Starting Solids {a giveaway}

In my last post, I shared my top "truths" for introducing solids to baby.

In this post, I'm happy to be giving away two products to help you feed your baby (4-12 months).

Starting Solids {a giveaway} 1Burpy Bibs (2-pack; $19.95) by aden + anais

Aden + Anais, creators of the world's best swaddling blanket (in my opinion), recently debuted Burpy Bibs - soft, absorbent muslin cloths that can be used as either a bib or burp cloth. The ultra-chic bibs cover quite a bit of area over your baby and can be fastened with a simple snap around the neck.

Available in 9 different modern color/design combinations, the bibs definitely beat the miniature kind 3-packs that are sold at Target and Walmart. My only critique is that I wish the bibs had a catch-all pocket at that bottom, but - other than that - I think they're wonderful (see: photo of my baby wearing her aden + anais bib).

Neither of my babies were big spitter-uppers so I didn't use it in its burp cloth function, but I do think they would be ideal for that purpose because they are thick and large enough to actually cover your shoulder.

Starting Solids {a giveaway} 2Baby Cubes (set of 8 cube containers and lids, plus storage tray = $9.99)

While I don't puree baby food very regularly, I do like using Baby Cubes when I do. I simply prepare my baby food (it's easy peasy, I promise), place in the cubes, and freeze. Then, when I'm ready to feed my baby, I pop out one cube, stick it in the microwave, and - voila! - a healthy meal in minutes!

The cubes are BPA-free, Phthalates-free, dishwasher-safe, microwave-safe, and freezer-safe. Plus, they're affordable at $9.99/tray.

WIN IT! One winner will receive a 2-pack of Burby Bibs ($19.99) by aden + anais and two sets of Baby Cubes (~$9.99 each). To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Tuesday, December 29th at 11:59 p.m. (Don’t forget to follow the rules…all generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified.).

* I received product samples for review purposes.

*UPDATE* The winner is #6 Michele. Congratulations!

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76 comments on “Starting Solids {a giveaway}”

  1. I absolutely LOVE the baby cubes! We used these all the time when I made my own food. I love that they stack nicely in the freezer and the tray can be dated with a dry erase marker. They are AWESOME!

  2. I make my son's baby food and am using ice cube trays. I like that the Baby Cubes have lids and I can pop them out one at a time!

  3. i used to love making apple sauce for my kids in the fall..they loved it with brown sugar maybe thats why fall is my favorite season :)

  4. I always wanted their swaddle blankets, but no one bought them and I was too cheap to get them myself. And I thought I'd be cheap and make a lot of baby food, but didn't make nearly as much as I bought (organic). Oh well....that's life!

  5. My cousin is expecting and this would make an awesome gift for her. I love Aden and Anais and used to swaddle my son with those amazing blankets!

  6. I love Aden and Anais. They have such cute things. And my son is almost ready for solids and I have been thinking about making his food the storage trays may just be the push I need to do it.

  7. i keep seeing these bibs at target and every time i go i almost buy them but never have..i would love the opportunity to try them out! they look wonderful!!

  8. My baby is in the beginning stages of trying solids and I would love that tray so I could make some baby food and have it easily stored.

  9. My sister's kids were master spitters. I always wondered if they had undiagnosed allergies to the formula. I'm hoping my little one won't have the same issue. I plan to breastfeed and make my own baby food (later on), which I've heard helps the pickiest of stomachs.

  10. I would like to give this as a gift to my brother and SIL who are having their first child in January. I used Ice Cube trays when making food for our little girl and that wasn't the best. These bibs look really nice too!

  11. My best friend just had a baby and she would love to have these baby cubes to make her own baby food! And of course the burpy bibs would always come in handy!

  12. My sister was told by her doctor not to make her own baby-food from Carrots. Has anyone else had that experience? If you are using organic carrots, wouldnt that be better for your child than jarred baby-food? (Not that I wouldnt use jarred baby-food). It just seems odd to me.

  13. I started out with the best of intentions to make my own babyfood. Unfortunately, my baby is not a big eater. Some days she'll go for it, some days she's just not interested. I found it very discouraging to go through the whole process of prepping, steaming, pureeing only to have her turn her head with her mouth firmly shut. (I did freeze the unused portions, but would go through the same thing with the thawed cubes) So I've ended up using jarred food more often than not. Now that she's showing more interest in eating, I think I'll be trying again.

  14. Another helpful and timely post for me, Stephanie! We're going to start our baby on solids at 5 months (just 2 weeks away!). I really love that burp cloth feature, because at this point, my little one still spits up A LOT!

  15. Never tried making baby food before but these would be a great incentive to try! I love the design of these burp clothes too.

  16. I make close to half (ok, "close" to half on a good week) of my son's food, and those cubes look great! He also spits up a LOT and makes a HUGE mess while eating... hello burpy bibs!

  17. I love that the Baby Cubes has a lid attached directly to each cube, making it even more convenient than taking out of the freezer and popping in the microwave. Lids for things seem to disappear in my house just like the socks from the dryer.

  18. 1. I don't have a single bib! I just tuck a washcloth in my daughter's shirt - which works fine most of the time but there are others when it doesn't...........

    2. I make all of my babyfood and this would be great, ice cube trays work fine but having a cover would mean added safety.

  19. I love the aden + anais brand of swaddlers, so exciting that they have bibs now! I'll definitely have to get some of those. I intended on making my own baby food but where in the world do you find the time? My 8 1/2 month old keeps me so busy!

  20. When it comes to bibs this one is a must have : I love it. It has long sleeves and it comes to the babies knees. Not much gets by this bid. With Lily I gave up on bids because they did not keep her clean - not a problem with this one. I also just went on their website and now they make ones with designs instead of plain white.

  21. I recently became a foster mother... and my new little girl is eating solids (mostly cause she doens't get that delicious breast milk 6 mo need and I think having food that's alive is better then formula) and now I am preparing puree's of the foods that we eat.. and freezing lots. This little containters would make my life so much easier. And believe me, I need the help. Grateful for the chance to win em!

  22. I was scared to introduce solids to DD. I waited as long as possible. Funnily enuf, she is over two and enjoys eatings smushed salmon and chicken.

  23. Ice cube trays are the perfect way to store baby food. These Baby Cubes look even more convenient and easy to use. And a good bib is as gold sometimes. Love their swaddling blankets too, can't wait to try the bibs.

  24. Those Baby Cubes look great! I like that there is a tray to use with them. I did make some homemade baby food with baby #1, but will probably make more with baby #2.

  25. Fabulous give-away! I have baby #2 due in March and can't wait to start preparing her foods like I did with my son. I have a couple other trays that are more like ice cube trays, but I always needed more trays, and would like to try these as you can pop out one by one.

  26. I'm determined to be more eco-friendly with our next baby. Definitely cloth diapering and plan to make our own baby food too. This would be very helpful!

  27. I am pregnant with baby #2 and would really love to make more baby food this time around. Times were stressful the first time around but I feel more prepared this time. Now, if only I could find the time to boil, puree, and freeze those foods?!?! :)

  28. So this would make a MOST AWESOME baby gift for a friend! I want it!! I might keep the cubes for myself though - I used ice cube trays, these are much nicer. :)

  29. I would love to try the baby cubes! I very rarely fed my child store bought baby food, instead we used a baby food grinder to feed him things that we were eating. Only on vacation or in dire straights did we use the store bought stuff! :)

  30. I have the aden and anais swaddling blankets too, and love them. I also follow the same "truths" for introducing solids, and generally think the later the better, and certainly not before 6 months. I have a 6 week-old super-nurser now and my three year old nursed until she was two and a half. She probably got into solids at around 1 year - before that it was really mostly nursing from which she got most of her nutrtion - which was a life saver when travelling and she she got sick.

  31. I'm getting ready to introduce foods to my little one. And I'm really wanting to serve pureed food to him. The little cube trays would be awesome for space-saving storage and the bibs will be great for messy feedings, which I am anticipating =)

  32. i would love these! i just bought an electric baby food grinder and was wondering about how to store the food i am going to make, these are a great invention. I think making your own baby food is an excellent idea!

  33. I have never heard of aden + anais - but I think I'm in love now!

    I made my babyfood for this baby and would have loved the cubes instead of ice cube trays! They were tough to get the food out of!

  34. i would love some of these baby cubes!! my daughter was slow to accept solids so i ended up throwing so much away. this time around i want to make more all at once and freeze what i don't use right away!

  35. we made all of our dd's baby food and most of our sons as well. We loved the annabel karmel book for different ideas.

  36. Obviously, we're not up to solids yet. I'm feeling really convicted to try and make his baby food this time around, for many different reasons.

    And the Aden + Anais blankets are the best, I'm sure the burp cloths are just as sweet.

  37. I made all of my first daughter's food and those cubes would have been a life saver. I am making my second daughter's foods as well. However, I am tending to do more baby led weaning with her which is allowing her to eat what we eat.

  38. I love the burpy bibs! They are too big for my son to wear as a bib but they are fantastic burp clothes that contour so nicely around your neck. These are my new favorite gifts to give at baby showers!

  39. I made all of my kiddo's food, and I loved doing it. The difference in color with some of the veggies blew my mind! I think making baby food is so wonderful, if you have the time of course, and hope to do it with my second!!

  40. You are 100% right, Aden + Anais make the very best swaddling blanket ever! That said I would just love to try anything they make. I really considered purchasing those baby food cubes this time around. I, like you tend to give my new eaters food that they can feed themself but I was thinking it would be nice to have a little something set aside in the freezer for those moments of crazy.

  41. I made all my daughter's baby food. Then I made and froze a bunch for my son, but he turned out to be a very picky eater. So he's way past the pureed food stage and we were left with a whole bunch in the freezer. Fortunately my good friend has a son four months younger, so we passed all that good stuff along to them. But I am not deterred. I plan on making baby food for our next little one.

  42. I'm definitely planning on trying to make my own baby food this time around when my little girl starts on solids. It seemed too overwhelming with my first!

  43. I like to make our own baby food. It allows me to feed him vegetables that you don't find in the baby food jars --- like zuchini, spinach and so forth. I also make him creampy homemade soups from scratch. But I know I'm not the norm with how much food I make from scratch.


  44. I was in the States doing a lot of traveling with my first little guy, so I bought a lot of pre-made baby food. Now that we're back in Europe and in a home of our own, I plan on making my own baby food with #2...and hopefully saving some money on the ridiculous prices here!

  45. The little baby cubes seem like a quick and easy storage solution. Plus there would be less clean-up using something like this. I'm all about storing stuff - I adore our food saver...and I really like the idea of less mess!

  46. I usually just use ice cube trays... and the bib thing? I have totally given up on it. He needs to get changed after each meal either way, so why bother?! But these look nicer than the littler bibs i have.

  47. I wish I knew about all these cool products before my little one started solids plus I'd be more motivated to make everything myself! We made a little bit on our own but not enough.

  48. Those trays would have helped a few years ago! I made all my son's baby food by pureeing it myself - avocado, kiwi, squash, you name it - I made it. I would just puree it and then put it in a regular ice-cube tray, cover it with foil and then freeze it. When it was done freezing I would pop the pieces into plastic bags - easy easy!

    autumn398 @

  49. I made my daughter's baby food by taking the fresh fruits and vegetables we were eating and pureeing them with a hand blended, like a soup. It is easy, very little mess, and very little effort really!

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