Kristen's 14-month-old son is a mega-cutie (see left).
She's told me in the past that he usually makes a mega-mess when he eats. To this, I say, "Welcome to the Club" with a wide smile.
Our girls, for example, manage to cover our floor and table with sauce, vegetables, fruits, and bread crumbs after almost every meal. Tim actually has been known to say, "Other kids don't eat like this!" in frustration. I, however, don't think too much of it because I know that other kids do indeed eat like THAT (right?...RIGHT?!?).
Anyway, I do have one solution to offer Kristen. Lo and behold...the Learner's Bib by Baggino, the revolutionary bib with long sleeves and an extra-long front. It really COVERS your baby and his/her clothes. Plus, it can also double as an art smock or a baking apron.
The bibs are made of soft terry cloth, they're easy-to-put on, and they're machine-washable! It is obvious that this is a product that was designed and invented by parents because it's clearly brilliant.
To stay up-to-date with all of the cool things that Baggino is up to, you can become a fan on Facebook or follow on Twitter (the Twitter page is brand new).
WIN IT! One winner will receive a Learner's Bib ($12.50) by Baggino. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Monday, March 22nd at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a U.S. or Canadian mailing address.
Baggino has generously donated 2 Learner's Bibs for this SLY Awards promotion – one for Kristen and one for the giveaway. I received no product or monetary compensation for this post. I’m just excited to celebrate Kristen and…you.
*UPDATE* The winner is #28 Joanna. Congratulations!
I learned that the company is located in Port Washington, New York.
I love that it has sleeves! My daughter manages to get food on her shoulders and elbows no matter how non-messy the food would seem to be.
soluckyducky at
My son and daughter are both messy toddlers when it comes to eating so I am just expecting baby #3 to be the same way.
I remember how messy my girls were. I would love to win this for my neice. She's a year old and could really use it.
A good idea! Great for the messy toddlers when they are learning to feed themselves.
I know an adult male who could have used one of these in his size a few years ago....he was always spilling!
This bib is such a neat idea. My children all made messes of their food on their hands and sleeves so this bib is perfect for keeping clothing clean while out in public!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I would really love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway [email protected]
Haha, that is a brilliant idea! I know a baby this wouldbe perfect for!
[email protected]
We have a very messy eater right now in our household who could really use this bib.
I am so glad to know that all babies make a huge mess when they eat. I don't mind when my daughter accidentally drops things, but it drives us batty when she does it on purpose.
I have messy eaters LOL This is something im gonna purchase eventaully.
I left a compliment for Kristen
my baby would definitely benefit from a bib. She gets completely covered with food when she eats. And now she tried to feed herself, wich gets even messier :)
Someone was such a genius on this one! I love the sleeves. It's really more of a smock than a bib. My kid really needs this.
These look just like the bibs my sister-in-law's mother made for her when she was a baby! She uses them now for my niece.
Oh son is a major messy eater too! What I like about this bib is that it does not "look" like a regular bib. My 18 month old thinks he is too cool for one and yanks it right off his neck!
My kid is a MESS when she eats this is AWESOME!!
I left kristen a genuine comment!!
love you kristen!!
Oops, I was suppose to leave a second comment stating that I left a genuine comment for Kristen too.
I can't count the little shirts and dresses a nice bib like this would have saved from stains.
smchester at gmail dot com
My daughter is a little piggie. She may as well at at a trough. Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Our Elizabeth is definitely not a neat eater most of the time but sadly this bib won't help with the main problem. We'd need a force field or something for that!
However, I've been looking for something that could be used for painting and this looks fantastic. I don't think I can keep asking Elizabeth to paint naked ;)
My little girl was and still is a neat eater - my little boy on the other hand... oh my, we definitely use bibs now! These look like the perfect bib :)
Definitely perfect for Audrey, for eating and painting. She is all about painting right now (wants to do what big brother does)!
My three year old eats like the Tasmanian Devil. Food goes everywhere and he is almost as crazy at the table as he is messy. He makes my 11 month old look like a neat freak. Yikes!! The good news is that my six year old used to eat the exact same way and has finally grown out of it.
I was just looking at these the other day as I am getting into that messy eating stage with my 10 month old. These would be great.
I gave Kristen a genuine compliment!
my 2 year old twins are queen and king of messes but they wont keep any bib on, maybe one with sleeves would help...
The fact that they're extra long is genius!
These look awesome and maybe a better stain fighter than what I use in the laundry! Seriously, dont all couples with a baby have to leave a few extra bucks in tip to cover the mess that your child left=)
ohhhh, I've never seen one of these. Goodness this would be beneficial! My youngest is definitely a messy eater, and my older one loves to paint, so it would work for both.
These bibs are the BEST. I love them. Those little bibs that everyone sells are horrible and do not do the job. I gave up on bibs until I came across these - now whenever someone is pregant or having a baby shower this is what they get from me!
Stephanie- You can tell your husband that MY husband says the exact same thing. One of our ongoing problems right now is that our 3yo son would rather eat with his hands like a baby than eat with forks and spoons like the preschooler he is. Sometimes I can't blame him. He's so hungry and his little fingers are still trying to figure out how to quickly stap and scoop to fill his little belly. Someday this will all be just a distant memory, right? :)
I have a bib similar to this with sleeves but not nearly as long. It's really helpful during long sleeve weather. I really haven't looked hard but I've never seen them other places (ours was a hand me down) so it's nice to know they still exist!
I think my kids have always been super messy, so I think this bib is genius!
My nephew has just moved on to some real foods - fruits, mostly, and the kid can MAKE A MESS. I bet his parents would really appreciate this bib!!
This is sure a good way to get all the messes covered!!! I have to confess that I dont use bibs, I think I always think they cover up my daughter's beautiful dresses, but this wont be a bad idea. seems gorgeous itself.
This bib would be great. Every time we feed our almost 1-year old son we roll up his sleeves... but having this bib to cover it all would be even better!
Stephanie! Thank you!!! This is so exciting. :) I am thoroughly enjoying it and am super blessed!
I laughed at what Tim said, because we were just commenting the other day how we used to look at kids eating messily and think, "why can't their parents control the way they eat?! Seriously!" And now... it has ALL come back to bite us! It makes mealtime an adventure.
Hopefully this bib will cut back on laundry a *little* bit!! :)
What a great idea! Those little bibs really don't protect much.
I am just starting my almost 5 month old daughter on solids, and she is already making a mess! I try to roll up her sleeves, but somehow she gets food on them anyway. One of these bibs would be the perfect solution :)
OMG I would be such a happier mother during meals! I think it's important to let our little ones explore their food and learn how to feed themselves. What a great way to allow them to do that without having to get out stains! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
My child SO eats like yours :) Every meal is a masterpiece of messiness! We can't get dressed in the AM until after breakfast is served, it just isn't worth it. :) I would love to try these!