Themed Weekend: What's For Dinner?

wfd2That question is on my mind a lot.

Every single night of the week, in fact.

I try my best to plan meals out approximately one week in advance and usually I succeed. But it's hard coming up with creative, fresh menu ideas that are nutritious, quick, AND days a week. Even our "family favorites" get a little boring after matter how tasty they are.

So I thought we could help each other out. 

That's what this weekend is all about - sharing recipes, divulging favorite menu ideas, and discussing meal-prep and planning. Of course, there will be meal-themed product reviews and giveaways as well.

Stay tuned...

Let's kick off the weekend with a question: Who does most of the cooking in your house?

My husband helps out around the kitchen (cleaning, prepping, etc.), but I'm really the cook of the house. His recipe repertoire is rather skimpy. He can make some awesome scrambled eggs and he's King of the BBQ Grill, but he's just not the chef type.

For example, tonight I made the Beef Fajitas. But he's not just watching TV in the other room while I cook in an apron with my hair perfectly coifed. Au contraire: The TV is off. My hair is pulled back. And he is scrubbing the table and loading the dishwasher as we speak. That, my friend, is modern America for you. 

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20 comments on “Themed Weekend: What's For Dinner?”

  1. I am very lucky. My husband does 99% of the cooking. He is a much better cook. I can cook and need to follow a recipe but he can create anything and do it well.

  2. My husband loves to cook but most of the time cannot. I miss it, before he started all of his businesses he cooked more :) I plan my menu every about week and a half. I try to keep a list of the main things I have on hand and work around that. We are big into trying to recipes every week too though. Tonight I am making fish tacos, a new recipe from Guy on foodnetwork

  3. My husband never cooks. I have cookbooks and recipes but I usually don't have some ingredients to whatever it is I want to make. I usually just improvise. A dinner I make that is easy is mango chicken. Cut up some chicken, add some peppers and onions and jalapenos (or hot sauce). Throw it over some's both spicy & sweet.

  4. It varies with us. When Ron worked a 9-5 job, he did most of the cooking, mainly because I don't enjoy it and he doesn't mind as much. But now that he's rarely home for dinner, it falls to me. I unfortunately tend to 'heat' more often than I 'cook' though.

  5. All cooking and most of the cleaning is done by me. Hubby does the shower/bath time..I rarely follow recipes and always cook healthfully 6 nights a week. Mostly it's just protein and veggies. I can cook a mean roast chicken too with a 1/2 can of beer (or root beer) in his bottom.

  6. I guess I'm the main cook of the house, although my skills could use some work! You're lucky your husband helps clean - mine hates to do the dishes. He's probably done them maybe twice in the six years we've been married. He does do the laundry though. Looking forward to learning some new recipes!

  7. OK those crock pot fajitas sound yummy and so easy. I might even be able to pull that off which tells you that hubs is the cook in this household. He works all day AND comes home to cook yummy meals. What a guy!

  8. Hubby used to but he works a lot now so I have stepped up.

    I cook a mean turkey burger I must say. :)


  9. I do the cooking but my husband is willing to help - if I ask. Your fajita recipe sounds like a good one to add to my Superbowl party menu.

  10. I do most of the cooking,since I'm at home to do it! But my husband makes an awesome breakfast feast on the weekends! I always stuggle with having the same meals over and over, so I'm really looking forward to this!

  11. I do 95% of the cooking but the is mostly because I am a much better cook. While I cook, he feeds our oldest daughter, gives her a bath, reads her books and puts her to bed. It gives him individual time with her and gives me a break to throw dinner together and then sit down. It works well for us.

  12. Hmmm. Here at home Jeff acts as my sous chef, always helping with the chopping and other prep work. He also does his fair share of dishes so I can't complain.

    His specialties are pretty limited though. He has breakfast duty on Sunday, making buckwheat blueberry pancakes before church. He also serves as the resident bartender; his margaritas are fabulous! And he reigns when it comes to the grill. Those margaritas of his go quite nicely with his tequila lime chicken!

  13. I do all the cooking/baking in our house, but my hubby is great at jumping in and helping clean up the kitchen/load/unload the dishwasher. I enjoy cooking so I'm happy with the arrangements, but I get stuck in ruts of cooking the same things over and over and would love some new ideas!

  14. I cook most of the time, but hubs cooks probably once a week as well. Like yours, he also helps clean up or bathe the kids while I clean up too. I love not living in the fifties sometimes... :)

  15. I do most of the meal planning and cooking, but my husband is not adverse to jumping in and helping, or, if I'm not home for some reason, pulling together a creative meal for himself and the kids. He likes experimenting in the kitchen, and he makes awesome wings (with his own blend of secret ingredients, of course!). Everyone pitches in to clear their own place at the table, too, so all in all, there's a good division of responsibility in our home!

  16. My husband picked up the cooking last year in January and he's still doing it. It's good for him to have a hobby and it's good for me because he's a natural at it and makes way better food than I ever did.

  17. Count your blessings - my hubby does not cook at all at our house. Before we met and were married - he would float around to his parents and siblings homes for dinner. And he doesn't help much with the prep or clean work (but he does do the bathroom cleaning for me). We have a deal worked out on what he will do to help and what I will do in the home. Works for us although there are many days when I would love a chef and maid! :)

  18. My husband enjoys cooking as much as I do. When we were both working full time we came up with a weekly menu together, we did the grocery shopping together, and we cooked together nearly every night. Now that I'm a stay-at-home Mom, most of those responsibilities are mine. He usually gives some input on the menu, but I try to get dinner started before he gets home from work. Depending on how his day went and what I'm in the middle of, he will either help me when he gets home, or just keep our daughter entertained and out of my way.

  19. I am the main cook in the house, but hubby is the King of whipping something up out of whatever we have at home. He just knows what will taste good together! I am very lucky because, he too helps me a lot when it comes to cooking, and I know that it isn't that way in all households.

    Here's a family favorite recipe for you (it is my 7 year old son's favorite dinner and he doesn't have to know that it is a low fat recipe =)):
    Chicken Enchiladas

    Chicken breasts (about 4 half breasts)
    4 green onions, sliced
    2 Tbs fresh cilantro, chopped
    1 jalapeno, seeded minced
    28 oz can La Victoria green enchilada sauce
    8 corn tortillas
    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

    -Poach chicken and shred
    -sauté onion, jalapeno and cilantro
    -add chicken and 1/3 can of sauce
    -pour remaining sauce in med bowl and heat in microwave 2 min
    -dip each tortilla in heated sauce and fill with chicken mixture. Roll up and place seam side down in dish
    -pour remaining sauce over enchiladas and sprinkle with cheese, bake 15 min at 350

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