When I got pregnant with baby #2, several people asked if they could throw me a baby shower. I declined.
For starters, I find most baby showers to be incredibly awkward. I don't like to play childish games (where you eat baby food, collect clothespins, measure the pregnant mama's belly, or try to identify chocolate bar mush in baby diapers). I don't like to eat sugary cake with thick frosting and pastel after-dinner mints. I especially don't like to open presents in front of a group because it is so hard to express genuine gratitude in that kind of setting.
The second reason I declined is because I couldn't think of very many things that I would need. I already felt like we were positively wading in baby gear from baby #1 - strollers, car seats, a bassinet, baby clothes, toys, etc. If anything, I wanted to GIVE AWAY some of our baby gear (so, in hind sight, maybe I should have hosted a "reverse baby shower" to allow other people to take baby gear off of our hands! Ha!).
There was, however, ONE thing that I did want: a double jogging stroller.
Our next door neighbor gave us a single jogging stroller after our firstborn made her debut - and we made good use of it, often running 3-4 times a week. Running was a sanity saver, a way to stay fit in the midst of the chaos of raising a baby. I knew that I would want to replicate that after our family metamorphosed from three to four.
Fortunately, I was recently given an opportunity to review the Speedster Swivel Deuce ($474.95) by Kelty.
When it arrived, my husband pulled it out of the box and we were both impressed how easy it was to assemble. We oohed and ahhed over the strong canvas, the striking blue color, the swivel front wheel (with optional lockout), the independent reclining seats, and the expansive canopy. It really is magnificent to behold.
The true test, however, is if it would perform on the road...and it did. Very well. The stroller is surprisingly lightweight (even though I'll still probably insist on having my husband push it most of the time) and the ride is "smooth." It is BIG, don't get me wrong...but all double jogging strollers are large. Despite the size, it is actually pretty easy to maneuver and both my girls don't argue a bit about going for a stroll. My 5-month-old is instantly quiet and observant; she enjoys the outdoors immensely. And my almost-3-year-old usually asks to walk/run "just a little longer" when I start to pull in our driveway.
The stroller offers plenty of under-seat storage, mesh pockets for storing your water bottle or cell phone, and a little bell too (I still haven't quite figured out what it is for).
I can't speak to its portability because we haven't taken it anywhere nor do we plan to (have I mentioned that it is BIG?), but the website does promise "easy folding." So, if you want to bring it with you on vacation, I'm sure that is totally doable.
If you're looking for a single or double jogging stroller, I urge you to consider the options at Kelty. I actually didn't realize that Kelty sold jogging strollers until I started doing some research on the Internet. I'm so glad I stumbled upon the Kelty Kids division because the Speedster Swivel Deuce is awesome. I recommend it without hesitation.
YOUR TURN: Do you run with or without a jogging stroller?
I work for ebabyplace and these strollers sell like crazy. They are great for moms on the go!
I'm running with my Baby Jogger City Mini Double (my favorite gift when baby #2 arrived) and last week my Husband took stroller duties while for the first time in 6 weeks. Training with the stroller for so long made me feel like I was flying without it!
We have this stroller. It does not turn at all on locked mode. Totally impossible to use. But, I can run on swivel (I am slow) and it's fine.
we bought the Free Wheeler 2 double jogging stroller by Schwinn. I spent a lot of time doing research for the features that i wanted (lightweight, independent reclining seats, swivel wheel, no mesh at the heads of the child when reclined so it was less windy in the winter, a large canopy that wasn't attached to the frame so i could pivot it forward etc....)
i LOVE my fourth baby i call it. we take it everywhere. and is is just small enough that i can fit through most standard store size doors. (only got stuck once so far).
For me, the bell would be for when I get a few blocks away and drop to my knees from exhaustion. I could just sit and ring my little bell until someone gets annoyed by the noise and comes to find out what it is.
Yeah, my laziness = no running with or without kids. Back in the day I did a little jogging but that was a lifetime ago.
I think this is one of the cutest pictures ever! I am not yet a mom, but I naively plan to run with a jogging stroller, because, kids will not slow me down. Ha, ignorance is truly bliss!
I am an avid runner and I use a great stroller...Phil and Ted's. It is lightweight, not wide (it is double-decker set-up) The best part about is that the 2nd seat is easily detached and I can run with either one or both of my kids. http://www.philandteds.com check it out
Ugh, I used to be a runner. It's been about 2 years though, well before baby. I'd love to get back into it... I've started to become a biker though (for my knees, yes - I'm old! ha!). I should do some baby steps to get back into running though. I love to read about your goals and running attitude! Good luck on the 5K.
I have a single jogging stroller that I love - I can't jog (knee problems) but we do walk and I do like my stroller for that - I like the jogger because I can take it on nature trails and all of that stuff too - better than a regular stroller with itty bitty wheels!
I've thought about getting a double stroller, but I'm not sure about it because they are soooo big!
oh, my pangs of jealousy over this stroller!
I have a double jogger (that I think you pointed out is no longer made anymore) and while it is OK, it isn't great. (no swivel wheel, big and awkward, etc.)
I told my hubby that I need (ok, want) a new one when the new baby arrives and he has told me no more strollers!
This one looks awesome though! Maybe i can convince him between now and November? ;)
I had a double stroller with a fixed front tire and it never drove straight...even after my biking-expert-brother-in-law looked at the wheel. I always wondered why I didn't see joggers with a front swivel wheel. I'm glad to hear they drive so well...but, if I may be so bold, for almost $500 it better drive like a Rolls Royce!
Totally agree with you on the baby shower business. When we had our #2, our friends hosted a BBQ for us and surprised us by graciously chipping in one big pot to buy us the B.O.B. Revolution. It was such a blessing...and a practical one at that. We use it almost every day for our walks...and if/when we run. It is a great stroller...huge, as all double strollers are, but pretty fantastic!
I imagine you were jumping up and down when the opportunity to review that came about. Perfect timing just as the weather is thinking about cooling down. Good to hear you liked it. I will have to keep it in mind when the time comes.
What a fun product to get to review! My kids are past that stage, but I used to go running with the double jogging stroller. :)
Well, I don't run or jog and really haven't been for a "real" walk recently either. Probably because I don't have a good way to transport the girls. We do have a double walker/jogger but it's falling apart (long story). If we had a garage and a neighborhood we liked to walk in it'd be a different, maybe short, story. I'm hoping to get a Phil and Teds soon which would enable us to get out more.
When I had #2 some ladies at our church had a little get together for me and 3 other ladies who were expecting their 2nd babies. It was really nice. No games just good conversation and good food. They also gave each of us a Target gift card.
As a side note, I really like pastel after dinner mints! ;)
An easy to assemble stroller is enough to make a girl want to take up jogging...well, almost. ;)
When we had one baby I would take her on runs with me all of the time. She was also great at sitting down and enjoying the ride. Lily has never been great at sitting down and enjoying the ride so I normally don't take her on walks with the stroller (except around the block) b/c I will end up carrying her.
I now use my mommy time to go jogging with no kids.
I suspect the bell is intended to serve the same function as a bicycle bell.
I love your idea about a reverse baby shower! I too was unsure about a baby shower (first child but the shower didn't happen until after Elizabeth was born so we had already received a lot of things). I was glad in the end that I agreed because the ladies prayed for me and Elizabeth and we got to pass the baby around for everyone to admire. Since we already had a ton of stuff, people brought Elizabeth books (in many cases books that their kids chose for Elizabeth or that were especial favourites of their kids).
I'm actually looking at the BOB Duallie stroller for use with this second baby and my toddler. It's close in price range to this one you featured. But... since I don't really need too many other things for this second baby - I've been setting aside a little each month to buy it. I know I'll get my use out of it running with my kids in the Arizona winter. Although the summer might be a different story!
What a nice stroller! I once had a single one like that but I got it at a garage sale. You get what you pay for. I spent $5 on it and it lasted for a few months. It couldn't turn well and the tire kept getting flat. I was always afraid of tipping it over and having my baby in a stroller crash. It would be hard to go from spending $5 to $500 for a stroller. I can dream of it...no one can stop me from doing that! Thanks for the great review!! Maybe...I can find one like that at a garage sale!!
The stroller looks very nice, but with a nearly $500 price tag? I love double strollers that are side by side like that though, my sister knew I wanted one and she bought me a double stroller for $10 at a yard sale last summer and we use it all the time, I might not be able to jog with it but we walk everywhere. I wish I could a afford a nice one like that because mine has almost no storage, just two mesh nets on the back of each seat, not to hold over 3 lbs each. Easy to fold and very portable though, great for trips to the zoo. Well now I can dream about this stroller while using mine. Who has $500 to spend on a stroller though?
I had a jogging stroller that I loved unfortunately I stored it under the steps at my 4-plex and there was a water leak & by the time I found out - my stroller was covered in mold -- YUCK!
So proud of you for joggin with the girls!! I can't wait to get into my new house & get my treadmill back....we'll see if I do as good as you!
I have a double stroller that I've tried to jog with...HA, that is just plain dangerous. I thought about a jogging stroller when I was pregnant with my second baby, but the price was out of my range. This one looks amazing! What a blessing you were giving one to review. God looks out for his children :)
We never did invest in a single jogging stroller with our two year old daughter - but purchasing a double jogging stroller is something that we plan on doing after our second little girl arrives this Fall. Thanks for a great review!
I don't run because my knees hurt me so badly. I do love your review of this stroller though. I would love to get out and walk more, but I really do need to invest in some great supportive shoes & I need a stroller that is built for multiple terrain (aka: anything outside of a grocery store).
I love my jogging stroller! I haven't used it for a while, but when my son goes back to school this week, I've been considering sticking it in the car and hitting the walking trail with my daughter on the way home.
The bell could be a way of warning people that you are coming if you are panting too hard to talk! Just a thought.