Our 2-year-old daughter wears tennies on most days. They're comfortable, chic, and rugged - and they compliment her "rough and tumble" way of playing well. Besides, she's normally dressed in jeans and a tee so tennis shoes are the logical pick.
That said, she does have some outfits where sporty shoes just won't do. That's when we'll pull out her new TT Nicolette dress shoes (pictured, $55) from Stride Rite. They're shiny and fancy-schmancy, yet classic enough to wear with just about any dress.
If I had a little boy, I think I would have gone with the NMS Blake pair (pictured, $50) because they just seem to say, "I'm an outdoorsy guy, but I can dress up too."
Stride Rite offers high-quality dress shoes for boys and girls. From shiny patent leather to suede modern slip-ons, it's easy to find a pair that will compliment your child's style/outfit.
Prices range from $36-56, but you can find them on sale for as low as $19.99.
I wore Stride Rite shoes as a kid and my son learned to walk in Stride Rite shoes! : )
I love the pair of Stride Rites that we found for Sugar at a Garage Sale. They are awesome and she loves them. After this experience I'd be willing to actually pay for a pair of them once she actually needs me to buy her shoes... right now she still gets new shoes from friends and relatives all. the. time!
I know good shoes are important, but I just haven't been able to pull myself to purchase shoes that expensive. Thankfully we have some kind family and friends, however, who give us their gently used hand-me-downs.
We love StrideRite shoes and have found that we have more luck finding narrow shoes for J there than most other kid's shoe stores. They're also great quality shoes, which I love.
Allison has some Black Patton Leather Stride Rites too and they are her shoe of choice at the moment. She actually just asked to put them on. Ours are actually hand me downs so I don't mind letting her wear them whenever she wants.