Bloggertunity_00In between blog posts and at 2 a.m., I've been working on a little project.

Actually, a BIG project.

I wrote an ebook.

Entitled, Bloggertunity: A Mom's Guide to Blogging, the book is all about how you can get started in the blogging community.

In the 85-page book, I share the “secrets” of my blog’s success.

The book explains how to:

  • Start a blog
  • Grow an audience
  • Create captivating content
  • Make money
  • Review products
  • Change the world

Maybe you've considered joining the blogosphere but you have no idea where to start. I explain the steps in a straightforward, non-techie way. I come alongside you and give you the inside scoop on how you can blog for business and/or pleasure.

I started my blog in January 2007 as a way to connect with moms.

Two and a half years later, I have built a thriving community, made tons of friends, established relationships with brands and PR agencies, and earned a modest income along the way. You can do it too!


Bloggertunity_31 Bloggertunity_1

You can blog - in your pajamas, during naptime or after you tuck your kids in for the night.

Susan Carraretto of 5 Minutes for Mom had this to say about the book, "If you are thinking of starting a blog, STOP! Read this book. Okay, now GO!"

Her twin sister Janice Croze writes, "With her step by step instructions and natural teaching style, Stephanie Sheaffer guides new bloggers through the vast and intimidating blogosphere in this concise introduction to blogging."

For more information or to buy a copy of your own, check out my ebook page.

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32 comments on “TOP SECRET PROJECT: new ebook”

  1. Congratulations, sister! Im so happy for you...I know how hard you've worked on this. Just downloaded my copy, putting your badge on my site and cant wait to help promote it! Job well done!

  2. A BIG HUGE Congrats to you! It's so funny...I'm amazed but it doesn't surprise me. You're so smart and creative and an incredible writer. You always know how to say something in just the right way...And the fact that you wrote a book to help others is just incredible...but so representative of your personality...

  3. Wow! BIG congrats! If theres anyone who should most definitely write a blogging how to book - its you! So happy for you! ...and the rest of the world who now get to read your words of wisdom.

  4. Um...YAY! Congratulations on completing your e-book! I know it is no small task to write a book - on top of being a wife, mother, friend, volunteer and professional blogger! I also agree with Nell in that it is GREAT that you are selling your book. You have a wealth of knowledge that you already freely share here on your blog, but so many people are and will be willing to purchase more of your know how...and how fabulous that part of your proceeds are going to World Vision! Thanks for doing that! World Vision is an amazing organization!

  5. Congrats! You look adorable in your video. Sounds like a great e-book. When time and money aren't quite so tight, I'd love to get a copy. I'm sure it is well worth it!

  6. Congrats!!!!!

    That's awesome and I'm so happy for you. I will be ordering it very soon.

    BTW, I am totally not surprised that you are giving part of the proceeds to charity. That is so like you. :)

  7. I just read it... it's fabulous. Seriously, everyone should buy it. Whether you're new to not. I picked up some great tips and I'm a seasoned blogger.


  8. Stephanie,

    Congrats on publishing your first ebook! Fantastic! Also, I loved your sincere youtube vid (with your kids voices in the background!!). You're so natural in front of the camera. Is a TV show next in your career?

    Hats off to you!

    Dr. Dolly

  9. I wish I had read your e-book before I started my own blog. I've been chugging along pretty diligently for the past 4 months and I've met a lot of cool people (like yourself). I've also learned on the go a bunch of things that would have been nice to know up front. I knew nothing about SEO and google PR. Blogging really is more involved than simply writing something every day and learning from experienced people like yourself is a must before jumping into it :-)

  10. Stephanie,

    You're amazing. I've been in the online business world for a long time. I've met, mingled, partnered with, and learned from some very smart and successful internet marketers.

    It wasn't until I met you, though, that I met someone in the blogging game that had it all together. You obviously know how to make a blog a business. How to make it successful, run it like a business should be run, and yet still have that fun and endearing element that MommyBlogs need.

    If anyone should have written an ebook, it was you. No doubt.

    And can I just say I'm SO happy you decided to charge for this? SO happy. It shows you take your business and your time and your knowledge seriously and know its worth. More moms need to do this in their businesses.

    Good job!


  11. Awesome. Congratulations on getting this published - I think a how-to eBook about blogging is an excellent idea and I'm sure you did an excellent job writing it! Now... off to check it out :)

  12. Cool, Stephanie! It sounds like a must-read for blogging moms! How in the world did you find time to do this kind of thing?? ;)

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