to my blogging friends {thank you}

Bloggertunity a mom's guide to bloggingFirst of all, I want to say an overwhelming thank you to everyone who has bought my ebook - Bloggertunity: A Mom's Guide to Blogging - and helped to spread the word. I am beyond grateful for you - my readers, my friends.

I've truly enjoyed sharing my "top secrets" for starting a blog, increasing traffic, getting noticed, reviewing products, making money, and using blogging as a platform for doing good.

My book is not about how to get rich quick or about how to selfishly climb ladders toward blog stardom. It's about being part of the broader blogging community - giving of yourself, making the world a better place.

Along the way, I also share tips for making money, reviewing products, and finding opportunities through blogging that will benefit your family.

To express my thankfulness for the blogging community, I've been handing out prizes left and right:

IMG_2654I hosted an ebook-related contest awhile back and the winner is Vanessa of Our Adoption Journey.

Vanessa will receive a copy of my ebook, plus the "mystery prize" - which is a $100 gift card to 1-800-FLOWERS.COM.

Perhaps she'll spend it on a Happy Birthday Caramel Apple With Candies ($14.99) to send to a friend. Who wouldn't feel totally special if that arrived on their doorstep?

happy birthday caramel apple with candies

Or maybe she'll opt for a Junior's NY Original Cheesecake, 8" ($31.99) to celebrate a special occasion with her family.

junior's ny original cheesecake 8"

Or what about a gorgeous Autumn Blooms bouquet ($29.99-$39.99) to liven up her home or to cheer up a downhearted neighbor?

autumn blooms bouquet

She'll find all of that and more at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM and 1-800-BASKETS.COM.


tiffany-stuff-parents-needALSO: Tonight I put all of my book purchasers into a pot and pulled out a name: Tiffany of Stuff Parents Need.

If you haven't checked out her blog, you should. She has the sweetest little 2-month-old baby girl and she writes about all things related to new mommyhood. logoTiffany will receive a $100 gift card to She'll be able to purchase discounted gift certificates to her choice of thousands of restaurants across the U.S. Happy Dining, Tiffany!


Thanks so much, blog readers, for making my blog and my book a huge success!

If you have already purchased the book, you're in for a treat because I plan to give away at least 3 other prizes to book purchasers in the coming weeks. If you bought the book, you'll be entered in every single one. How cool is that?

If you want to get in on the fun and win great prizes (plus, pick up some great tips for starting a blog, increasing your readership, reviewing products, and more!), you can buy a copy of my book - Bloggertunity: A Mom's Guide to Blogging.

Wait - there's more. Right now, through Saturday, October 17, at midnight (PT) can enter discount code FRIENDS for 30% off the cost of the book. Yes, 30% off.

Here's a simple math equation for you...

Potential to win great prizes + info to help bring your blog to the next level = totally worth $14.

I'll finish the post with a quote from a leading blogger and social media expert. I bet you'll recognize her...

maria bailey momselectMaria Bailey – blogger, author, and founder of MomSelect and MomTV – had this to say about my book, “Packed with information, tips and insight from a successful mom blogger, this is a must-read for anyone interested in starting and maintaining an effective blog. Stephanie’s book should be on the top of any mom’s “to-do” list!

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10 comments on “to my blogging friends {thank you}”

  1. Wow! What an incredible blessing this is for me. I have been thinking and praying about how to adopt our adoption blog, along with start a family blog. Yet, I didn't really know how to do it. This is a wonderful blessing to me. Thank you! :)

  2. Woah! What a special joy this was to read. I won!!! And for those who haven't purchased the book yet, go for it. I've found so much helpful information in it, and I plan to read it several times over the next few months!

  3. Ugh, I have been wanting a copy so, so, so, so I def. have to get it somehow. I knew it would be a huge hit. Great reviews and I cannot wait to read this myself!

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