Summer Fashion: Robeez

My 16-month-old gets more confident on her feet every day.

Summer Fashion: Robeez 1 Summer Fashion: Robeez 2

She still has the "new walker waddle" and I just can't get enough of it.

I am enamored by the way she stands up, walks around, smiles a toothy grin...sometimes stopping to clap. It takes all of my willpower not to just scoop her up and bury her in kisses. But I try my best to just let her be as she explores the world and comes into her own.

Summer Fashion: Robeez 3This parenting gig is pretty amazing - the most breathtaking and brave thing I've ever done actually. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

NOTE - In these iPhone photos, my daughter is wearing the Petite Cakes shoes by Robeez (on-sale now for $16.99). They're soft, stretchy, sturdy, and sweet. And machine-washable! I highly recommend Robeez' soft-soled shoes for crawlers and new walkers.

P.S. If you would like to keep up with Robeez, you can Follow Robeez on Twitter.

Summer Fashion: Robeez 4WIN IT! One winner will receive a pair of soft-soled shoes (0-24 months; winner will specify gender, but not specific's a surprise!) from Robeez. To enter, leave any topic-related comment on this post prior to Saturday, July 17th at 11:59 p.m. All generic comments like “Enter me!,” “Love it,” and “Cool stuff!” will be disqualified. Winner must provide a US mailing address.

* Robeez sent me a sample for review purposes and is also providing 1 pair of shoes for the giveaway.

*UPDATE* The winner is #65 Sarah T. Congratulations!

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112 comments on “Summer Fashion: Robeez”

  1. These are really cute shoes, I seen them at stride rite when I was shopping for shoes for my two older ones, would be great for baby 3.

  2. I love Robeez! I found a few pairs on Ebay and they are great! They don't fall off and my daughter gets compliments on them all the time.

  3. i would love these for my 12 month old! she has such a hard time walking in normal shoes but she doesn't want to be held or kept up when we are out places.

  4. My daughter still has not had a pair of Robeez! I have several "knock off" pairs, but not the real thing. They have adorable designs though.

  5. I have fallen in love with the Robeez 1st Stepz Scalloped Flower - lilac canvas shoes. They're adorable AND purple. No more pink, we need purple!

    fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

  6. They are so cute, my cousin just found out she's pregnant today so these would be great to win for her!

  7. I always wanted a pair for my daughter but now she is to I would love a pair for my son. Living in a very small town, fashion is limited, to find these would be hard. I would love to sport a pair of these on my boy around town!!!

  8. my daughter is having my 1st grandbaby in september. these shoes are so cute and would like adorable on my grandbaby. i never heard of these. my kids all wore stride rite shoes. today there are so many more choices

  9. Robeez! I have friends that swear by them, and they do look comfortable on baby feet. Maybe Robeez should put out an adult Robeez line? :)

    macd9900 at gmail dot com

  10. We have had Robeez for both of our kids so far, they are so wonderful!!! Our next one is due Dec. 3, it will definitely need some!!

  11. My girls lived in Robeez until they were about 18 months old. My mom-in-law thought I was crazy, but I knew it was great for the feet, and I loved all the designs. After that, we still used them for slippers because the bottom's weren't slippery. Definitely love me some Robeez! :)

  12. I just put on shoes on my twin girls today for fun and I was thinking maybe it's time for me to start looking for shoes for them since they will be learning to walk maybe in two months! Robeez are just too cute! ♥ them!

  13. These shoes are the cutest. I always saw the at the infant storytime I host at the library. Now that I have my own little one I really need to get a pair.

  14. I love Robeez. Both of my tinies lived in them for the first year of their life. Only shoes that stayed on. Even now, we have a pair for each of them for indoor playtime. In Canada, no one wears their shoes inside a home so it's a nice alternative to slippers hwen they are out and about.

  15. These are so cute! I have been wondering about what shoes to put on my baby as she begins cruising around. Robeez look like they are soft on the feet so they won't affect how they grow. Very nice!

  16. I saw these on a discount shopping site I frequent and figured they were awesome by how fast they were out of stock! Then I saw a pair at the thrift store for a few bucks but even though little babies have the cleanest feet in town, I think I'll opt for new shoes for my Genevieve, or at least ones from someone I know.

    The night owl pair would be perfect for her...!

  17. My son went through a couple of pairs of Robeez in his pre-walking and early walker stages. I guess I shouldn't say "went through" them as they wear very well and we still have them! When he was a toddler we got him a pair of Robeez Tredz--really cute leather shoes with a velcro-strap. More shoe-like than the Robeez for babies without being really stiff like regular sneakers.

    I have not bought my newborn daughter a pair yet, and so would love to win her first pair!

  18. I have seen these shoes everywhere lately! They are so cute and my little nephew just found his feet so he would love these!

  19. I love that wobbly new walker stride! I can stand in stores for hours watching toddlers toddle along, but I don't. People might think I was a danger to their kids or something lol. But I have a grandbaby on the way so I'll get to stare as much as I want. Enjoy it now!

  20. I've been searching for Robeez for my 10 month old. I'm having a hard time paying full price for a new pair, so I've been looking on Ebay at used ones. But of course, I would love my baby girl to have a new pair of her own!

  21. I love that new-walker waddle too. Instead of calling my little 18-month old a "toddler", we refer to him as a "waddler" :) We've always enjoyed the Robeez style shoe for our young ones too, although I'm not sure we've ever tried out the name brand ones, which I'm sure are great!

  22. my daughter has just started walking so I have just started looking at affordable shoes for her. These are definitely on my list.

  23. Robeez (and similar shoes) are the only ones that really fit my babies itty bitty feet. Love them. They hold up SO well and look SO cute!

  24. Robeez are the best! We're in between sizes at the moment - and I don't think the smallest pair are going to be passed down because Elizabeth actually managed to wear a hole through one of the soles. Those weren't her only pair of shoes either - she's very busy and apparently VERY hard on shoes (sigh...)

  25. I have one pair of robeez, the usually cost too much but boy are they awesome! my son wore his for about three months and they were great!

  26. Robeez shoes were my favorites with my oldest daughter! I was sad when she grew out of all those soft soled shoes.

  27. wow i saw the Robeez Cozy Ankle Booties in tan and thought they would be so cute for any baby. Love that these are machine washable-how great is that.

  28. I love soft-soled shoes for new walkers. I think they can feel the floor better. They're also easy to remove when little ones fall asleep with their clothes on.

  29. I had absolutely no idea Robeez are machine washable, and am beyond delighted to hear it. We'll be using some of the pairs of Robeez from my son for my daughter, and a run through the machine will be great for them. We're going to get her a few of her own too, though...

  30. Robeez are machine washable?! I had no idea. I've had pairs for my son and my daughter, but I got them both second-hand. Good to know!

  31. I'd love to try Robeez. My little man will be getting ready to walk around christmas and he'll need shoes

  32. I love the way you describe being a mom as breathtaking! It makes it all worth it to see your child's accomplishments!

  33. Love owls and love the Robeez - I have been eyeing a pair for my boy for awhile... I think they also sell them at the Gap... I've never seen them otherwise except for online but to be honest, since the baby's been born I haven't been to the mall that much! :) They sound like great shoes and I can't wait to try them (whether I have to buy or if I win! :))

  34. I follow Robeez on both Twitter and FB. I have a grandson on the way and am looking at buying him a pair. They are made so well and have tons of cute styles.

  35. I was so sad when my girls got to big for the largest size robeez. I really wish they made sizes bigger than 4. They are perfect for indoor shoes in the winter, no slipping like socks. I would send the pair to my sister if I won, she is due on the 30th

  36. Your little punkin is such a cutie. And that waddle is irresistible. Lucy just took her first steps TODAY! She's a late walker compared to others her same age but I'm OK with that. She's on her own time schedule. When she walked to me in the kitchen today I could just see the look on her face say: "WOW! I guess I really CAN walk!" It's such a fun age of discovery, isn't it?

    1. Our baby is a bit of a "late walker" too. She's just now cruising everywhere at 16 months (and it is ADORABLE).

      This comment reminds me: I need to video her walking tomorrow!!! I'm good about taking pictures, but I often forget to video. I need to rectify that quickly because my girls are growing up before my very eyes. My oldest is going to be 4 in September. FOUR!

  37. How appropriate! My pediatrician just told me yesterday that I should look for a pair of Robeez for my daughter. Maybe I will win a pair from you instead! : )

  38. I would love to try a pair of these, I have several friends who have them and liked them. They have so many super cute girl options. I think they would be great for early morning transfers to daycare while my daughter is still in her PJ's!

  39. I would love to win this to get a pair for my new little grandson. I like the Robeez Soft Soles Organic Tiger - brown

  40. We love Robeez. Each of my children have worn a pair. They make perfect slippers for cold winter nights here in NY. Not to mention they are oh so adorable!!!

  41. I love Robeez! Got a pair as a shower gift for my daughter, and I would love to have another pair for her!

  42. Capri had like 450 million pairs of these, and Thatcher is 5 months old and doesn't even have one pair of shoes! I would love to win these, thank you!

  43. Those pics remind me of my 17 month old. She will stand on anything that seems like a step to her: a book, a box, a basket, and she too loves to clap, though it's usually a call for everyone else to join in clapping! I'm amazed to realize we've never had a pair of Robeez -- they were the only childrens brand I'd heard of before I became a Mom. I must remedy that:)

  44. Robeez are the best shoes for little ones besides just plain socks or bare feet. I am always suprised when I see babies or toddlers wearing brand new stiff as a board dress shoes that don't have any movement to them. Those can't be comfortable. And they definitely aren't as cute as Robeez.

  45. I love new walker waddles! My friend's son is just starting to walk and we laugh because we always say he looks like he had too much to drink =)

    autumn398 @

  46. I bought Robeez for my firstborn, then my second boy wore them and they're still in pretty good condition that my daughter who's due anyway now could wear them! I wouldn't mind having a more girly pair for her though ;)

  47. I love Robeez for new walkers too! I get mine at Ross for something like $5! They usually only have one style at a time though.

  48. I absolutly ADORE ROBEEZ... it's all my son wore for the first 2 yrs of his life!!! and I'll do it again with the next!

  49. I just love those owl robeez! They are the best shoes for little one's and the only shoes we ever got to stay on their little feet. We live in the pacific northwest and it is cool enough here that even little one's need something to keep their feet warm almost year round!

  50. We too have also bought the Target brand that looks like the Robeez. Our eight month old just started standing a few weeks ago...these would be perfect for her fall shoes!

  51. Robeez are so adorable and I love the fact that they are machine washable...genius! I wonder if these would fit my munchkin. She's 9 months but her feet aren't much bigger than they were when she was born!

  52. Wow, I didn't know that Robeez were cool is that? I had never been on their website, so I just looked it up...I didn't know that their prices were so reasonable!

  53. I loved putting Robeez on my little one when she was tiny. I'd love to win a pair for my friend who is having her baby in September. A little boy!

  54. I don't need to be entered in the giveaway...I just needed to tell you that you are the best mom! I love how you love on your girls...and your pictures...even your iPhone pictures are great. My kiddos would LOVE your kiddos!

  55. My little one never fussed when he put on his Robeez ~ they must have been so comfortable for him. We especially liked them when he was in the house because he didn't have to walk on the cold floor. These are wonderful for little ones!

  56. I LOVE Robeez! Such a smart invention. My kids would have been lost without them. Offers the protection they need, without the stiffness/bulkiness of other shoes.

  57. oh, she looks so adorable in that chair! I too love the new walker waddle...but I'm not ready yet for my new baby to start walking yet! :) I guess I'll have to start planning for those Robeez soon though....he's already 7 months old! (sigh)

  58. Oh I love Robeez, I feel so good about putting them on those sweet little tiny feet.
    I know what you mean about the "new walker waddle", it's so fun to behold!

  59. One of my nephews would put these shoes to a real test of endurance: Robeez 1st Stepz Dragon Legend - espresso

  60. We just had the cheaper knock-off Robeez from Target with our first. But I LOVE the real brand names ones. They seem to have a much better fit (makes sense) and they have cute patterns.
    And thanks for offering fashion ideas for kiddoes, too!

  61. I love Robeez shoes, they are so cute. I've been resisting the temptation to buy them for my daughter at this point because I want to make sure her first pair will be for actually walking! She is just getting ready to crawl and she's almost 9 months. I'm excited to see that "new walker waddle" for myself :)

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