The Best Parenting Book of 2008 - Raising Baby Green

The Best Parenting Book of 2008 - Raising Baby Green 1I just read the best parenting/family book of 2008 (okay, it was published in 2007, but I just read it...). It's revolutionary actually. It will rock your perspectives, alter your thinking, and change your world (literally). It's Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care by Dr. Alan Greene.

When I first picked up the book, I didn't have particularly high expectations. I thought it might be slightly too hippie or agenda-laden for my taste, but Dr. Greene sucked me in from the very first pages. I underlined and nodded my head and underlined some more. I read passages aloud to my husband. I turned off the lights and opened our blinds to read by the window (it's important to conserve electricity and energy, you know).

This book inspires action. It compels the reader to DO - to step out and make incremental changes to better our children's lives, our own lives, and our world. You'll learn how to make simple lifestyle changes for your baby in the womb, in the labor and delivery room, in the nursery, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and beyond (those are the chapter titles). You'll find out what it really means to buy organic (and how to get started), how to choose baby care products that are free of harmful chemicals, whether cloth diapers or disposable diapers are better for the environment (the answer might surprise you), and how to treat ear infections (don't just reach for the antibiotics).

The wealth of information is astonishing, but it's presented in a concise, easy-to-read-and-digest format. The book makes excellent use of white space, illustrations, and cool text boxes with "Try This Today" tips, "Buying Green Guides" (that showcase various green products), and "Green Baby Stories" (which share tiny tales of how other parents are going green).

If Dr. Greene hasn't made it on the Oprah show yet, I expect (and hope) that he'll receive an invitation soon. Greene has created the only baby care book that specifically focuses on "greenness" (it's about time, by the way).

In case you're wondering exactly what "green" is - it's "a word representing a way of living in which we strive, with conscious awareness, to do things each day that in small, incremental steps improve the quality of our environment by preserving forests, cleaning air, husbanding soil, protecting wildlife, valuing dwindling resources, and at the same time maintaining our climate and sustaining our planet's crucial resources (p. 3)."

You should really go buy the book. While you do, I'll be over here making my "go green" to-do list...

  • Buy basket for home office to recycle scrap paper and mail.
  • Buy organic produce, milk, and beef.
  • Discard scary plastic toys with toxins and chemicals.
  • Discard "baby care" products that are unneeded.
  • Live simply. Love fully. Remember that materialism is bad for the environment and for our hearts.
  • Etc.

WIN IT! One mama will win a copy of Raising Baby Green: The Earth Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care by Dr. Alan Greene. To enter, simply leave a comment and your e-mail address on this post by Monday, March 3, at midnight. The winner will be announced and contacted on Tuesday, March 4. * Winner must provide a U.S. mailing address.

* UPDATE * The winner is #106 mommie. Congratulations!

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108 comments on “The Best Parenting Book of 2008 - Raising Baby Green”

  1. Blogger wouldn't let me leave a comment last night. If it's not too late, please include me into the contest! THanks!

  2. Oh this is a nice book. I really need this one. I have someone very close who really could use this book. thanks so much for having this contest.

  3. Great giveaway. I just posted some ideas about having a "greener" Easter basket - every little bit helps, right? Thank you for the opportunity.

  4. Having my son has opened up a whole new world to me that I didn't know existed. I have a lot more to learn about being green.
    wakeyes AT yahoo DOT com

  5. I'm trying to do everything as green as possible (within budget) so I'd really love to read this book!

    (my emails on my profile page)

  6. I have been thinking about going green although the only thing I have done so far is use the energysaver light bulbs. I want to get some energysaving appliances, but can't afford them at the moment. I would love to use this book for more ideas on how to start this process sooner. Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. I'd love to win a copy. We have been taking baby steps towards living a green as possible life.. and some small ways Ive been changing is reusing ALL of my packing materials.. (sorry ladies when you get prizes from me they will be in sometimes well used bubble mailers.. but please reuse them again if possible! LOL)

    I blogged you too

  8. I love the idea. I've been trying to reduce my family's wastefulness as is. I need more guidance on how to raise a baby simply and without all the extra waste.
    Thanks for bringing this book to our attention!
    md-sweeps at hotmail dot com

  9. I would really love to read this book. I try to be green, but I have a husband that has a hard time being green. Maybe the book would help. We were planning on getting diapers from Gaiam that are mostly material with an insert to be green to the environment.
    We are trying to have a baby.

    Fawn George
    [email protected]

  10. Sounds like an excellent book! With baby coming in May, I should start reading now!

    thanks for hosting the contest!
    nifferjeno at gmail dot com

  11. Just joined our first CSA - we're working on it!! (but would love to learn more!!)

  12. You always have a giveaway for the best products available to our little ones! I would love this book.

  13. This sounds like a great book. I would love to get started "going green" but I need suggestions! Oh, and thanks for the great birthday club website recommendation - it's awesome! :)

  14. I would love to find more ways to raise my son green. We are trying to move more and more green all the time.

  15. My daughter is pregnant and is talking about making changes. She doesn't really know where to start; this book would help her a lot.

  16. I'm so glad you posted about this book...even if i don't win i will be purchasing it, as we are in the process of getting ready to have a baby and are very concerned about the environmental and ethical issues involved.

  17. I would love to win this book. We're due in May and are struggling to maintain our green ethic amidst the baby-industrial-complex.

  18. Wow! I just checked this book out of the library and was pleasantly surprised to see it here. It is really good, as it goes beyond just baby things. There is stuff about keeping a green house and how to conserve energy. A lot of things in here I was already aware of, but I like that the author isn't too preachy. This is an especially timely book with all of the scary toxic things that are coming to light regarding kids toys and harmful additives in health & beauty products. Highly recommended read!

  19. Any information on how we can save things for our future generations (Even if they never know it.) The better the earth is!

    Thank you for this giveaway!

  20. Recently having a second baby has inspired me to do what I can to make their world better. This sounds like a great read! Thank you for the thoughtful review and the chance to win a copy. Sarah


  21. Evening, It is amazing all of the books and things that I don't know about! This book is great. It makes me very happy to see this "green" movement taking hold! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

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