lesson for her to learn so early. What groups are you hoping to serve in future locations?
I have a document on my desktop called "Places to go and People to meet" where I keep an ongoing record of organizations (by city + state) that we want to connect with. :)
Oh, have the best time! Since Noah was a "Wish Kid" we know a lot of people that have been so blessed by Give Kids The World.
Thanks, Steph! It is truly a remarkable place. Tim wrote a recap of our time there over at Give Every Day: http://giveeveryday.com/blog/2011/03/25/day-49-give-with-give-kids-the-world-in-kissimmee-fl/.
What did Noah wish for (if you don't mind me asking)?
I cant even imagine how hard it must be.
You are coversing a lot of states! Maybe you will come to Georgia some other time :). After all, it has the biggest aquarium in the world :)
I'm trying to think more before I speak. I think that's a wonderful trait, butnot always a natural one. I want to live more deliberately and our words definitely give life and also diminish it when we're not careful.
I bet your mind is swimming with thoughts on this journey and I can only imagine how crafting them just right may seem like a daunting task - but there's also the comfort of letting yourself go and enjoying the love and support of your friends and family that are here for you!
I wish I could just sit and have a cup of coffee with you and just keep you company and "be"! I'm guessing that being so far from family and friends (with the exception of your very nearest and dearest) is a very tough endeavor. It's probably hard to maintain consistent routines, as well.
Are you finding that many of the nonprofits you are visiting seem to offer longer-term solutions to social problems, or not so much (I don't mean that in any disrespectful way...direct service is VERY necessary, but sometimes it comes at the cost of making systemic change. It is SUCH a tough line to walk!).
Great question, Tiffany! Tim & I often discuss that very topic...and are still processing the answer(s).
P.S. I'd like to have a cup of coffee with you too (only I would probably choose tea or juice). ;)